Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

My colleague just got his account banned for spoofing his location.

Had a dozen or so 1k mons .. RIP

nvm... it was only a soft ban for a couple hours... so basically you can continue spoofing location to no limit.
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Some thoughts on lures:

• It should show how much time is left
• Whoever dropped the lure should get some XP for every pokemom someone else catches in that area.
When it's your lure it does but it def would be nice to see how much time is left on somebody else's. I was in the mall yesterday and was watching two spots with lures and when I looked again both were over.

That would be great and should have been the initial rule. Seems fair to me
Did they take out the eevee trick? It worked for me before but I just now named one of my eevee Rainer and it evolved into flareon
it only works the first time. after that, its random. else youd be seeing vaporeons at all gyms lol.
^:lol: at the gif

Miracle Mile(Florida) is a good place to hit up. There were tons of Squirtles and Bulbusars. Many Pokestops as well. They area is doing a pub walk tomorrow lol
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Walked 6 miles today playing this game lol. My clothes are starting to fit looser.

Also got some info on local nests (bulbasaur, hitmonlee, growlithe, ponyta, jynx). Went to the bulbasaur one and caught 7. Now if I could just find a dratini spot.
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went to Santa Monica pier with my son this afternoon. 90% of the people there were playing the game the other 10% were like tourist. Ran out of poke balls trying to catch a psyduck and electabuzz
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first time i was just chilling in between 2/3 Lure at all time.

So easy to catch a bunch.

I have 31 pokemon ready to evolve for that lucky egg :smokin

will keep grinding.
Really not looking forward to leveling past 23

farming low cp trash pokemon is more viable than high cp trash pokemon

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