Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Rip to the TEENAGED brother. I've been on NT a long time and have debated on issues for hours on end, paragraphs on paragraphs, pages on pages. I got older and realized it's not worth the time and energy to debate some of the ignorant people on here who for whatever reason do not and will not understand or simply view blacks the way police do and the way we are portrayed. Most of know what time it is, black lives are not valued in this country, it is open season on us and a different set of rules. Be careful out here, older ones protect yourselves and families, teach your sons and daughters their lives can easily be taken from them because of their ethnicity and measures to take when in public.
Military-styled police trucks on the bridge, completely blocking any traffic. #Ferguson pic.twitter.com/QPfkyUlenl
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) August 13, 2014
BREAKING: Shots fired; Oakcrest Ave. Jennings, MO. Black male laying in the street. (#Ferguson Police Scanner)
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) August 13, 2014
MORE BREAKING: Shooting on Magnolia and Virginia. Confirmed via Tower Grove East Facebook Page. #Ferguson
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) August 13, 2014
MORE SHOTS: Shots fired, Crownpoint and Chambers in the rear of the apartment complex. #Ferguson
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) August 13, 2014

These are all from Anon Twitter who is the same group who outed the name & address of the chief and his family.
These reports are directly off the scanner which you can listen too here
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Insta Clip of the people standing off with the cops
Nothing "
" about it

Read the post a few above yours. People are still being shot at by police 
Are they attacking anyone? all these people are doing is holding their ground and getting a message across... I guarantee mainstream media will never show that clip because it shows people standing right in the face of adversity and challenging those cops in unity over a misjustice.

The fact that cops are still being violent and those people are out their believing in their rights is fine by me
im not sure of what he was trying to say... but i see it like a bully.... if you you do nothing a bully will keep on picking on you etc... harassing you. But if you step to them and show them you mean business or kick they butt... they might/might not like you or respect you... but they will think twice before trying you again. 

You got it. We'll never change the mind of the white supremacist. So its useless trying to fit in while striving to be the "perfect minority". Its about showing them we can come together and fight back. By any means necessary. Whatever is affective.

We know marching won't solve anything. At the very least rioting has cost them millions of dollars in revenue and it sheds light on the larger issue, which is racism white supremacy.

We have to form real communities, start and support black owned business, be competitive in the marketplace, learn our real history, and continue the fight for true justice against white supremacist. End of story...
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People being shot could be coincidence + opportunity. If the cops didn't do it, it's irrelevant to the situation. The thing is, the police are putting all of their resources time and effort into standing off with protesters. In the mean time, the city is crumbling from crime. Why are police even confronting protestors? They're not the ones looting and killing right now.....

Please explain this, because racist white people have been murdering black people for no reason since the beginning of US history, way before "Chiraq" even existed. Racists don't need an excuse to devalue your life. Bringing up Chicago, Detroit, etc. is just a veiled way of saying "Who cares"

Exactly it's easy to point to a place like Chicago and other terrible inner city neighborhoods, but how does that explain the tragedies and injustice that's been going on way before people had places like that to point to.

Just a convenient deflection tactic people are using and it's sad they don't even realize it, they actually think they're onto something doing the racists dirty work by spreading those ******** excuses.

Low key these are the best threads on NT....lets you know the truth behind the SNs and who you're dealing with instead of the usual everyday ****...can't look at a lotta people the same after these type of threads.
Anyone else heard that they allegedly have found our the name of the cop who murdered Michael Brown?
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