Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Gif has no relation whatsoever to this situation

Why post it? 
[h1]Young Black Men 21 Times More Likely Than Whites to Be Shot Dead by Police[/h1]

According to a ProPublica study, young black men are fatally shot at alarmingly higher rates than their white counterparts.



Posted: Oct. 10 2014 4:42 PM


Police force protestors from the business district into nearby neighborhoods on August 11, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. Police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets as residents and their supporters protested the shooting by police of an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown who was killed Saturday in this suburban St. Louis community.  


There are two sides in the fatal police shooting debate of unarmed Ferguson teen, Michael Brown and still not many answers. There are those that believe he must have done something to be stopped and ultimately shot by police officer Darren Wilson and those who believe that police unfairly target and fatally shoot black boys.

An alarming report revealed that the latter group just might be on to something. Federal data of fatal police shootings from 2010 to 2012, reviewed and analyzed by ProPublica, exposed in grim numbers that young black men are "21 times more likely to be killed by police than their white counterparts," or as The Daily Beast  notes, "In order for whites to have been at equal risk over those three years, 185 more—that’s more than one per week—would have had to have been killed."

According to the report, "…blacks, age 15 to 19, were killed at a rate of 31.17 per million, while just 1.47 per million white males in that age range died at the hands of police."

The report also noted that from 1980 to 2012, 41 teens, 14 years or younger, had been fatally shot and 27 of them were black; 8 were white; 4 were Hispanic and 1 was Asian.

The report pointed out that mostly white officers have been responsible for the fatal shooting deaths of black boys and noted that black officers make up a little more than 10 percent of all fatal shootings but 78 percent of them involved young black men.

According to the study, "there were 151 instances in which police noted that teens they had shot dead had been fleeing or resisting arrest at the time of the encounter. 67 percent of those killed in such circumstances were black. That disparity was even starker in the last couple of years: of the 15 teens shot fleeing arrest from 2010 to 2012, 14 were black," According to ProPublica.

Read more at ProPublica  and The Daily Beast.

ProPublica original
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Disgusting!!!! pig cops

I know the dude filming, that's my home town. The spd have been doing these same kinds of stops for as long as I can remember. Stockett just happened to be the first one to record it. The cop is now on paid administrative leave after they found out he lied about the reason he stopped them

There's about 5 articles on the sandusky register website that tells what's going on. The comments are crazy though. It's like stormfront without the n word
Disgusting!!!! pig cops

Man that poor girl.
The guy may have been within his rights during that stop but, come on boss, don't put your girl and baby through that to make a point. Their safety should have been of upmost importance, hoeofully nothing happened to the baby and sounds like it didn't from the poster that knows this guy but the guy had me just as pissed as the dumb *** officer. He shouldn't have done that.
If the baby wasn't in the back I'd feel different, but damn. Damn
A traffic stop over allegedly not having headlights on when the sun is out turns into "you match a warrant description", drug dogs on deck, drug dogs "mark" the car, man and woman are threatened to be arrested, a 2 week old child is threatened to be taken away from the parents. Such a waste of money these cops are.
lfuqua3 lfuqua3 What happened to homeboy, was he and his girl arrested that evening or did they end up letting them go?

Sidenote: And the comments on sanduskyregister.com are as redic as I thought they'd be
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Officer Denny was placed on Administrative Leave, apparently he knew Andre Stockett was not Jeremy Newell but called him that anyway. Pig should lose his job for this but at the very least it's encouraging to know his superiors aren't just brushing this off.


'Any papers on Andre Stockett?'
Dispatch audio reveals Officer Denny asked about warrants on Stockett minutes before traffic stop
OCT 9, 2014

[email protected]

A Sandusky police officer appears to have known exactly who he was pulling over last week during a controversial traffic stop many have alleged was unlawful.

Officer Christopher Denny stopped a vehicle around 7 p.m. Oct. 1 in which Andre Stockett, 34, was a passenger. Stockett and girlfriend Kathryn Said, 30, who was the driver, were subsequently charged with obstruction.

Stockett contends he was being harassed, as Denny listed numerous reasons why the vehicle was stopped, and later, why the pair needed to exit.

Up until Wednesday, city officials argued the traffic stop wasn't perfect, but nonetheless in accordance with Ohio law.

Denny boasts near flawless work history

Denny believed Stockett was Jeremy Newell, a man wanted on felony warrants, police said, thus justifying why Stockett had to identify himself.

However, while conducting an internal investigation, Sandusky police Chief John Orzech reviewed radio traffic between Denny and dispatchers that appears to reveal Denny clearly knew Stockett was not the wanted man.

In dispatchers' radio traffic, obtained by the Register through a public records request, Denny can be heard asking if “Andre Stockett” had any outstanding warrants just three or four minutes before he stopped Said's car.

“Any papers on Andre Stockett?” Denny is heard saying.

Listen to the audio in the player below

“Negative through our department. He has (warrants) through Morrow County, outside the pick-up radius,” the dispatcher responds, alluding to the fact Stockett had no local warrants, nor any that Sandusky police would be able to arrest him on.

During the traffic stop a few minutes later, Denny told Stockett he matched Newell's exact description, and even addressed Stockett as “Mr. Newell.”

Since video of the traffic stop went viral last week, Stockett has argued Denny knew his identity all along. He said that Denny saw him standing outside an apartment building well before Denny pulled over Said's vehicle — and questioned why the officer didn't stop him then, rather than waiting to find a reason to later pull them over.

“I was standing right next to that officer for five minutes, waiting for my girl to pick me up. If he had any qualms, he could've said something to me then. (But then) he makes up some cockamimi story for stopping us,” Stockett told the Register.

“I was standing there waiting for her. As soon as she drove up and picked me up, (Denny) zoomed around the corner and flicked on his lights,” Stockett said.

Denny was placed on paid leave Wednesday after Orzech reviewed the audio recordings.

“As soon as I reviewed the dispatch traffic, I notified the city manager, and then we made the determination we were going to put (Denny) on administrative leave,” Orzech said.
The investigation into Denny's actions that was originally going to be conducted by Sandusky police has now been sent to the Lucas County Sheriff's Office for an independent review.

According to Orzech, the Lucas County office has an internal investigative unit dedicated to these types of investigations.

“What we've said from the beginning is that we would take the complaint seriously and review the incident in its entirety,” Orzech said. “Once we get the report back from (Lucas County), we'll obviously look at it in-depth and see what happens from there.”

And the audio proving Officer Denny knew who Andre Stockett was

lfuqua3 lfuqua3 What happened to homeboy, was he and his girl arrested that evening or did they end up letting them go?

Sidenote: And the comments on sanduskyregister.com are as redic as I thought they'd be

They were both charged with obstruction and released. It's messed up that this has been going on, but I'm kinda glad it was him. I only say that because he loves to talk and loves attention. He'll never let this go. He's speaking at a 'Know Your Rights' rally today in front of the police station
Man that poor girl.

The guy may have been within his rights during that stop but, come on boss, don't put your girl and baby through that to make a point. Their safety should have been of upmost importance, hoeofully nothing happened to the baby and sounds like it didn't from the poster that knows this guy but the guy had me just as pissed as the dumb *** officer. He shouldn't have done that.

If the baby wasn't in the back I'd feel different, but damn. Damn

hold on your mad at the driver because he shouldn't had excersie his rights in front of his kids, but your not pissed at the cop for VIOLATING his rights in front of his daughter. Something isn't right here

It's obvious your trolling judging from your past comments but whatever reported. supused you haven't been ban from this thread yet. but keep it up it will come
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Man that poor girl.

The guy may have been within his rights during that stop but, come on boss, don't put your girl and baby through that to make a point. Their safety should have been of upmost importance, hoeofully nothing happened to the baby and sounds like it didn't from the poster that knows this guy but the guy had me just as pissed as the dumb *** officer. He shouldn't have done that.

If the baby wasn't in the back I'd feel different, but damn. Damn

hold on your mad at the driver because he shouldn't had excersie his rights in front of his kids, but your not pissed at the cop for VIOLATING his rights in front of his daughter. Something isn't right here

It's obvious your trolling judging from your past comments but whatever reported. supused you haven't been ban from this thread yet. but keep it up it will come

1. You're ignorant for confusing my anger
2. You can't call anyone on this board a troll
3. I call you ignorant because you are definitely smart enough to differentiate that me being pissed not "mad" at the passenger not "driver" doesn't dismiss my acknowledgement that the cop was wrong.

Forrest for the trees type dude you are, debate sideline points all you want, but they have no relevance in this instance

Be smarter, act smarter, act as smart as I know you are...and go at some body other than me if you come half cocked, you know I'm not the one, do yourself a favor and troll someone who is on your level.
Man that poor girl.
The guy may have been within his rights during that stop but, come on boss, don't put your girl and baby through that to make a point. Their safety should have been of upmost importance, hoeofully nothing happened to the baby and sounds like it didn't from the poster that knows this guy but the guy had me just as pissed as the dumb *** officer. He shouldn't have done that.
If the baby wasn't in the back I'd feel different, but damn. Damn
makes no sense. youre suggesting that he roll over for a cop stroking his ego cuz his kid is in the car? absolutely not. you stand up for you and your family. you really wanted dude to just do whatever the cop said smh. cop could prolly gave them a sobriety test then felt up the wife like in the movie crash and youd say "he should just chill, the baby is in the car" foh with that nonsense

im mad the wife folded to be honest. she cracked under slight pressure. he needs to not forget that for as long as hes with her. i dunno if theyre married or not but a woman ALWAYS needs to stand by her man as long as he is right. she got out the car saying she didnt want them to take her baby. she wasnt thinking. if theyre punking you like this for no reason, you really think if they wanna make up a reason to take your child... they wouldnt just because you finally tapdanced for em? stupid. but women think with emotion so...
Officer Denny was placed on Administrative Leave, apparently he knew Andre Stockett was not Jeremy Newell but called him that anyway. Pig should lose his job for this but at the very least it's encouraging to know his superiors aren't just brushing this off.


And the audio proving Officer Denny knew who Andre Stockett was

My wife showed me the video on Friday. That Denny cop was straight lying to the back-up that came. :smh:
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