Please lock this one up mods

It was fun guys, no dramatic falloff but also no improvement record wise finishing at 10-6. Overall feels like we wasted our time this year [emoji]128533[/emoji]
We need a good safety to pair up with Jenkins and Watkins wasn't that bad today made a few good and bad plays but I hope we hit the Free agency market for DB's and heavily on draft day .
the fact Watkins hasn't played at all besides today makes me feel the Eagles think he isn't starting quality
cut this bum ASAP

John Clark CSN ‏@JClarkCSN 3m3 minutes ago
Cary Williams on Bill Davis' system: "A lot of guys arent used to being cover guys... Still a work in progress." #Eagles
Bummed about how the season turned out but I'm glad they got the win today, it would have been really depressing to end on another loss.

I don't know if Watkins is in the long term plans but I like how agressive he played. Time to draft an ILB or safety and go after a corner in free agency.
Shady basically just said he knows he isn't coming back on his current deal and he hopes they can work something out so he can be an Eagle next year
Bummed about how the season turned out but I'm glad they got the win today, it would have been really depressing to end on another loss.

I don't know if Watkins is in the long term plans but I like how agressive he played. Time to draft an ILB or safety and go after a corner in free agency.

give me the Kendricks brothers at LB
so if Rex ain't an option would you guys rather have Mike Smith (assuming he gets fired) or Billy Davis? Mike seems like a solid football guy who had years of success as a a coordinator in Jax.
Sucks we didn't make the playoffs and repeat as Division Champs, but at least we end the season on a high note. A lot of work to be done this offseason.

As always, Fly Eagles Fly!

Just read we're expected to release Cary. The only likely player to return from our secondary is Jenkins. Let the overhaul begin! :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: I do hope Boykin returns though.
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Jenkins, Boykin, Carroll II and jaylen will be back., and maragos, but he's special teams mostly
Of course they get the Falcons and Panthers away when I won't be living in GA anymore.

Schedule is interesting. Should be nice not having to travel to the west coast. I'm always wary though of playing against divisions that were bad the year before.
I wouldn't mind Foles as the the QB next season if that means we go heavy on the defense in the draft.
Listening to Chip on WIP and his press conference make me confident that he's in this thing for the long haul. he obviously wants the keep the core together but we'll see if it all pans out.
I'm hoping we can sell lovie on 2 firsts, shady and foles

That's a ton of value for MM8 not sure I'm down with that.

I'd keep Foles and shady and load up this defense. I offer Rex Ryan a contract to become D coordinator then use picks and FA to get new 2 CBs, a S, and LB. Eagles have tons of money to spend and it should be a slap in the face having no playoffs with 10 wins :smh:
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