Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Hold up.

We both post in the MMA thread and Xbox thread all the time. Your character is a girl.

Famb u a girl? Or you picked a girl sprite? I'm confused. This whole time I had no clue if so.

:lol: just picked a girl. Easier on the eyes than the fruitloop looking dude.
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I'm givin this game about another week. Not finding different Pokemon kills the excitement of the game. Might literally just buy a DS and the game.
I'm givin this game about another week. Not finding different Pokemon kills the excitement of the game. Might literally just buy a DS and the game.

Gotta move around and see what people are finding in areas close to you. I suggest checking out different parks.
Game froze while an egg was about to hatch. Restarted and it wasn't there. Ended up be a geoduck when I checked my Pokemon. It just wasn't listed in the journal.
Hudson Bay centre in Toronto is lit

Drowzee everywhere so if you want a hypno it's easy

Drowzees are everywhere. Its starting to annoy me. I was at Bloor and Church and my whole nearby list were Drowzees [emoji]128531[/emoji]
There are four pokestops at the local library here in Provo, UT and it's always lit, like at least 200 people a night.

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nah, only purpose is so that you can incubate more than one egg at a time
More than 1 egg in an incubator?!? How?

He was asking what the other incubators are for and if there are anything special about them, which is just so that you can incubate more than one egg at a time along with the Infinity Incubator.

I didn't mean you could incubate more than one egg in a single incubator.
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