Please lock this one up mods

rex apparently cleared out his office. He's an upgrade most def, but I don't think Billy D has done a terrible job. An upgrade nonetheless
I was on board with keeping Davis until this December meltdown

If you have Fletcher getting roasted week after week YOU MUST get him help, he didn't do it until the Washington game and Allen picked off RG3 as soon as he did
This cant be life

I was tellin my barber on friday, they betta not wait til now to bench him....

Sanchez being sanchez.. Cary being cary..

Whelp higher draft pick here we come!
You're being too generous by calling them "mediocre"

Looks like they all came from the same school where they learned how to not turn around and how to not catch.

This Odell kid is going to be a problem for years to come. Draft and sign the best CB available please
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