Police Brutality Discussion & Solutions...

Ok so the guy took off when they tried arresting him. They got all his info, why not just put a warrant out for his arrest? Not like he was some violent criminal on the loose.

This body cam footage is sickening.
Hang/shoot/fry/inject all of them. The callousness of their conversations back and forth after the beating are what stand out to me. Not trying to take away from the physical brutality at all, but the joking and play-by-play after the fact shows they looked at that man as less than.

Absolutely disgusting and I hope they all die horrible deaths.
People who commit massacres dont even get beat like that, those cops prolly been getting away with this in Memphis, send them all to jail for life.
I know them GDs and other gangs in Memphis definitely gone be looking for those officers family members.
They are going to find out the hard way they won’t be treated the same if they were two shades lighter. It be your own people. I can’t fathom with everything that has gone on in this country 5 black men would do this to another. , Not one thought to say, yo man this isn’t right?
People who commit massacres dont even get beat like that, those cops prolly been getting away with this in Memphis, send them all to jail for life.

No Sir, life is too good this time

Put all 5 of them in the yard with 25 of the hardest hitting MFn lifers in there, 5:1 is only fair, right ?
25 batons in hand,
all 5 swine cuffed

all done

nobody has to pay to feed them 5 for the rest of their lives

Almost impossible to watch


With all the technology out there, body cams, surveillance cameras, door cameras, its crazy af they did this….they just didnt think he would die. Too hard to cover up. I wouldn’t be shocked if these dudes were behind hella other violent/brutal arrests, only difference is those ppl didnt pass away.

Their trial should be quick af, I dont even know how you can defend this ****. Throw them mfs in bottomless pit man

I would be so embarrassed if I was friends/kin to them dudes man.
Maybe this isn’t the time or place for this, but EYE see how they drummed up the hype for this and it isn’t lost on me that all the officers are black. Same goes for the swift “justice” of arrests/charges—I don’t think we’ve seen the **** happen so fast.

All I’m saying is that I’d really like to see this same energy from the media and the public when white cops are caught beating and killing black folks. Something tells me I shouldn’t hold my breath though.
After everything that's happened these past few years, the police still don't give af.

Put them away for murder when this happens and then you'll see some change. Them being fired from their jobs is meaningless.
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