Has Pixar ever had this much buzz around the short film before the movie, let alone release a trailer for one?

I'm guessing this is to ensure audiences they're not getting some sort of 20 minute Frozen mini movie. Either way, I'm more inclined to see Incredibles 2. Pixar has been good w the stories rooted in culture (Sanjay's Super Team, Lava, Coco)

Has Pixar ever had this much buzz around the short film before the movie, let alone release a trailer for one?

I'm guessing this is to ensure audiences they're not getting some sort of 20 minute Frozen mini movie. Either way, I'm more inclined to see Incredibles 2. Pixar has been good w the stories rooted in culture (Sanjay's Super Team, Lava, Coco)

Wth was the issue with frozen short before coco?
My kids loved it they said they got two movies for one... I swear everyone's feathers gets ruffled so easy now a days even for kid/ Disney movies
As long as there's a Dash standout scene(looks like there will be with him carrying Jack Jack)
I'm all in

They make a part 3 and make a time jump focusing on the kids and Jack Jack being a teen and I'll be ok with that.
keep in mind that I saw Coco after they removed it from it's theater run so I am just sating what I've read, heard and my own theories

it was pretty much an advertisement for their winter special iirc (which played later on ABC)

it supposedly just kept going and going and going because many expected a 5 minute short and apparently resulted in some having to go outside to make sure they were in the right theater

many wanted to see Coco, not Frozen

many may have liked Frozen but might be tired of it now after hearing Let it Go 750,872,347 times and any songs in that world just grated their ears (i heard complaints that the songs weren't that good either)

maybe lastly is that it isn't a Pixar featurette and it looked shoehorned in there to again market something people did not expect and for it to ramble on for 20+ minutes could be irritating

not to mention the movie itself was 110 minutes already, with about 15m-20m of movie previews before that, parents can chime in here but maybe they were worried about their attention span for that long, would have been sitting there for 2.5 hours once all are added in

not everyone's looking for a 2 for 1 film, hell many now complains the movie is too long if it comes close to two hours, we live in a day and age of short attention spans

Disney also marketed it all wrong, there were little to no sign that the short would be that long, it didn't even screen for the critics

there are definitely a lot of sensitive people these days and complain just to complain but in this case, I see a great deal of reason why some might be mad though and of course once it hits the social media it just blows out of proportion

at the end of the day, I see it as a misstep by Disney
Everybody ain't tryna wait 40 min for the movie to start. Previews are already long enough now
THE INCREDIBLES 2 Director Brad Bird Reveals Why The Sequel Begins Directly After The First Film

Speaking to ScreenRant the Tomorrowland director revealed that it is exactly for that latter point, that he chose not to jump ahead in time:

Men are always expected to be strong, so I had Bob have super strength. Mothers are always pulled in a million different directions, so I had her be elastic. Teenagers are insecure and defensive, so I had Violet have force fields and invisibility. Ten-year-olds are energy balls that can’t be stopped. And babies are unknowns. Maybe they have no powers, maybe they have all powers – we don’t know. That’s what Jack-Jack was; he was seemingly the most normal one in the family and then at the end of Incredibles, you find out he’s a wild card and he’s sort of the Swiss army knife of powers. And that reminds me of the way babies can grasp language really easily and adapt them easily. That idea changes if you age the characters up and the insight into those periods of your life and those particular perspectives disappear once you age them up. I’m not interested in a college-aged Jack Jack, I’m just not.
Bruh didn't know incredibles was worthy of a second film... it's in the same movie tier as meet the robinsons for me
Bruh didn't know incredibles was worthy of a second film... it's in the same movie tier as meet the robinsons for me

To each their own but..

Brad Bird must've got a lot of complaints about the incredibles characters not aging if he felt he had to address that...

I'm sorry but I completely disagree with him.. He made a mistake and he should've aged them.

He had a lot of options that he could've taken the sequel to and he chose to pick up where the last movie left off..


Meet the Robinsons had a pretty cool ending
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