Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Told to take his hands out his pockets. takes his hands out his pockets gets shot to death.

naw man he out his hands in his pants and pocket when the police approached. cop said take your hands out , he steady walking away turn around and said Naw Fool! later he lifts his shirt And looks like he about to draw a weapon

Read this good reading everyone
Exploring the fatal shooting of Darren Wilson


was this supposed to be the black dude that killed a white dude?

the boy that got shot was a white boy not black!

It's crazy because everyone thought the cop was black at first and all the fools came out the woodwork trying to protest and troll .


keep telling people it cops and not a race thing
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Who cares of the cop isn't black and the kid is white. This stuff goes why beyond a racism thing

well a lot of whites and trolls were saying reverse racisim bla bla trolling because people protesting over Darren Wilson shooting black kid but now you got a black cop shooting white kid
but as it turn out , the cop is white

major fail for the trolls
I can tell you for a fact it's not protocol....
A suspect is only handcuffed if they are accused of a crime or suspected of one. At the point he shoot him he realized he had no gun. So that was against protocol to handcuff him anyways....

straight from the chief officer mouth

Q: Why did Officer Cruz immediately handcuff Taylor after he was shot?»

A: Officers are trained to cuff wounded subjects lest they revive and threaten officers, Fritz said
[h1]All your skinfolk, ain't kinfolk...[/h1]
FERGUSON •  Seeing that a fellow African-American police officer had endured his fill of racial slurs shouted by people of his own race, Sgt. Harry Dilworth tapped the man’s shoulder and took his place facing protesters.

Riots following the Aug. 9 shooting of an unarmed black teen by a white officer make it a tough time to be on the Ferguson police force — and for Dilworth it’s tougher if the person in blue happens to be black.

Most of the insults he heard on the line that day are too graphic to print. Among the more polite are “sellout” and “Uncle Tom,” Dilworth said. He had stood with two other black officers, one from the Missouri Highway Patrol and one from the St. Louis County police.

“We didn’t blink,” he recalled in an interview this week. “We didn’t say anything to them. We stood there and took it. We all talked about it afterwards. I said, ‘Don’t address ignorance with ignorance.’

“But it’s hard to hear that from the minority group that you are representing ... You tune it out, but psychologically you’re dealing with scars. Some officers are going to see counselors. We’re not robots.”

Dilworth believes their hard facade is fueling some of the fire.

“I think it pisses them off even more because they think we’re unemotional,” he said. “We feel, but we can’t show that because as soon as we say something we will be all over the news ... I can’t so much as spit on the sidewalk right now without someone throwing it on social media.”

Black and white officers alike agree that the blacks have been targeted more on the front lines of policing the troubles that followed Michael Brown’s death. They feel caught between empathizing with a brother officer who used deadly force and understanding a community that is venting pent-up rage against police.

Dilworth, 45, wishes he could retire, but he feels a draw to stay in the community he has served for 21 years.

Even on ordinary calls for service, some taunt him with the “hands up, don’t shoot’” gesture widely adopted by protesters.

“You can only take so much of this,” Dilworth said, taking a reporter with him Wednesday to patrol the 6.2-square-mile city.

Dilworth had been at Fort Leonard Wood fulfilling his duties as an Army reservist the day of the shooting. He said his wife wishes he were back in Iraq or Afghanistan.

“She thinks I would be safer there,” he said.


Dilworth is the only black supervisor and one of four African-American officers on a force of 53 in a community where two-thirds of the 21,000 residents are black.

His teeth clenched as he drove past a protester holding a sign that read “Stop Killing Us.”

He questioned why protesters don’t hold such signs at the scenes of murders, such as the recent killing in St. Louis of Donnie White. Dilworth said he knew White, who was on the way home from work when he got caught in crossfire between suspected black gangs.

“We are not killing you; you are killing yourselves,” he said, his voice rising inside his police SUV. “This is a systematic problem that’s been going on for years. I want to tell them to wake up! And look at exactly what the problem really is! Look at the statistics. The number of officer-involved shootings is relatively low. I stand a better chance of being killed by you.”

A call for a disturbance echoed on his radio. Foremost on his mind, he said: Are his officers going to be safe? If something happens, what will he tell the spouse?

“It’s different now because the threat has been heightened,” Dilworth said. “I worry about the guys I supervise; I worry about their physical and mental well-being.”

Dilworth said that after Brown was killed, one of the officers he supervises was mistakenly identified on social media as the shooter, and ended up moving his family out of state.

Dilworth said hackers published personal information about him on the Internet. “Someone tried to buy a $37,000 truck in my name,” he complained.

Some fellow officers moved, forsaking $100 a month incentives to live in Ferguson. They changed phone numbers.

Take-home patrol cars are now parked at police headquarters. “Imagine having a Ferguson police car parked in front of your house right now,” Dilworth said. “It’s like walking around with a scarlet letter.

“The community has become divided because people are looking at this as a black-and-white thing, like a poor black kid got shot by a white guy. It wouldn’t be that way if it was a black officer. I guarantee you that.”

Once Officer Darren Wilson’s name came out, some mistakenly confused him with a black St. Louis police sergeant of the same name. Sgt. Darren Wilson said he was inundated with threats and harassment. He is president of the Ethical Society of Police; most of its members are black city officers.

“I don’t know the other Darren Wilson, and unfortunately now he’s been stigmatized because of this entire event,” Sgt. Wilson said. “It has become a racial one, not from my standpoint but from a societal standpoint.

“We’ve all been subjected to Monday morning quarterbacking, so we don’t know whether he made a good or poor decision that day ... No one wants to be in the other Darren Wilson’s shoes.”


Dilworth didn’t know Brown. He said he barely knows Wilson, who was in a different squad. They had occasional conversations about cases.

He is reluctant to judge the shooting. “It’s hard for me to question because I was not put in that situation ... For every one witness that said they saw it one way, there are those who said they saw it another way.”

Dilworth hates that his department is being portrayed as a predator, raising revenue by writing traffic tickets to poor minorities.

He spent part of the shift answering calls for a burglary and for a man violating the panhandling ordinance. The department answers 25,000 requests for service a year.

No one harassed him during Wednesday’s encounters. But he said it happens regularly, and that he cannot remember the last time he responded to a call without someone recording his every move with a cellphone camera.

Surviving in the stressful conditions “starts from the top down,” Dilworth said. He praised Chief Thomas Jackson, who had promoted him to sergeant, saying he stands behind Jackson’s sometimes controversial handling of the situation “110 percent.”

“No matter what he says and does, he’s going to be scrutinized,” Dilworth said. “That kind of weight has got to be unbearable.”

He said he appreciates that Jackson reached out to the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives. Its president, Cedric Alexander, who is public safety director in DeKalb County, Ga., said, “Chief Jackson has been cooperative and open as he and I have worked together in trying to move forward and go through this very tough time.”

Dilworth draws some strength from the loyalty of residents to their community. He could hardly turn down a street without seeing an “I Love Ferguson” sign in someone’s yard.

He waved to a black man mowing his lawn.

The man waved back.

“He waved and had all his fingers up,” Dilworth said. “I consider that as a positive thing.”

​Christine Byers is a crime reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Follow her on Twitter
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Dam they're really going all out for this cop :smh:

I mean damn he basically executed the kid but they're willing to disrupt the entire state to avoid prosecuting him and bringing justice , doesn't seem sensible from a political standpoint.

Is he related to the governor or something because there seems to be a lot of shady , back room, cover up **** going on ? **** ain't adding up :smh:
Crazy how these inhumane officers get back'd and try to use state crime as an excuse to get away with murder, bet none of em' even feel a bit remorseful or even joined the force to help out struggling communities, just want to be the one to either book em' or kill em' 

protesters were released last night.

The protesters were freed on their own recognizance around 6 p.m. local time, after nearly 18 hours in custody. They emerged from jail yelling, "If Mike don’t get it, shut it down,” before devoting a few minutes of silence to Brown.
They were charged with offenses that included failure to comply with police, noise ordinance violations and resisting arrest.
I, SUPERB, guarantee niketalk Wilson will not be charge.

Only reason they gave the jury extra time is to prepare for the riots.

If the protesters were smart they should protest in DC
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They def don't need to walk into a trap. I agree with superb superb that a MARCH needs to be taken to DC. I posted my thoughts on one of Shaun King's fb pages. If you agree can you put the idea out on his twitter, or fb as well?
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thread dying now .. racist know Dillon Taylor was killed by a white person for no reason.. I love it

no leg to stand on. some were crying rerverse racisim. Fox news especially, now the video came out and the cop shooter was white and killed a white person. some people thinking dang maybe the cops did kill Brown with his hands in air.

I told you all from the beginning it's not about race and a lot of your all scolded me called me a sellout

this remind me of the racist who went on live tv said he hate blacks. they made him do a DNA test and do was blacker then us...He looked stupid
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racist find out he is 14% black
No Blacks Allowed In My All White Town Says Craig…:
Yes Superb, we know very well what you've "told us" as you remind us every few posts how you told us this and that from day 1.

Told y'all this
Told y'all that
We see what you've been saying bro, we recognize how you feel. We read the thread, don't feel like you have to remind us what you've said, it kind of takes away from whether or not you are being serious.
I still can't tell if your posts are genuine or not to be honest

thread dying now .. racist know Dillon Taylor was killed by a white person for no reason.. I love it

no leg to stand on. some were crying rerverse racisim. Fox news especially, now the video came out and the cop shooter was white and killed a white person. some people thinking dang maybe the cops did kill Brown with his hands in air.

I told you all from the beginning it's not about race and a lot of your all scolded me called me a sellout
Limited occurrences do not a culture make.



Yeah way too much tooting of the own horn going on makes you look desperate for some attention or credit.

Seriously there was only two choices, he gets off or he goes to jail.....50/50 call from the door not like the odds were a long shot.

Besides was anybody guaranteeing that the cop would to jail ?
[h1]Michael Brown protesters interrupt St. Louis Symphony Orchestra concert[/h1]
Michael Brown protesters interrupted the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra's concert on Saturday night, causing a brief delay in the performance at Powell Symphony Hall.

The orchestra and chorus were preparing to perform Johannes Brahms' Requiem just after intermission when two audience members in the middle aisle on the main floor began singing an old civil rights tune,  "Which Side are You on?" They soon were joined, in harmony, by other protesters, who stood at seats in various locations on the main floor and in the balcony.

The protesters then unfurled three hand-painted banners and hung them from the Dress Circle boxes. One banner listed the birth and death date of Brown, who was shot by Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9.

The five-minute interruption was met with a smattering of applause from some audience members, as well as members of the orchestra and chorus. Others simply watched as the orchestra remained silent.

The protest ended quietly as participants left voluntarily, chanting, “Black lives matter.” Conductor Markus Stenz resumed the concert shortly thereafter.

SLSO publicist Erika Ebsworth-Goold said the protesters were paying members of the audience. She said they left the building peacefully.

Before leaving, the protesters scattered red paper hearts over the edge of the balcony onto the main floor orchestra seats. They read, in part: “Requiem for Mike Brown.”

Sarah Bryan Miller of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.
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