Please pray for my mom...... updated.... please pray for her... UPDATED 3/1/10 1st post............

My deepest condolences OP...My mom is the same age and she just turned 55 on the 18th and i almost lost her to heart problems last November she had to have a defibrillator put in and now just a week ago when i took her to the cardiologist they said one of her valves needs to be repaired or replaced!!So here we go again another heart surgery!!I lost my father 2 years ago and my sister about a year ago so i definatley know how much losing someone so close hurts!!Just be as strong as you can and if ur a praying man def pray!Because i know i felt real cold and lonely for a time!!Just do whatever you know would make her happy!!!God bless OP!!
im really sorry to hear that

i hope you guys pull through. gonna be tough, but keep your head up man
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

My grandmother had an aneurysm and literally just dropped to the ground. Hate to say it but when someone has that, they are pretty much going to pass. The only good side of it all is I don't think it induces pain but it is such a sudden thing.

I just found out my Aunt has cancer and my Uncle has been battling it for some time now. It is such a pain to deal with. My condolences to your family as well.

Yeah, my mom sat down right before she went unconscious, so she didnt hit her head or anything. But during the emergency surgery, she had another stroke that caused massive amount of bleeding in her right side of her brain, they had to cut out half her skull because of all the swelling. the doctors gave us no hope and told us to make the "decision"... we did then that night she showed improvement.... they still gave her no hope but she kept fighting and improving.... then the doctors even said she could possibly be 90% back to normal as her brain was healing... Are hopes were high when she was discharged from the icu and the hospital all together to go to a skilled nursing home. the day after she got there she had her best day yet... she responded to all the commands and even was waiving at us when we said "Hi mom!"... but the day after she had another hemerage in her 4th ventricle. She back to the original hospital and icu for another emergency surgery. It went well be she was already fading... instead of improving, she was slowly but surely deteriorating... then she got an infection that spread throught her head and reached her spinal fluid and the only way to treat it was to go through her brain... that would have made her a vegetable for life. We knew thats was not what she wanted and thats not what we wanted for her, she was so glamorous and social....

This whole thing happened about a week after my brothers and I moved out of the house.... It was almost like she prepared us for the world and her job here on Earth was done. That day she was waiving at us, it was almost as if she was waiving goodbye... I just wished she made it home to thailand before this happened and seen her mom, would have been the first time in over 24 years...

Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes NT, it seems as though many have been through similar situations and i will be praying for you.....
Damn, I been thinking about your situation since you posted it off and on. I was hoping for better news though. Sorry for your lost man. Try to stay strong man. I really don't know what to say other than may God Bless you and your family and help you through this tragedy.
HBD to your mom. May she rest in peace.

I could never imagine having to go through what you and your family went through. Good to see your holding strong man.
Damn fam, my mom is all I have. I'm so sorry that her life came to an abrupt end

My mom is 38 and was just diagnosed with COPD, so we're doing everything we can right now to make sure that she's well-situated.

#%^! that stay-up $#!+, cry. This is your mother, take as much time as you need to find as close to true closure as possible.
Man really sorry to hear that. Just try and cherish the fact that you were with her that day. Keep your head up OP.
My most sincerest condolences to you and your family. RIP to your mother. Strive for greatness, never take anything for granted and make you mother proud, shes still watching you.
I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope that you and your family are doing well. I know it's been some time now, but the pain never fully goes away. Keep her in your heart, and in your mind always.

Even though it's extremely tough to deal with, feel blessed that you had her in your life. Cherish the fact that you had such a great woman to call mom. Remember her when times get rough, and you fell down.

You gotta make sure you're there for your dad. Even the little things can go a long way. Let him know how much he means to you.

Like I said, I hope you and your family are doing well.
damn man. Happy Birthday to your mom. May you and your family continue to stay strong.
Sorry for the Loss
she is in a better place now
Stay strong your mom will always be watching over you
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