Pimples on back, sholders and arms

it always something trying to be an awesome human.

you work out to keep from being fat... but get the bumps on ya back.

you dont work out and have a smooth back... you get fat...

its like you cant win!

Originally Posted by RedMan

The warm weather is here and the hot weather is on its way so its time to break out the tanks.

The only problem is I have pimples on my upper back, sholders and arms. I use Dove soap but it is not getting the trick done. I still have pimples on my upper back, sholders and arms.

What soap/body scrubs are you using to prevent the pimples?
You gotta give more information about yourself, such as ethnicity, age, diet, etc.  MIND IS BLOWN WHEN PDIDDY DID PROACTIVE.

Water helps, but watch the type of water your drinking, and most of all, look at your diet.  If its red, its a sign of infection and bacteria.  Or you could be just going through puberty.

Good luck.

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

RedMan wrote:

The warm weather is here and the hot weather is on its way so its time to break out the tanks.

The only problem is I have pimples on my upper back, sholders and arms. I use Dove soap but it is not getting the trick done. I still have pimples on my upper back, sholders and arms.

What soap/body scrubs are you using to prevent the pimples?
You gotta give more information about yourself, such as ethnicity, age, diet, etc.  MIND IS BLOWN WHEN PDIDDY DID PROACTIVE.

Water helps, but watch the type of water your drinking, and most of all, look at your diet.  If its red, its a sign of infection and bacteria.  Or you could be just going through puberty.

Good luck.


Mixed white and black
I would say a decent diet. Not a health but or anything.
Strictly spring water
Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

RedMan wrote:

The warm weather is here and the hot weather is on its way so its time to break out the tanks.

The only problem is I have pimples on my upper back, sholders and arms. I use Dove soap but it is not getting the trick done. I still have pimples on my upper back, sholders and arms.

What soap/body scrubs are you using to prevent the pimples?
You gotta give more information about yourself, such as ethnicity, age, diet, etc.  MIND IS BLOWN WHEN PDIDDY DID PROACTIVE.

Water helps, but watch the type of water your drinking, and most of all, look at your diet.  If its red, its a sign of infection and bacteria.  Or you could be just going through puberty.

Good luck.


Mixed white and black
I would say a decent diet. Not a health but or anything.
Strictly spring water
You have to avoid greasy food and change your diet to more real food and less processed stuff.  Being in the sun helps, but make sure you dont' BURN your skin or OVER WASH IT w/ topical applications.

At 26, you have high hormones and you might want to fap once in a while to release the urges, otherwise they explode as pimples.

It might have to do with your showers. Do you shower with hot water? Before or after your workout?

Hot water opens up your pores which could be why your getting it on your back, shoulders, and arms.
Originally Posted by RedMan

The crazy thing is I drink a minimum of a half gallon of water a day, I rarely eat chacolate or candy, and I also rarely eat greasy food. I shower twice a day and I work out anywhere from three to five times a week. I'm starting to think Im getting the pimples because of the sweet from working out.
hormones ragin, really tho, how old are you? if you're a teen or if youre just a dude with a high testosterone level there isnt much you can do but continue to drink plenty water and eat properly
Why do people in 2012 still think your diet gives you pimples/acne? 

Science has proven diet has nothing to do with it. OP your best bet is to use a good body cleanser and a loofah.
You want the best, cheapest way??

Use Head and Shoulders. Trust me. go ahead and look on acne.org about it. I used to have it bad sweat induced but after that I never got anymore. It's mad cheap and effective and skin is not overly dry at all.
Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Why do people in 2012 still think your diet gives you pimples/acne? 

Science has proven diet has nothing to do with it. OP your best bet is to use a good body cleanser and a loofah.
False, some foods are inflammatory towards your skin. Dairy in particular can cause outbreaks in some people. I switched to Almond Milk...I can definitely tell the difference.
Originally Posted by NolanDW

Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Why do people in 2012 still think your diet gives you pimples/acne? 

Science has proven diet has nothing to do with it. OP your best bet is to use a good body cleanser and a loofah.
False, some foods are inflammatory towards your skin. Dairy in particular can cause outbreaks in some people. I switched to Almond Milk...I can definitely tell the difference.
I  also drink  the almond milk from BJ's. I dont like the  super sweet and syrupy taste in some other brands.
You might have heard that eating chocolate or greasy foods can cause acne, but these are both just myths. The truth is that food has little to do with breakouts.

Acne occurs when the openings of hair follicles become blocked with oil secretions, dead skin cells and bacteria. Breakouts typically occur on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders -- areas of the body with the largest number of sebaceous, or oil, glands. Your oil glands moisturize and protect delicate skin tissue, but when dead skin cells block the glands, oil can build up and cause a bacterial reaction, resulting in the inflammation associated with acne [sources: Mayo Clinic, WebMD].

Although some studies suggest that food may contribute to acne formation, most doctors agree that acne actually results from a combination of factors, including hormonal changes, genetic predisposition and skin friction [source: Mayo Clinic].

Junk food is often blamed for acne breakouts, and one researcher investigated whether hormones in milk caused acne in teenagers. The study found that junk food, including soda, chocolate and potato chips, had no effect on acne -- but it did find a link between acne and milk. However, the results of this study aren't entirely reliable given the conditions under which the study was conducted, and researchers say the link needs to be investigated further [source: American Academy of Dermatology].

Additional studies have looked at whether the common Western diet may contribute to acne. Many people in Western cultures eat large amounts of refined carbohydrates and smaller amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. The researchers in this study found that in countries where people ate low-glycemic diets -- consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables and lean proteins -- acne presented little or no problem. However, adequate research hasn't been done to examine the link between high-glycemic diets, such as those in the West, and acne breakouts [source: American Academy of Dermatology].

Still, other studies show that eating foods high in vitamin A and beta-carotene can increase your resistance to bacteria and improve the overall health of your skin. Such foods include carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, apricots, kale and spinach [source: WebMD]. However, more research is needed to determine if eating such foods really promotes clear skin.
^Test out the chocolate/greasy food theory yourself and I can guarantee that you will see an acne breakout, whether it's sudden or gradual.
But overall, your diet can have an effect on whether or not you have acne (severity, etc), like it says in that same article.
Originally Posted by NolanDW

Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Why do people in 2012 still think your diet gives you pimples/acne? 

Science has proven diet has nothing to do with it. OP your best bet is to use a good body cleanser and a loofah.
False, some foods are inflammatory towards your skin. Dairy in particular can cause outbreaks in some people. I switched to Almond Milk...I can definitely tell the difference.

Exactly. Some folks break out when they eat a lot of chocolates too. Water helps your skin complexion. 
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