Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I hear what you're saying, but just because white people are the majority in the United States doesn't mean that all racists are white.

From Merriam-Webster:

racism (n): a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

You're not seriously telling me that the only people who think that way are white people, are you?  That's just silly.

No I'm sure other people think that way. But it's white people in America that control the wealth, money, and law making in the US. It's their hate that matters because they have power. I'm sure tons of Native Americans hate white people. But what does that change? Not a damb thing because they' don't have the power, government influence, or wealth to act on that hate.
No I'm sure other people think that way. But it's white people in America that control the wealth, money, and law making in the US. It's their hate that matters because they have power. I'm sure tons of Native Americans hate white people. But what does that change? Not a damb thing because they' don't have the power, government influence, or wealth to act on that hate.
Okay...in that case, white people aren't the problem, then...rich, powerful white people are the problem.  So how do we go about taking away their wealth and power?  Because if what you say is true, it seems that's the only realistic way to stop this hate and racism from oppressing minorities.  Otherwise, you're just whistling past the graveyard.
 Okay...in that case, white people aren't the problem, then...rich, powerful white people are the problem.   So how do we go about taking away their wealth and power?  Because if what you say is true, it seems that's the only realistic way to stop this hate and racism from oppressing minorities.  Otherwise, you're just whistling past the graveyard.
so rich white racists and poor white racists are mutually exclusive?

rich whites create institutional racism

poor whites support systemic racism because it keeps them above black people

other races (asian, latin, indian) fall in line to get their "pat on the head" from whites/ feel as if they are above black ppl
tampadude tampadude has hope.

Yall might not agree with him but at least he thinks for himself.

I really doubt it, maybe a glimmer. He seems like the type of dude who if he had to deal with thorough black dudes in real life everyday his perspectives might changes.

When your behind the screen you can duck and dodge a lot, which ole boy has done a ton of.

-On the other hand, someone like Blco02 is a lost cause. He is a true to the game white supremacist. Type of dude to say something flagrant to his black coworker to get a reaction, then run to HR to snitch :lol:
so rich white racists and poor white racists are mutually exclusive?

rich whites create institutional racism

poor whites support systemic racism because it keeps them above black people

other races (asian, latin, indian) fall in line to get their "pat on the head" from whites/ feel as if they are above black ppl
You really believe that?  You really believe all us "white folks" are engaged in some huge conspiracy to keep the black man down?  Because that's sure what it sounds like you're saying.
so rich white racists and poor white racists are mutually exclusive?

rich whites create institutional racism

poor whites support systemic racism because it keeps them above black people

other races (asian, latin, indian) fall in line to get their "pat on the head" from whites/ feel as if they are above black ppl
You really believe that?  You really believe all us "white folks" are engaged in some huge conspiracy to keep the black man down?  Because that's sure what it sounds like you're saying.
There is no conspiracy.

Its called white supremacy,

and its no secret.
There is no conspiracy.

Its called white supremacy,

and its no secret.
So, are you saying that white people keep black people down just because it's in their nature to keep black people down?  It sounds like you are categorizing people based on their skin color.  I think that's called racism, dude.  Just sayin'...
You really believe that?  You really believe all us "white folks" are engaged in some huge conspiracy to keep the black man down?  Because that's sure what it sounds like you're saying.
yes i believe in the conspiracy.

i believe there are secret meetings where every single white person in the world is in attendance.

i believe that in order to make sure institutional and systemic racism to continues forever, that every white person has agreed to be racist for their own benefit as a whole.

not srs or am i?  
yes i believe in the conspiracy.

i believe there are secret meetings where every single white person in the world is in attendance.

i believe that in order to make sure institutional and systemic racism to continues forever, that every white person has agreed to be racist for their own benefit as a whole.

not srs or am i?  
I can neither confirm nor deny that statement.
There is no conspiracy.

Its called white supremacy,

and its no secret.
So, are you saying that white people keep black people down just because it's in their nature to keep black people down?  It sounds like you are categorizing people based on their skin color.  I think that's called racism, dude.  Just sayin'...

I'm merely callin' the most exclusionary, brutalizing, and genocidal system of oppression by its true name.

White Supremacy is the very foundation of this country.

I'm merely callin' the most exclusionary, brutalizing, and genocidal system of oppression by its true name.

White Supremacy is the very foundation of this country.
So...you're saying that the United States hasn't changed at all in over 200 years?

Dude...folks used to believe the Earth was flat, too...that doesn't make it relevant today.

It's 2015, son, not 1815.
So...you're saying that the United States hasn't changed at all in over 200 years?

Dude...folks used to believe the Earth was flat, too...that doesn't make it relevant today.

It's 2015, son, not 1815. :lol:

Agreed. America doesn't have a perfect history. No country does. But we've done more than any other country on the planet to end discrimination. We fought a war over it. Which country is more inclusive than this one? Give America some credit.
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So...you're saying that the United States hasn't changed at all in over 200 years?

Dude...folks used to believe the Earth was flat, too...that doesn't make it relevant today.

It's 2015, son, not 1815. :lol:

When you consider that black people are unfairly and disproportionately arrested and jailed, in conjunction with this:

13th Amendment: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

No, not much has changed in less than 200 years. You want to pretend the Civil Rights movement wasn't 46 years ago too? 9 years before I was born? So long ago, huh?
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There is no conspiracy.

Its called white supremacy,

and its no secret.

So, are you saying that white people keep black people down just because it's in their nature to keep black people down?  It sounds like you are categorizing people based on their skin color.  I think that's called racism, dude.  Just sayin'...


I'm merely callin' the most exclusionary, brutalizing, and genocidal system of oppression by its true name.

White Supremacy is the very foundation of this country.

View media item 1449100

Ben Franklin knew what was up...the rest of them have inferiority complex.

Im convinced white supremecy is half jealousy and half inferiority complex. If they dont feel superior, they feel inferior.
But guys, no system is in place because old dude doesn't go to "hold darkie down"meetings and doesn't have a white hooded uniform in his closet.

We just pull this history that the country was built on, out of our *****.
Wasn't sure where to post this but did anyone see this ****? Privilege summed up in one video...

Just imagine if it was a black man was walking around near a school with a gun and steadily disrespecting police officers :x :x :x :x :x,dude would end up riddled like John Marston :smh:
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Wasn't sure where to post this but did anyone see this ****? Privilege summed up in one video...

Just imagine if it was a black man was walking around near a school with a gun and steadily disrespecting police officers :x :x :x :x :x,dude would end up riddled like John Marston :smh:

And that's where the issue lies. I'm not saying that criminals don't need to be dealt with/punished just because they are black. It's the fact that that type of "justice" is not proportionally served. The fact that we can't definitely without a doubt say the same outcome of this video would be the same if the guy in the video was black is a huge problem.
Go back and read all the responses from page 1 on in this thread. Everyone had convicted Darren Wilson from day 1. Turns out he did no wrong and used justifiable force.

Seems like this thread needs to be locked up.
Go back and read all the responses from page 1 on in this thread. Everyone had convicted Darren Wilson from day 1. Turns out he did no wrong and used justifiable force.

Seems like this thread needs to be locked up.

Why? You don't want to address the underlying issues that led to the mistrust of the police in the first place?
Go back and read all the responses from page 1 on in this thread. Everyone had convicted Darren Wilson from day 1. Turns out he did no wrong and used justifiable force.

Seems like this thread needs to be locked up.

When you have the state as an ally, you're not getting charged.

1. McCullough defended DW instead of doing his job.
2. The force covered up and planted evidence that would support DW.
3. The force releases a tape that had 0 to do with the shooting that planted a seed in everyone's head that MB was a 'thug'.
4. Nothing DW said was belivable. He feared for his life from punches yet his face looked like someone out in the sun too long.
5. Why keep going...you're a racist coward who hides behind a screen name.

Let me get your info and see how the black people you hired feel about your way of thinking.

How you can't come to the conclusion that MB was targeted based on DOJ findings is beyond me.

MB should've gotten his day in court for the store situation. But, alas, the white cop saw the black kids and decided to do business as usual.
When you have the state as an ally, you're not getting charged.

1. McCullough defended DW instead of doing his job.
2. The force covered up and planted evidence that would support DW.
3. The force releases a tape that had 0 to do with the shooting that planted a seed in everyone's head that MB was a 'thug'.
4. Nothing DW said was belivable. He feared for his life from punches yet his face looked like someone out in the sun too long.
5. Why keep going...you're a racist coward who hides behind a screen name.

Let me get your info and see how the black people you hired feel about your way of thinking.

How you can't come to the conclusion that MB was targeted based on DOJ findings is beyond me.

MB should've gotten his day in court for the store situation. But, alas, the white cop saw the black kids and decided to do business as usual.

Obamas depart of justice found no wrong doing. You know if there was a minuscule chance that Wilson was in the wrong they would have announced it.
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