Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

When is it a good time to start using stardust? Should i start with final form characters? Level 15 if it matters
i drive for a living all around the city and surrounding areas. and thats pretty much the only time i play. level 7 lets see what i get tomorrow in the wild :smokin
I caught a 575 venasaur
I also have a 505 ivysaur
27 candies and 30k stardust
Should I just keep catching bulbasaurs until I get the 100 candies to evolve my Ivy? Or should I just use em all to power up my weak Venus that I already caught?

W T F y'all have been saving y'all stardust??? Y'all don't power up your Pokemon??? Y'all are just finding them that powerful!!??? I'm sick
It's way too hot to be walking around in Central FL. I did it one night during a wine walk and almost passed out :lol:
I just got back from vegas.. I couldn't do any pokemon.. Way too hot, and dehydrated from all the alcohol.. Also way to many fine women out there to be looking at your phone..
People really don't like to see other people have fun do they :smh:

As long as they're not trespassing or doing anything against the law I don't see how anyone can be upset..but there are people legit upset folks are out and about playing this game

I'm just tired of hearing about it all the time personally. Had to log off of all social media when my friends started talking about going "hunting" instead of actually going out :stoneface:

Blasting at folks is OD though.
I'm jealous of the people here that live in places like New York and  California and can find a freaking Charizard in the wild. This game must be so much better in more prosperous areas.
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They're all porn names 
I wonder if the trading will need to be locally or will there he an online option. Judging by the walking stuff prob locally
Living in socal, especially near the coast is :pimp: for catching pokemon. Weather is in the low 70s in the middle of july which should be the peak of summer.
Is the bag upgrade only +50 items or can we keep upgrading per 200 coins? It sucks I have to keep trashing stuff.
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I wonder if the trading will need to be locally or will there he an online option. Judging by the walking stuff prob locally
Yeah I think it's gonna be locally..something like where you gotta touch phones or some ish
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