Please help me NT..Mother is a stroke victim for over 10 years now, with no help.

Ain’t tryna sound messed up
But this shouldn’t even be a question
U need to be figuring out how to get ur mom to ur apt.
I get money may be a issue
But I’m sure it was a issue when u were growing up
And ur mom ain’t posted nowhere about where she could put u
Get off ur shoulders and move her in with u
Go down to the social security office
And see if she can get it early
May help with bills
Make sure she gets some type of medical insurance
Get off this damn website
And support ur mom
Thats not always the case. Just because shes your mother doesnt/shouldnt mean anything imo
Oh I’m in cali.
If she was in Cali I’d have her stay in my spot till u came back to the us
For social security
Make an appointment to speak with a case worker
At least in Cali if u don’t have an appointment
It can be a long wait in line
Thats not always the case. Just because shes your mother doesnt/shouldnt mean anything imo
Who the hell raising u fools
Now if she was a bad and abusive I could understand but he didn’t say nothing of the such
In his post
So no reason to assume she was like that
I dont know about you, but maybe you need to come back to the States and take care of your mom and find a job here in the States.

Was gonna ask serotonins serotonins this too. I know it’s easier said than done, but it sounds like his mom needs him there. Hopefully, nawghtyhare nawghtyhare can help him with Social Security. Let us know if there’s any other things we can help with.
I never said I didn't want to her to live with me, but the decision of her moving in with me will mean she is going to be by my side for the rest of her/my life. She was a single mother raising both me and my sister, reason why I feel obligated to move her into my home and either both struggle or prosper together. Moving back in the States is not an option for the next 3 years. I don't have own a car or any property in the states. Buy a a car.. yeah man, that's not easy at all unless I have thousands of dollars and a good job lined up.
are u in the military or anything???
id say buy her a ticket to japan....i think thats where u said ur at
and yall prosper out there
im telling u
with u by her side
she will get stronger every day
and won't seem like a burden
nawghtyhare nawghtyhare lol you would seriously let her stay at your spot? that is very surprising and very nice..but why?
why wouldn't i???
what cause i dont tip im heartless or messed up individual???
the internet is just that
the internet
dont judge someone just cause of it
couple nters i actually have either met
or chop it up in real life
i think im a cool person
I never said I didn't want to her to live with me, but the decision of her moving in with me will mean she is going to be by my side for the rest of her/my life. She was a single mother raising both me and my sister, reason why I feel obligated to move her into my home and either both struggle or prosper together. Moving back in the States is not an option for the next 3 years. I don't have own a car or any property in the states. Buy a a car.. yeah man, that's not easy at all unless I have thousands of dollars and a good job lined up.

You can rent a place and, depending on the city, use public transportation, but I get your point. Sounds like the best choice is to move her in with you. You will find a way to make it work financially.
If your mom has been going to the doctor on a regular basis I’m sure you can get them to help with getting her medical records in order so she can apply for SSD..The first step you need to take is get on SS website and look up how to begin the process for applying for disability..She needs to make sure her dr will say she can’t work anymore..Unless it’s a severe case, SSD will deny her..Then you file an appeal and go to a hearing to tell a judge about her limitations and quality of life..A decision could take anywhere from 30-90 days..Whole process could take anywhere from a couple months to 1+yrs..

If you’re in the military I’m sure there’s someone on base that you can talk to about your situation and see if there’s help to be had through them..
She hasnt been going to the DR's at all. She doesnt know how to navigate her self around by herself. And she already got denied for disability.. she was talking about getting an attorney or something like that to appeal it.. its a long and stressful process
Your mom is semi paralyzed after a stroke living in random person’s basement...doesn’t know anyone, barely speaks English, and only sees you once a year...that sounds sad as **** man. I can’t imagine how she feels.
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it is very sad, I wish I was making this up. I will move her in with me and take care of her as soon as I move to Japan. Screw it I have no other choice. She is depressed and anxious all the time. I hope she doesnt pass away before I can move her in man..
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damn man sorry to hear about your situation. it makes me sad. a stroke is no joke man. ill pray for her. we all deserve better no matter what race or color.
it is very sad, I wish I was making this up. I will move her in with me and take care of her as soon as I move to Japan. Screw it I have no other choice. She is depressed and anxious all the time. I hope she doesnt pass away before I can move her in man..

It’s the right move. I would coordinate with your sister if she can help in any way, even just financially. Maybe she can move out from your dads and you 3 can live in a bigger house together? Share the responsibility, but it sounds like your mom doesn’t need too much assistance since she seems fine up to this point. If you 3 could get a decent sized place together, I think that would be ideal, at least from my perspective. A lot of 1st/2nd gen immigrants do that regardless.

I can help towards a plane ticket for your mom if you need it. Most important thing imo is just being with her, even if your sister isn’t with it. You gotta do it on your own then.
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Update..she's now homeless. My sister blocked her number, told me she is done helping because she needs to work on bettering her own life. This is rock bottom for my mother.. I need to act fast... smh
Update..she's now homeless. My sister blocked her number, told me she is done helping because she needs to work on bettering her own life. This is rock bottom for my mother.. I need to act fast... smh

Where you live OP?

How you let you mom go homeless if you got a roof over your head?
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