Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Man y'all got me motivated to hatch this 10k egg

6km/10km left

Along with two more 5k eggs

Just don't be an eevee in one of my eggs
Is it wrong if you've fapped to each one of
Those names ?

Was it the actual Porn Star or the Pokemon Porn Star? 

I know some of you Guys/Girls get freaky Come Comic Con Szn

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Man y'all got me motivated to hatch this 10k egg
6km/10km left
Along with two more 5k eggs

Just don't be an eevee in one of my eggs
I got a 400cp Pinsir at level 16 from a 10km egg I was pretty upset. I'd rather get an eevee since she's usually always strong from the egg and they give you enough candy to evolve it.

Also spotted an empty gym not far from my house gonna go claim that later to collect that free stuff :pimp:
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I got a 400cp Pinsir at level 16 from a 10km egg I was pretty upset. I'd rather get an eevee since she's usually always strong from the egg and they give you enough candy to evolve it.

Also spotted an empty gym not far from my house gonna go claim that later to collect that free stuff
It's eevee's all around my area I'm hoping for a jynx, Magmar or Electbuzz

It's crazy how many Pinsirs keep popping at my local park.

I need my step counter to work

Missing out on Prime Pokebruhs
i went to the beach yesterday (SM)  and their were so many pokestops and rare as pokemon around me i couldn't catch any tho because my connection sucked and kept freezing the app
Just saw a tip on Reddit for evolving mons while using a lucky egg:

Favorite the ones you want to evolve. That way when you're ready to do it they'll all be lined up so you won't have to search through your whole list to find them. It'll let you maximize the 30 minute window
Just saw a tip on Reddit for evolving mons while using a lucky egg:

Favorite the ones you want to evolve. That way when you're ready to do it they'll all be lined up so you won't have to search through your whole list to find them. It'll let you maximize the 30 minute window

Any info on the max doable in 30 min?
Gonna try tapping the phone to the bike wheel and spinning it
Get that arm work out while sitting in the a/c
People really don't like to see other people have fun do they :smh:

As long as they're not trespassing or doing anything against the law I don't see how anyone can be upset..but there are people legit upset folks are out and about playing this game

This. It's ridiculous how upset some people are about it. Meijer (kinda like a smaller Walmart in the Midwest) posted a Facebook post asking what's the best Pokemon people have found in their stores, people were commenting "oh you guys support Pokemon go? Not shopping there anymore"

People need to chill.
Yeah I think it's gonna be locally..something like where you gotta touch phones or some ish

I can see how this can escalate quickly
People are going to be offering sexual favors for Pokemon.."oh you want my 1900 CP gyrados but your best Pokemon is a 100 CP metapod? Let's see what else you can offer " :smh: :smh:
Started at 2:50pm

So far the eggs have moved 0.03km on the counter after tying the phone to the bike wheel

Will update in 30 minutes
Y'all just need to open the app and drive mad slow around a Walmart or Target parking lot :lol:
Can you take over gyms if you in the same team?

I might start over and choose instinct. Everyone up on that Valor.

W T F y'all have been saving y'all stardust??? Y'all don't power up your Pokemon??? Y'all are just finding them that powerful!!??? I'm sick

Yeah, I haven't touched mine yet. People are saying just wait until you level up, and catch the ones that already have the high CP. Which makes sense I guess. But it feels slower doing it this way.

I have 127 Pokémon and my highest CP is a 251 Venonat :smh: . I'm about to just chalk it up and start using this dust. Tired of sitting on these weaklings.
So after 30 minutes I went up around .10km

And now the servers are down.

Bike trick is slow but I can watch Anime and eat while doing it
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