Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Propose some solutions guys, I'm waiting. You love to attack me which is a part of the leftist playbook.

I have already talked about what I think should be done. What are your proposals?

First thing is pay the families of slaves adjusted for inflation damages for the work their families did for free.

Secondly, pay the families of black folks that were wrongfully executed over all of these years damages for wrongful deaths.

Thirdly, give land grants, much like those handed out to whites over all of these years to the descendants of slaves so they can "catch up" to the families that had 400 year head starts on us.

All of this talk about people freeloading off the government, but no talk of the government and corporations that freeloaded off of black folks. This is a start. Your thoughts?
Tampadude already ask the same ignorant question and I replied to him with solutions, twice.

So you about you lazy *** search a couple pages back instead of acting like no one has ever put forth any solutions

Why don't you stop being a lazy a** and post your thoughts here again.

And its your, not you. You don't even type correctly and you tell me I don't know the difference between correlation and causation, right...

Man I'm on mobile and auto correct messed me up. My thoughts are in this thread, a couple pages back.

Btw, it is "it's" not "its" :lol:
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First thing is pay the families of slaves adjusted for inflation damages for the work their families did for free.

Secondly, pay the families of black folks that were wrongfully executed over all of these years damages for wrongful deaths.

Thirdly, give land grants, much like those handed out to whites over all of these years to the descendants of slaves so they can "catch up" to the families that had 400 year head starts on us.

All of this talk about people freeloading off the government, but no talk of the government and corporations that freeloaded off of black folks. This is a start. Your thoughts?

At least you posted something constructive.

But it's telling that you think a hand out will fix it all.
At least you posted something constructive.

But it's telling that you think a hand out will fix it all.

When you go to work, do you get paid in handouts?

Slaves went to work and got paid nothing. Their families were "freed" but already behind financially and every way possible. Do you duck your creditors or do you pay what you owe? That work was essentially done on credit and the payment is well past due.

A handout is something given for nothing done. Do you mean to tell me slaves didn't work?

And I said it's a start, not the only part of a solution.
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Do you know who are the biggest recipients of government handouts?

Slavery was a handout. Free labor.

How the hell you think a lot of these people got the generational wealth that has led to their power and influence?

Whites got it in spades, Asians, Jews, Native Americans almost got exterminated but they still got something for the injustice they were subjected to yet 50 years from being able to vote and 200 years from upgrading to human status from property, and we haven't gotten ****.

Man seriously **** outta here.

As Brolic said, it's a start.
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I guess my whole point is that we have come so far in this country. We aren't perfect, no country is, but we are the best, most fair country in the world. Yes we had slavery in the past, which was wrong. But it's been over for hundreds of years.

There is NOTHING stopping blacks from working hard and succeeding in this country. As one small example, look at the professional sports leagues. Dominated by African-Americans. They are filled with African-Americans who worked extremely hard at their craft, became the best in their world at their skills, and were rewarded for it. Whites are the owners of these teams and yet they will employee anyone who can help them win.

I have news for you but the same exact thing applies in the business world, law school, medical school, etc. I see it first hand everyday. The best candidates are sought out and hired, no matter the race of the individual. And if you haven't noticed, we have a black president now. If a black man can rise to the highest position in the land, anything is now possible for black people.

I gotta run for now, yall.
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The biggest recipients of handouts are large corporations. But far right is all in favor of those

I mean when rich white people crashed the economy in 2008. I'm sure the GOP was telling them to go pull yourselves up by their bootstraps too :lol:
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YOU DON'T WANT TO FIX THE PROBLEM. It's blatantly obvious to me. You offer no solutions. Only excuses. You want a perpetual state of poverty so that you can blame the boogie man on it. Same thing that liberalism and government dependence does, a never ending cycle of dependency on the government to be able to make it through life.

Masters degree in finance
Annual school supply drive in my city
Constantly giving advice to young kids about finance
Driving my high school students to college with admissions directors meeting with counselors...

But I'm perpetuating poverty.

And again... People offer solutions every 5 pages...

It's just not the ones you want to hear.

Tampa tried that same ******** excuse 3 pages back and got shut down quickly...

Same with yiu.

.stop it slime
There is NOTHING stopping blacks from working hard and succeeding in this country. As one example, look at the professional sports leagues. Dominated by African-Americans. They are filled with African-Americans who worked extremely hard at their craft, became the best in their world at their skills, and were rewarded for it. Whites are the owners of these teams and yet they will employee anyone who can help them win.

You have to understand something. Blacks start in the workforce later compared to their White counterparts, which puts them at a disadvantage experience wise. Because of their environment confidence and self-esteem is an issue, which is felt to a lesser extent to their White counterparts. Experience breeds confidence and self-esteem, and when you have Blacks who start later in life puts them at a HUGE disadvantage. There are less jobs in their neighborhoods, and poor access on the ability to get to the job.

Using sports is a poor analogy. Most people pimp these kids until they arent good to them anymore. Look how many end up broke.
Dude used the we have a black president now line [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I guess my whole point is that we have come so far in this country. We aren't perfect, no country is, but we are the best, most fair country in the world. Yes we had slavery in the past, which was wrong. But it's been over for hundreds of years.

There is NOTHING stopping blacks from working hard and succeeding in this country. As one example, look at the professional sports leagues. Dominated by African-Americans. They are filled with African-Americans who worked extremely hard at their craft, became the best in their world at their skills, and were rewarded for it. Whites are the owners of these teams and yet they will employee anyone who can help them win.

I have news for you but the same exact thing applies in the business world, law school, medical school, etc. I see it first hand everyday. The best candidates are sought out and hired, no matter the race of the individual. And if you haven't noticed, we have a black president now. If a black man can rise to the highest position in the land, anything is now possible for black people.

I gotta run for now, yall.
Dumbest post of the year. So much ****.
The biggest recipients of handouts are large corporations. But far right is all in favor of those

I mean when rich white people crashed the economy in 2008. I'm sure the GOP was telling them to go pick yourselves up by their bootstraps too :lol:

They don't give a damn as long as those same corperations are lining up their pockets with generous donations and cozy jobs after office :lol:. They only go after "handouts" that help everyday citizens
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Tampa tried that same ******** excuse 3 pages back and got shut down quickly...
Nobody shut me down, son.  I'm still rolling along.
Here's another stat. In 2013 per the fbi, blacks committed 5,375 murders and whites committed 4,395 murders. And yea you're almost right on, whites are 63% of the population and blacks are 13%.

As you can see the murder rates for blacks are way out of proportion. This is why cops focus more heavily on black communities and that probably accounts for the slightly higher death rate for cops on blacks.
This would make sense if the majority of cop killers were black, but this is not the case.


"But, while every killing of an officer is a tragedy, it is worth noting, as my colleague Shane Bauer reported in the context of another story, assaults and felony killings of police officers in the US are down sharply over the past two decades. Attention has also been focused on Brinsley's race, but FBI data shows that, though African Americans are arrested and incarcerated at a higher rate than whites, the majority of assailants who feloniously killed police officers in the past year were white"
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You guys see how white supremacy is a psychological disorder that shuts down cross communications. When discussing your struggles with sws, they want you to discuss your experience on their terms. The still have to find a position of superiority even in idle chat. They are sick in the mind and that thought pattern and pathology has destroyed their critical thinking skills. They only think in terms of loss and gains. And have an unnatural obsession with what others are doing
You guys see how white supremacy is a psychological disorder that shuts down cross communications. When discussing your struggles with sws, they want you to discuss your experience on their terms. The still have to find a position of superiority even in idle chat. They are sick in the mind and that thought pattern and pathology has destroyed their critical thinking skills. They only think in terms of loss and gains. And have an unnatural obsession with what others are doing
they always have to frame the conversation 
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