'Plus-Sized' College Student Claims Discrimination at Bar *UPDATE Fatty had stage dismantled SMH

Originally Posted by ColdCity

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Don't private businesses have the right to discriminate?

I agree with people that said she should take the Vow of L silence.
If a biz doesn't want your money, get to steppin.
Plenty of bars have told me they don't allow fitteds, long shorts, or sneakers, but its full of white college kids wearing them.

I make a note of it and don't go back.
way too much real life man.  this is a such a terrible feeling

tooo much real life posted

Straight up
I've seen a dude at the door at the club tell somebody in front of me "No Ecko" like really?! You banned a brand name? No shirts that touch your elbows, no hats, etc. Not trying to bring race in to it but basically anything that black/hispanic youth was wearing at the time
a fat drunk b' dancing on top of a table is putting alot of people at risk. noone wants to see that anyway
It's definitely not cool the way they treated her, but does she actually think she's causing herself LESS embarrassment by broadcasting this all over the media? Now she not only got her feelings hurt, but she's causing herself even more embarrassment.  This is one of those situations where she should just decide not to spend her money at that establishment again, and go sit down and shut up. It's life. Size discrimination happens. Is it nice? No, but it happens. Move along and grow some thicker skin.
she is gonna get clowned even more now when the college kids around get ahold of this. Its a wrap. She gonna be in tears anytime someone see her.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

The bouncer was looking for the welfare of the entire group on that stage.

The mini beluga would have destroyed it and consequently would have hurt everyone.
I just can't 
is this not normal?
in certain venues they let "certain" women on stage.
this shoulda been her wakeup call to lose some weight.

and what does she gain from all this honestly?
Humpty dumpty couldn't dance on the stageHumpty dumpty should reduce what she weighs-Monstar1
Only had to read this first page to see the direction this thread was going. I did laugh but damn you guys are cold
It's bad business to have unattractive people on stage. By unattractive, I mean to the general population's standards. I know a lot of dudes would smash them cheeks on NT.

Anyways... instead of crying, she should do something productive about it. Everyone has the possibility to better themselves. It's a cold world we live on, and you're bound to get discriminated on. If you can do something about it and you care enough, then do so. Otherwise move the hell on with life. If she wants to dance on that stage, lose them pounds, throw some make up on, and go cook.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Damb, that chick has nothing going for her: shes fat, ugly, got nasty friends, makes bad decisions and lives in Iowa- Where is that forever alone face......

"When someone goes out to have fun with friends, they shouldn't have to worry about feeling like they are inadequate and not worthy of equal treatment," she said.

Ramos said she has heard arguments that obesity is unhealthy but said she is not trying to advocate for it.

"I understand that obesity is unhealthy, and I'm not condoning it," she said. "What I am trying to do is say that we are all human beings, and we all deserve to be treated equally."

Originally Posted by Truballa101

what does she gain from all this honestly?

*slightly pulls trigger*... *releases trigger*... *places gun back into the holster*
Just couldn't do it.
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