Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

I'm guessing nests were swapped recently,over abundance of squirtles and charmanders around me lately.
Lucky, I've never seen a wild charmander
I lucked up and found the charmander nest,I was picking up a pizza and noticed the guy working there was playing and asked him what he was trying to catch and he told me they were always charmanders around,turned mine on and caught 2 in the parking lot.
I'm guessing nests were swapped recently,over abundance of squirtles and charmanders around me lately.

Yup tons of pikachu and charmanders for me. Really wish it was bulbasaur since I'm good on the other two and need 22 candies for a venasaur
I filled the dex months ago only need birds ditto and Mewtwo when they coming out? I quit playing
I'm guessing nests were swapped recently,over abundance of squirtles and charmanders around me lately.
Lucky, I've never seen a wild charmander
Me neither. Been walking my only egg-hatched Charmander since the Buddy system came out. I'm at 89 candies. Once it hits 125, I'll finally  have Charizard
found a Pinsir today 132/133 (f you Snorlax gym who messed up my perfect catch to seen ratio). Kabutops was "near by" but every direction I went I couldnt get it to show up......SMH.....

Candies to Evolution

Alakazam 82/100

Venasaur 83/100

Golem 55/100

Dodrio 32/50

Muk 3/50

After those I guess the game will be stale as hell because I wont have any more to evolve and I'm assuming I wont be seeing the others in the wild without cheating
Aye what is this crap. A lvl 144 weedle (prepping for lucky egg) thought he was going to be easy so passed on highher lvl weedles and this maggot broke out of 8 straight poke balls. No matter what straight throw, curve etc. I stopped after that bc all i had left was great/ultras. :{ **** makes no sense
found a Pinsir today 132/133 (f you Snorlax gym who messed up my perfect catch to seen ratio). Kabutops was "near by" but every direction I went I couldnt get it to show up......SMH.....

Candies to Evolution

Alakazam 82/100

Venasaur 83/100

Golem 55/100

Dodrio 32/50

Muk 3/50

After those I guess the game will be stale as hell because I wont have any more to evolve and I'm assuming I wont be seeing the others in the wild without cheating
It's always interesting to me how rare mons for one person could be super common for another. For instance, I've seen and caught a wild Alakazam and Venusaur, and more than one Snorlax and Dodrio. But my dex is currently at 103. 

Aye what is this crap. A lvl 144 weedle (prepping for lucky egg) thought he was going to be easy so passed on highher lvl weedles and this maggot broke out of 8 straight poke balls. No matter what straight throw, curve etc. I stopped after that bc all i had left was great/ultras.
**** makes no sense
Hate that ish. Btw, I keep meaning to ask- who is that in your avy? 
I played everyday for a few months but it got stale they had a good opportunity to make a cool game but they fumbled it. Should have done legendarys while people played. My city was in it huge now no one plays.
sorry, but i have a hard time believing you caught all those rare ones just by 'playing every day'
you dont just go and grab over 8+ dragonites, lapras, snorlax, etc by playing everyday.

props to you if you got them legit, though.
sorry, but i have a hard time believing you caught all those rare ones just by 'playing every day'
you dont just go and grab over 8+ dragonites, lapras, snorlax, etc by playing everyday.

props to you if you got them legit, though.

if you live in a big city like san francisco, its entirely possible.

i stopped playing in august and had 6 dragonites, 3 lapras, and 4 snorlaxes just by using pokevision.
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