Plot to kill cartoonist that drew Mohammad thwarted

You're right, in this instance I do support the mingling of religion of politics.

Muslim officials asked for an official apology from the Danish government, which they refused on the basis of Freedom of Speech.

In response to that, almost all of the countries formally agreed to stop buying danish goods, but even in the Western and European world, Muslims stoppedbuying Danish goods. There was a call for boycotting the specific Danish companies in Arab newspapers, chain mails, and social networking sites.
This thread is hilarious. So many of you all try to say the man was wrong and muslims are violent or its just radicals. I have grew up with Muslim people in mylife and I can say with fact that just like any other group or culture of people that theres a violent bunch. Everyone in these thread should be able to thingof some violent people they know in their culture. Muslims are for most good people but there is always a bad egg in the bunch no matter how good the rest are.

The man has the right to draw the cartoon and say what he wanted to say what he meant with the cartoon but he did he completely wrong. I see what he was aimingfor was people are using Mohammed and muslin region as way for violence or something like that. Ok theirs nothing wrong saying that because radicals have beenusing regilion as a mean of control for centuries through the world killing those who dont agree.

Its just the fact he just drew a vague picture of Mohammed with a bomb instead of a turbine that made it offensive and wrong. Just as Mo Matik said we haveTaboo topics but they can be talked about if straighted from the right positen not like the writer did.
Muslim Terrorist cells are like maybe tens to a hundred or two hundred people each not 10,000 or etc. Its several small groups around the world. There made upof hot heads who use religion as an advantage to justify their right to fight and bring followers and donations.

In there minds they have a "right" to fight against the west, Now i disagree with war, murder, jihad, military, etc, God wouldnt want you to do thatby any means. But lets talk about why they do this? Honestly, It's the only thing they can do to make the news and have an impact. Think about it!!! Howcan a couple of hundred idiots make an impact against millions of western soldiers besides terrorist plots???

Remember yall act like Europe didnt do this for centuries with the Church of England and the Catholic church in Italy and Spain please. do your history,religion has been used for years.

Europe created made up images of Jesus, Abraham, Moses, ETC which should have never been done in the first place, but these days its pop culture to tattoo amade up 13th century Jesus face on ya arm. The thing is that in the Quran it banned images, you cant even wear a Biggie shirt when praying in the Mosque it hasto be reversed out of respect when your praying to God, look at Muslim art, its pretty with colors etc. but there are no faces or images, so thats why thepeople get mad when you mock let alone a Messenger of God.

The fact is, the US and Britain and the west have done a lot of crooked business that we know nothing about but here are some issues that fuel the fire.

1. Israel/Palestine.. In 1948 The British operated Palestine, There was a Zionist party that still exists today and has a stranglehold on hollywood, ny, anddc. They demanded their own "Country" because throughout history they were always kicked out of places and never had their own country. There weremillions of Jews scattered across Europe after ww2 who escaped Hitler and the camps and the US wanted a position of power in that region, esp, since oil hadjust been discovered there. So They created Israel Overnight and took a whole country and named it Israel and millions of Jews across the world went there andpopulated it and got arms, weapons, money, donations, etc from the west.

"This is still the biggest issue today" its literally what America did to the Native Americans.

2. US govt' has been supporting corrupt regimes esp. the Saudis for decades. These regimes stay in power by playing the US mind games, and these regimesoppress and suppress their own people, and gather the wealth only for themselves, their parties, families, and loyal people. So the average person in thatcountry hates there own govt' and this leads more fuel to the fire.

3. Unjust war in IRAQ, now every American screams support our troops support our troops. But we are literally telling them support our troops to kill everyonebut let them live and come home. How is that right??? it should be LET US LEAVE LET US LEAVE MAKE PEACE MAKE PEACE, NEW POLICIES NEW POLICIES!! supporting ourtroops is just supporting the war. Sadaam was evil yes, every iraqi hated that man, but when he was pouring chemical waste on Kurdish people he was a US alleyand they turned their heads the other way. Thats the type of @%@ that adds fuel to the fire.

4. US favoring Israel in every single thing and on top of it bowing down to Israel, pisses everyone in that region off. Trust me yall, we may laugh and be likewhat are you talking about, but we have no idea of how much power Israel has, they get money from the US and barely pay it back, and have the mosttechnologically advance military in the world, and the US and Britain helped them accomplish ALL that. Do yall know what Benjamin nathyu or whateva his namesaid to Obama???

Obama "Israel needs to cease and decest all settlements on Palestinian territory immediately" the Prime minister Benjamin .. said "You Americanshave no right to tell me what to do in my country, You Americans did the same thing to the Native Americans so who are you to tell me what to do" and wehaven't heard anything about this issue in MONTHS!!!

5. There are just a lot of crooked and backdoor deals that we really don't know about. Here's one they never EVER talk about in the Media. The Shah ofIran was taken over by a man who was exiled in Europe named Imam Khomeini. This Khomeini established the Muslim Rep. or whatever which is still in power inIran today with the idiot Ahmedinjad as president. WITH THE HELP OF THE US GOVT AND JIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY CARTER!!! When the Revolution happen there all the smartIranians came to america and the west, and now they woke up and are fighting the Muslim Rep. now.

So you see its a lot of BS that the US and the west has done in business, politics, and taken sides with certain people, and now it has just biting them in theasss^ but is really biting us now as a people.

All this stuff started because of oil and taking away a country that was established for a thousand years and naming it Israel. I dont support terrorism but ilook at everything both ways not just what fox or cnn tells us. But, I also dont support Us Soldiers killing innocent people either. Fact is US doesnt need200,000 soldiers over there, they just need to sit back, relax, let them get back in the open, identify, and send small groups of highly trained snipers andhitman to take care of them and thats it. not travel in villages and bombing houses for no reason.

Spread Love not War>>>>>>
i was just waiting for one of you to blame israel/USA for this. You guys are comical. all of what you said is irrelevant. it was a DANISH cartoon.

if there was no israel the muslim world would still be killing each other. whether you guys want to admit it or not.

why don't we read about some sane and peacefu muslims instead of 80% of the idiots in this thread
[h1]Islamic states condemn attack on Danish cartoonist[/h1]

(CNN) -- The attack on a Danish political cartoonist "runs totally against the teachings and values of Islam," the umbrellaorganization representing Muslim countries has said.

If the attack was a reaction to Kurt Westergaard's drawing of the Muslim prophet Mohammed with a turban shaped as a bomb, "then it should berejected and condemned by all Muslims," the Organization of the Islamic Conference said in a statement Sunday.
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