Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I hate to say it, but if a Not Guilty verdict is what wakes black folks up that it's time to start getting serious about improving our condition, then so be it.
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I hate to say it, but if a Not Guilty verdict is what wakes black folks up that it's time to start getting serious about improving our condition, then so be it.
What do you mean a not guilty verdict/

I guarantee you and all of Niketalk, darren wilson will NOT be charged!

On another note Michael Dunn was found guilty of 1st degree murder in Florida
I hate to say it, but if a Not Guilty verdict is what wakes black folks up that it's time to start getting serious about improving our condition, then so be it.

What do you mean a not guilty verdict/

I guarantee you and all of Niketalk, darren wilson will NOT be charged!

On another note Michael Dunn was found guilty of 1st degree murder in Florida

That's not a guarantee you can make, however likely it may be.
Is anyone really surprised that the GJ is leaning towards no indictment?

While I hoped for an indictment, the part of my brain rooted in the ugly reality of well, reality, knew nothing would happen to Darren Wilson. Dude just got a paid vacation AND he's gonna come out way ahead thanks to his "defense fund".

Disgusting. :smh:
I hate to say it, but if a Not Guilty verdict is what wakes black folks up that it's time to start getting serious about improving our condition, then so be it.

:smh: Man go somewhere with that

If u gotta start off with I hate to say it but : .......then you probly shouldn't say it cuz you know it's some ********.
Man go somewhere with that

If u gotta start off with I hate to say it but : .......then you probly shouldn't say it cuz you know it's some ********.
Don't get me wrong, I believe DW should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.  That much is obvious.  But let's be real, if it happens, how are the majority of black people going to respond?  Are we going to go back to sleep thinking it's all dandy until the next one gets chipped by a cop?  I'd like to think that we  would still realize the gravity of our situation but the track record doesn't indicate that kind of response. 

Black people right now are in a state of psychosis; many of us see the chaos and strange behavior around us and accept it as normal. Not all, but most of us.  And this 'most of us' is asleep because sleeping is easier than facing the truth, if we can see it at all.  Sometimes it takes a serious shock to the system for a wake up call.  IJS
Early this morning, a longtime St. Louis resident posted that she had a friend on the Grand Jury for Darren Wilson...
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 1, 2014
She went on to post that her friend told her they doubted they'd charge Darren Wilson & hadn't been given enough info to indict him yet.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 1, 2014
Within seconds of posting this, her friends told her to delete it and she did. It was screenshotted first. pic.twitter.com/b6kTf9p40h
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 1, 2014
She has since deleted her entire account. Before she deleted it, we saw that she is indeed a St. Louis resident w/ years of tweets there.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 1, 2014
If true, her tweet not only reveals a leak in the Grand Jury, but gives us an ugly glimpse into how things have gone so far.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 1, 2014
BIG NEWS :: Darren Wilson grand jury now being investigated for misconduct, but by who? New oversight needed. http://t.co/vRdiscyAX4
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 1, 2014
More ******** being exposed 
Check out Susan M. Nichols' archived timeline...
Not surprised at all. When it comes to Black victims of police violence we rarely get justice and even when we do, it typically takes two trials and an overwhelming amount of evidence and a diverse jury to get justice. Anyone remember that little girl that was killed when the police raided the wrong house in Detroit? Somehow there was a mistrial in the first case and they're doing it all over again.

To be honest, the DA is a coward and should have stepped aside due to his personal feelings. Using the grand jury to decide whether to press charges is a cowards way out in a case like this. We all know his heart isn't in prosecuting a cop but man up and say it yourself rather than using the grand jury as scapegoats if Wilson isn't indicted.
I hate to say it, but if a Not Guilty verdict is what wakes black folks up that it's time to start getting serious about improving our condition, then so be it.

If you're apathetic towards what's going on, this isn't going to change anything.

Many of us are more concerned about what happen on LNHH or Jay-Z and Beyoncé's marriage.

Listen to popular music.
I hate to say it, but if a Not Guilty verdict is what wakes black folks up that it's time to start getting serious about improving our condition, then so be it.

If you're apathetic towards what's going on, this isn't going to change anything.

Well said man. If someone didn't care initially or are just truly not invested in these type of issues(for whatever reason), a not guilty or lack of indictment isn't going to necessarily incite fire in the previously apathetic, it just won't. Out of sight out of mind.
Go to such great lengths to protect one cop. What do they think is going to happen if/when they don't arrest/indict Wilson?

People are going to raise hell!!!
this is the difference between blacks and the dominant society.. blacks we can protect people on a physical level.. but the dominant society will protect with money, laws currupt use of power and what i mean by laws.. remove records from the public..
Ferguson will cease to exist.

Mass murders of protestors is imminent if they do not indict.
One thing about Ferguson is this.. because the people who ran the place werent black is the only reason they were afloat.. if the blacks take over.. they will all need to create a stable economy.. because once white people is out.. the banks will play against the blacks by turning down loans and everything else.
Susan M Nichols

Here's a thought. Don't raise your kids to be thugs. #Ferguson

This one is terrible.. i would say

RT.. dont raise your kids to be school/movie theather shooting prospects
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Susan M Nichols

Here's a thought. Don't raise your kids to be thugs. #Ferguson

This one is terrible.. i would say

RT.. dont raise your kids to be school/movie theather shooting prospects
or Oklahoma bombers

or Ted Bundy

or Jeffrey Dahmer

or any other white folks that get the benefit of the doubt and are tried in court, not on the street.

We need Antonio Banderas to find DW and erase him
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