Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

We can't discuss this wisely because we aren't talking about the same topic. Until we can understand the topic together, let's not discuss it because we both talk in circles because we are defending different topics entirely.

The fact that I'm talking about an Entire Lifetime beginning to end and all things included in that life,

And you guys are talking about being discriminated against because of being black, one of MANY incidents that occur during an Entire Lifetime.
At the end of the day all police officers and military personnel are merely well trained dogs on a leash. Mindless order followers living a lie. I want to feel sorry for them but I can't. They are the downfall of humanity scum of the earth.
That video speaks volume to the situation at hand..
Also follow Shaun King...
That young man has been putting in work something serious.
His breaking more news then any trash news, pundit channel...
You think my mentality is detrimental because you assume that me acknowledging privilege means I'm making excuses or I try less. You're wrong. It's important to realize that some people aren't as privileged as you are. When you don't acknowledge that, you look down on people who weren't lucky enough to be born in the situation that you were. It's also important to realize others are more privileged than you. A white man in America is born with advantages that a black woman couldn't dream of. That's just FACT. That's not making excuses.

Your mentality is what leads to stuff like racism being ignored (which is exactly what the system wants) - "who cares if they get access to great schools and are actually protected by cops - worry about what you can change." Your mentality is what leads people to say "black people do better" instead of looking at the system creating the problems. No new thread needed for this. You're on that Pharrell, Charlemagne stuff anyway. Yes, some people do have it harder than others. That's just life. If you don't agree, you need to open your eyes. You can succeed and still look at the system around you and question it.

Nothing but that real. :pimp: I HATE ppl who look down on other people. Can't have anybody around me like that
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I think your mentality is what's wrong with the World @mgrand15, not mine.

Not a personal shot at you but real talk I feel your mentality is detrimental to society.

Who cares how someone else had something you didn't. Worry about what you can change going forward so that your kids don't have to go without

this is what I don't get about people with your mentality. This mentality is pretty much saying yea i know that we aren't evenly represented or given adequate chances in the political system, school system, law system.... but that's Okay because if you work hard enough you will overcome that. you are talking about excuses and using this as a "crutch" rather then opening your voice up and Demanding to be treated and given the same opportunity as your white counterparts in the land of the "Free". I'm tired of this Bs mindset acting as if blacks are asking too much to be treated FAIRLY in a country we inhabit.

You speak on changing things we have control of... well us wanting equality in these pivotal systems is something that we can change, however the discrepancies in these systems that are OVERWHELMING when viewed have got to be challenged and highlighted. Keeping your mouth shut, and working "harder" isn't helping your kids future. Because regardless of how hard you work, and how much resources you invest into your child, they will still be a minority.... they will still be vilified by some cops, they will still be guilty until proven innocent in the law system, they will still be undervalued at their jobs, they will still be judged on a different moral base than caucasions will. So if you want to sit idle in a world that is clearly hampering minorities cool, but don't act as if you are magically going to stop your kids from going through those consequences because you wanted to be the good ol boi.

I had this same convo with a doctor a few days ago, and he went on to explain to me how he worked all these hours, & he 100's of thousands in debt between his schooling & his childrens schooling etc etc. I then asked him his opinion on minorities & people who live in poor neighborhoods and he goes on to tell me they aren't hard enough workers or their just lazy because they haven't done something that 80% of the other people in their neighborhoods haven't done. People get success and seem to look down on those who are going through the same struggle they did because they "Made it out".

Imo that's a suckas role, these are the first people to quote MLK, but where would we be now if he had that mindset and said "Welp i made it out, the rest of yall ****** better watch me and make it through all these impossible odds that most fail at if you wanna live like me". MLK accomplished things most humans will never accomplish but he knew that his path wasn't something that was gonna be commonly duplicated, in order for those to even have a chance he knew that he would have to fight for equality & try his best to make the playing field even, a battle that has barely budged since the end of civil rights.
Stevie Wonder is angry, and he’s taking his passion out on the road. The singer and songwriter announced a new fall North American tour that will highlight his Grammy-winning 1976 album “Songs in the Key of Life” and a new album, “Through the Eyes of Wonder.” But during the announcement, he also blasted the political leadership in Ferguson, Missouri:

“I don’t know if the mayor has blinders on,” Wonder said in an interview Wednesday. “But to say that he didn’t know that there was a racial or cultural problem in the city is unfortunate.”

As  Zo points out at Okayplayer, Wonder’s words are significant given the five decades he’s spent composing a soundtrack to life in black America. “Whether it be in Ferguson or [Vietnam], on police brutality or environmental crimes, Mr. Wonderlove has always managed to spread the implicit virtues of his name (wonder and love, of course) through his brilliant display of musicianship and a voice that should be cryogenically frozen so that future generations can bear witness to its clarity and tenderness.”

The new tour is set to kick off November 6 in New York and continue in 10 more cities before ending in Oakland in December. 
I think your mentality is what's wrong with the World @mgrand15, not mine.

Not a personal shot at you but real talk I feel your mentality is detrimental to society.

Who cares how someone else had something you didn't. Worry about what you can change going forward so that your kids don't have to go without

this is what I don't get about people with your mentality. This mentality is pretty much saying yea i know that we aren't evenly represented or given adequate chances in the political system, school system, law system.... but that's Okay because if you work hard enough you will overcome that. you are talking about excuses and using this as a "crutch" rather then opening your voice up and Demanding to be treated and given the same opportunity as your white counterparts in the land of the "Free". I'm tired of this Bs mindset acting as if blacks are asking too much to be treated FAIRLY in a country we inhabit.

You speak on changing things we have control of... well us wanting equality in these pivotal systems is something that we can change, however the discrepancies in these systems that are OVERWHELMING when viewed have got to be challenged and highlighted. Keeping your mouth shut, and working "harder" isn't helping your kids future. Because regardless of how hard you work, and how much resources you invest into your child, they will still be a minority.... they will still be vilified by some cops, they will still be guilty until proven innocent in the law system, they will still be undervalued at their jobs, they will still be judged on a different moral base than caucasions will. So if you want to sit idle in a world that is clearly hampering minorities cool, but don't act as if you are magically going to stop your kids from going through those consequences because you wanted to be the good ol boi.

I had this same convo with a doctor a few days ago, and he went on to explain to me how he worked all these hours, & he 100's of thousands in debt between his schooling & his childrens schooling etc etc. I then asked him his opinion on minorities & people who live in poor neighborhoods and he goes on to tell me they aren't hard enough workers or their just lazy because they haven't done something that 80% of the other people in their neighborhoods haven't done. People get success and seem to look down on those who are going through the same struggle they did because they "Made it out".

Imo that's a suckas role, these are the first people to quote MLK, but where would we be now if he had that mindset and said "Welp i made it out, the rest of yall ****** better watch me and make it through all these impossible odds that most fail at if you wanna live like me". MLK accomplished things most humans will never accomplish but he knew that his path wasn't something that was gonna be commonly duplicated, in order for those to even have a chance he knew that he would have to fight for equality & try his best to make the playing field even, a battle that has barely budged since the end of civil rights.

Refer to my post #7765.

Although you just made some good points, and addressed several points that I never said nor feel, it was all just a RAMBLE because it has NOTHING to do with my comment and how I feel.

AGAIN, this is a classic example of YOU wanting my comment to mean what YOU WANT IT TO MEAN, instead of trying to understand what the comment actually said.(hint) if you read my posts, maybe you CAN understand, but I THINK, you'd rather lean on YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING of what I said rather than what I SAY it means. SMH, that's insane. INSANE
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No this is an example of me responding to the general consensus of people who have similar ideas such as yourself. These are characteristics i see from people who use the phrases such as crutch & excuse when talking about blacks. SO NO i wasnt talking DIRECTLY to YOU because i had a bigger picture in hand.

However when looking back in your post you clearly mention some people have more privilege than others, yet you say your not talking about privilege.... In a thread that is heavily rooted in racial disparity you go on to say

No one man has it harder than the next.
Problems may be different, the struggle each man possesses may be different, but no man is without burden

I think your mentality is what's wrong with the World @mgrand15, not mine.

Not a personal shot at you but real talk I feel your mentality is detrimental to society.

Who cares how someone else had something you didn't. Worry about what you can change going forward so that your kids don't have to go without

Two things i addressed CLEARLY in my post, but you then come post afterwards as if my post has nothing to do with the subject matter of your post in this thread. You claimed i shouldn't care how someones else had it in the world, well i do care because they have that based off race, you claimed to worry about what you can change i decided that we can change racial disparity in SEVERAL different Arenas.

So all in All i think YOU started using BOLD letters and calling me INSANE because i highlighted how INSANE your rational is when talking about this subject.

If that isn't clear enough i think it's INSANE that you claim you don't care that people are ahead in life & given better opportunity due to structural racism & you think it's beyond our control to attempt to change that.
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Can you explain in layman's terms on what you were/are saying. We all comprehended your post the same. In reality, a rich kid does have an easier path than a family of 9 kids living in a 3 bedroom house. Regardless of race. Now if that rich kid happens to be white, their path is significantly easier than a middle/lower class black kid. Realizing that does not mean you are using that as a handicap. It's statiscally factual that the rich kids path is easier. Now, when you say "no one person has it harder than the next," what does that mean? Because, that is statistically untrue, in every single category. Especially when discussing race. Not trying to flip your words, just trying to better understand. Because everyone responding to you interpreted your post the same.
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trynafeelmink trynafeelmink Here's what I will do.

I will start a thread encompassing this topic alone, and I will post the link in here.

It's obviously a topic that people feel passionately enough about to want to make their opinions heard, just this is the wrong place for it.

There is no need to cloud this thread with our long posts that nobody (even) the people responding, are reading.
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You think my mentality is detrimental because you assume that me acknowledging privilege means I'm making excuses or I try less. You're wrong. It's important to realize that some people aren't as privileged as you are. When you don't acknowledge that, you look down on people who weren't lucky enough to be born in the situation that you were. It's also important to realize others are more privileged than you. A white man in America is born with advantages that a black woman couldn't dream of. That's just FACT. That's not making excuses.

Your mentality is what leads to stuff like racism being ignored (which is exactly what the system wants) - "who cares if they get access to great schools and are actually protected by cops - worry about what you can change." Your mentality is what leads people to say "black people do better" instead of looking at the system creating the problems. No new thread needed for this. You're on that Pharrell, Charlemagne stuff anyway. Yes, some people do have it harder than others. That's just life. If you don't agree, you need to open your eyes. You can succeed and still look at the system around you and question it.
Well put my man, well put.
I think your mentality is what's wrong with the World @mgrand15, not mine.

Not a personal shot at you but real talk I feel your mentality is detrimental to society.

Who cares how someone else had something you didn't. Worry about what you can change going forward so that your kids don't have to go without
You think my mentality is detrimental because you assume that me acknowledging privilege means I'm making excuses or I try less. You're wrong. It's important to realize that some people aren't as privileged as you are. When you don't acknowledge that, you look down on people who weren't lucky enough to be born in the situation that you were. It's also important to realize others are more privileged than you. A white man in America is born with advantages that a black woman couldn't dream of. That's just FACT. That's not making excuses.

Your mentality is what leads to stuff like racism being ignored (which is exactly what the system wants) - "who cares if they get access to great schools and are actually protected by cops - worry about what you can change." Your mentality is what leads people to say "black people do better" instead of looking at the system creating the problems. No new thread needed for this. You're on that Pharrell, Charlemagne stuff anyway. Yes, some people do have it harder than others. That's just life. If you don't agree, you need to open your eyes. You can succeed and still look at the system around you and question it.
thought about creating another account just to rep. to say that no one man has it harder than the next is ridiculous. another case of trying to seem objective causing dudes to post off the wall stupid s***. 

Not the best example but 1 of my personal experiences....

I can remember having to take a final early when I was like a freshman or sophomore. Got a B (initially) on the final and was questioned how I did so well by the teacher who was sitting in the classroom while I took it. Another guy  took it l after me (but still early) and got an A. Dude (let's call him Brad) said the teacher was in and out of the class and actually told him if he gets finished and the teacher wasn't around just leave it on the desk. Brad told me he copied off notes he had on his razr. I'm going to say I had it a bit harder than Brad that day, especially considering the facts that we had the same answers. I know this because the GA went to bat for me and got my grade changed to an A. 

Being a well off, white male in the country is being at the top of the food chain. 
this new video 

he had his hands up huh 

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."-Goethe
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So, 16 female senators can write a letter to the nfl regarding Ray Rice and DV, but them broads can't speak out on Ferguson? More evidence that the life of a black man is at the bottom of the totem pole.
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