Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

If I had unlimited funds, it is possible with especially here where Pidgeys are pretty much every-damn-where.

Incense + Lure + Lucky Egg and then Lucky Egg + Evolves and it makes it entirely possible.
Alot of you guys seem wayyyy to concerned with leving up.

Remember the max is 40. So once you hit 20..your already half way there.

Its suppose to be hard on purpose..they still havent added any other generations..and theres stil No trading or pvp battling.

Yet you guys wanna be at max level already :lol:
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done with this game level 23, i did good enough 

138 caught , 140 seen 
I think I'm close myself :frown:

24 with 107 caught

Went to the pub crawl on Saturday and it was not lit! Was a long line for shirts/wristbands but other than that a normal night downtown :lol: some giveaways at certain spots but nothing to crazy. Them waitresses at 508 dressed as Pikachu got me mad hard tho
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So did this guy stocked up on candies? Cause that dont count.
Its possible to be level 34 if you egg up constantly and catch constantly and consistently

Alot of you guys seem wayyyy to concerned with leving up.

Remember the max is 40. So once you hit 20..your already half way there.

Its suppose to be hard on purpose..they still havent added any other generations..and theres stil No trading or pvp battling.

Yet you guys wanna be at max level already :lol:

I think those people just want to get the leveling out of the way so they can focus on catching stuff they really want with high cp.
Yeah I'm just trying to get to 30...currently halfway thru 24. Didn't play all weekend tho
It makes sense to want to level up quick because max for mons is at trainer lvl 30, that is pretty much where you have to worry less about catching a higher cp later on because chances are you won't if the CP is close to max.
I am at level 27 almost at 28 and I am already impatient with the CPs.

Been spending a lot of dust to level my mons.
Long post to catch up since last week! 

I cracked my first Lucky Egg over the weekend. I started out Level 12 (9,120/10,000) and ended Level 15 (14,120/20,000).

I evolved mostly Pidgeys (20-25) and Rattatas (8-10), with a few other random non-farmed Pokemon (one or two new ones added to Dex). Prolly ended up only being able to evolve about 40 before time was up. As I expected, my app crashed twice during that time period (and once shortly after the egg expired, lol), which definitely didn't help, and the first few minutes weren't that efficient until I kind of hit a rhythm of evolving.

Currently sitting at Level 16. Prior to my boost in level, the vast majority of Pokemon I'd come across would be 300-400 CP, max (and usually 10-150 CP). In the past couple days, I've caught a 612 Tauros, 925 Exeggutor, and I saw a 9xx Scyther this morning but the app was running slow (thrown balls would roll into the distance forever) and I assume he ran (the encounter screen just went off randomly) 
 The variety of mons out there is much better since leveling up, too.

Toward the end of last week I ran into one Snorlax at work and then one in the neighborhood! 
 They're not very high CP (both mid 6xx after power ups), but I'm just happy to have one, much less two. They and the Flareon I evolved (first Eevolution, 787 CP, kinda disappointing) are in the top 4 of my strongest CP Pokemon at the moment, along with that Exeggutor I mentioned.

Still haven't seen a single Charmander after choosing it as my starter. Eggs have still mostly been trash (bugs and birds), though I did get a decent Bulbasaur (350 CP, 73-82% IV). Looking up IVs has gone pretty well, but I must've not done it right on my Pidgeot... it was rated mid 80's to mid 90's % perfect IV as a Pidgey and Pidgeotto, but when it evolved to a Pidgeot, it's now rated at 44-58%... 
 So I named it "Failure" 
Just did my first lucky egg drop. Went from 192467 to 260467 in 30 min with 5 new added to the pokedex. From barely level 19 to clearing 21. And I had about 2 minutes to spare, I'll try for 70k next time. :pimp:
Does the area you're in play a role in what hatches from your egg?

Because I'm near a Pikachu nest and my 2k just hatched a Pikachu

I was near a place that spawns Sandshew and that's what came out my two 5k eggs back to back
so i went to santa monica for the first time on friday night. we get there and we're taking our time walking to the pier when these kids run past us. my boy asks 'what're you guys running for? is there a pikachu or something?' and one of the kids turns and goes, 'DRAGONIIIIIIIIIITE!!' so we're like oh s*** and start running too. we get closer and see more and more people running and find out that dragonite is actually on the beach like in the sand damn near in the water. people who were there just to hangout lookin at us pokemon trainers like we're crazy, but gotta do what you gotta do. finally see the dragonite pop up on my screen, click on him and see the CP??? and i'm like it's about to go downnnn...like 20 ultra balls/razz berries later...


(not powered up, level 23)

you guys gotta check out samo, man...it's by far the craziest spot for pokemon i've seen
Man I guess I have to go at night, there was nothing crazy there during the daytime.
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