Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

We know blco doesn't believe in systemic/institutional racism. What view are trying to express? With the back and forth that's been going on I lost track.
I get pissed off at white liberals using "racism awareness" as a vehicle for making themselves rich on the back of the black man's troubles.  Many of them don't really give a **** about black people, and have no idea what it's like to live in poverty.  They're just in it to sell books and stuff.  To me, that's one of the most evil things there is.
Disprove me. Don't attack me personally. Post something worth the bandwidth you just wasted.

The root, as in the cause? Slavery is the ROOT of all this, yes 200 years later the reverberations are still being felt that's only 3 maybe 4 generations. There's still just now 1st generations of kids all over that are able to attend post secondary educational institutions.

Lack of education, resources, and opportunities are much closer to the root of the tree than some damn babies out of wedlock or single families. And all of that can be traced back to slavery and the resultant racism and discrimination that bore from it. Just last week you got an est. 1800 fraternity that's chanting **** that was probably passed down through the generations in 2015 and wedlock is the problem? And look at the list of this from that fraternity that have held and are holding positions of power all across this country. The feelings and systematic racism that you refuse to acknowledge exists isn't some new thing man. It's learned behavior.

Ones the branches, what you're talking about is the leaves at the top.
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Here are the latest stats: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/360990/latest-statistics-out-wedlock-births-roger-clegg

"Among non-Hispanic blacks, the figure is highest, at 72.2 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, it’s 66.9 percent; 53.5 percent for Hispanics; 29.4 percent for non-Hispanic whites; and a mere 17.1 percent for Asians/Pacific Islanders."

Now just look at those stats. Asians are the most educated and highest earning race in the country. Only 17.1% Asian out of wedlock births. Blacks are at 72.2%. You'd have to be blind, stupid, or in denial to say that there is no correlation.
The root, as in the cause? Slavery is the ROOT of all this, yes 200 years later the reverberations are still being felt that's only 3 maybe 4 generations. There's still just now 1st generations of kids all over that are able to attend post secondary educational institutions.

Lack of education, resources, and opportunities are much closer to the root of the tree than some damn babies out of wedlock or single families. And all of that can be traced back to slavery and the resultant racism and discrimination that bore from it. Just last week you got an est. 1800 fraternity that's chanting **** that was probably passed down through the generations in 2015 and wedlock is the problem? And look at the list of this from that fraternity that have held and are holding positions of power all across this country. The feelings and systematic racism that you refuse to acknowledge exists isn't some new thing man. It's learned behavior.

Ones the branches, what you're talking about is the leaves at the top.
Oh, man...not that PTSS crap again...
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You have to be blind, stupid or in denial to say that is the ROOT of the problem like you initially said. Now it's a correlation, make up your damn mind. There's viruses and they're symptoms, you're still speaking nonsense. Anybody can throw out numbers, it's lazy.
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You've been proven wrong several times whenever you try to juxtapose Asians to prove your point

Asians maintain their culture, were not forced over in the waves of Africans, did not ensure generational slavery, and they received reparations...

Chinese exclusion act was lifted, a d they allowed schools and companies to bring over the Asians they wanted...

Which means they brought over plenty of top notch performing guys...

You try to pretend like Asians are this super race of people...

Cream of the crop are over here. Go to Asia and you'll see FAR MORE regular people than you think ..

And even still ... With Asians being highly educated and doing their thing, which is cool.

How many of them make law makers, or CEOs, or in positions of power?

And where are the numbers on African immigrants?

Why do those guys get left out?
You have to be blind, stupid or in denial to say that is the ROOT of the problem like you initially said. Now it's a correlation, make up your damn mind. There's viruses and they're symptoms, you're still speaking nonsense. Anybody can throw out numbers, it's lazy.

I say it's the root of the problem. You think slavery is the root of the problem. Ok, we disagree.

Now, how can we fix it? Can we do anything about slavery 200 years ago? No. Can we do something about out of wedlock births? Yes.
I get pissed off at white liberals using "racism awareness" as a vehicle for making themselves rich on the back of the black man's troubles.  Many of them don't really give a **** about black people, and have no idea what it's like to live in poverty.  They're just in it to sell books and stuff.  To me, that's one of the most evil things there is.

Check it out. 
I say it's the root of the problem. You think slavery is the root of the problem. Ok, we disagree.

Now, how can we fix it? Can we do anything about slavery 200 years ago? No. Can we do something about out of wedlock births? Yes.

what's your definition of wedlock...?
I say it's the root of the problem. You think slavery is the root of the problem. Ok, we disagree.

Now, how can we fix it? Can we do anything about slavery 200 years ago? No. Can we do something about out of wedlock births? Yes.

See.. This is what's most troubling... That people legitimately think 200+ years of slavery + another 80 years of civil rights abuse...

Has no lasting effects... Can't even acknowledge it...

:smh: :smh:
I say it's the root of the problem. You think slavery is the root of the problem. Ok, we disagree.

Now, how can we fix it? Can we do anything about slavery 200 years ago? No. Can we do something about out of wedlock births? Yes.

You don't even think systematic racism is real, why even bother. If you really think neutering our race will solve all the problems we have you truly are hopeless.
You don't even think systematic racism is real, why even bother. If you really think neutering our race will solve all the problems we have you truly are hopeless.

No, not neutering. Mothers and fathers need to stay together to raise the kids. Single parent families are the issue, not the children themselves.
See.. This is what's most troubling... That people legitimately think 200+ years of slavery + another 80 years of civil rights abuse...

Has no lasting effects... Can't even acknowledge it...

:smh: :smh:

YOU DON'T WANT TO FIX THE PROBLEM. It's blatantly obvious to me. You offer no solutions. Only excuses. You want a perpetual state of poverty so that you can blame the boogie man on it. Same thing that liberalism and government dependence does, a never ending cycle of dependency on the government to be able to make it through life.
See.. This is what's most troubling... That people legitimately think 200+ years of slavery + another 80 years of civil rights abuse...

Has no lasting effects... Can't even acknowledge it...

:smh: :smh:

This is what gets me the most. Just gloss over 300 years of oppression and we are supposed to be just fine [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

That blc dude has shown time and time again where he stands ..no surprise he's in here spewing the same ********
Propose some solutions guys, I'm waiting. You love to attack me which is a part of the leftist playbook.

I have already talked about what I think should be done. What are your proposals?
Tampadude already ask the same ignorant question and I replied to him with solutions, twice.

So you about you lazy *** search a couple pages back instead of acting like no one has ever put forth any solutions
This dude wants to talk about statistics and he doesn't even know the difference between correlation and causation

All his stats contradict the topic lol.

Like I said, there's no way he was a position in management. Dude would throw out numbers that have nothing to do with his company.

Nothing but racist clowns who are to chicken feces to say this to any minority in person.

How do you blame kids out of wedlock on problems black and Browns face...with a serious face?

With that logic...I blame overly sheltered, good to do white folks for their kids shooting up theaters and schools, and bombing buildings in Oklahoma.
Tampadude already ask the same ignorant question and I replied to him with solutions, twice.

So you about you lazy *** search a couple pages back instead of acting like no one has ever put forth any solutions

Why don't you stop being a lazy a** and post your thoughts here again.

And its your, not you. You don't even type correctly and you tell me I don't know the difference between correlation and causation, right...
Honestly until you get out of that boogie man mindset and actually acknowledge what's really in play, there's no use discussing anything with you.

Cause basically what you're saying is that MB-Darren Wilson's altercation, the resulting DOJ report that found the department was in fact racist results from broken black families.
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