Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Just curious which one of these companies you were enslaved under?

You mean my great grandparents and on back? You mean them?

You mean which company stopped my people's ability to speak their own language, practice their own religion and culture and even killed them for knowing how to read? You mean which one of my great uncles or aunts was cut from his or her mother's belly and stomped like a roach to make an example?

You mean which companies built their wealth on work that my folks did and never paid and still owe my family? All of them.

Are you going to go to a reservation or a Casino and tell them to turn it back over to the white man because that genocide was for their grandparents and not them?

Are you going to go to Israel and tell them turn it over because the holocaust happened to the old and the dead?

Are you going to tell the Japanese to give back their internment camp reparations if they didn't all spend it up before they died and passed it down to their kids?
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WE BUILT THIS COUNTRY and what did we get for our free work? Not even $20K. :smh: YES WE. I am the descendant of slaves. Their blood runs through MY veins. That money is still owed to us.


Interesting, so they gave $20k to approximately 60,000 Asians who were interned in 1988.

Just for fun I wonder how much money we're talking for African american reparations. How many millions of African Americans do you think would be eligible? And is $20k enough or should we raise that amount since that was 27 years ago...
Interesting, so they gave $20k to approximately 60,000 Asians who were interned in 1988.

Just for fun I wonder how much money we're talking for African american reparations. How many millions of African Americans do you think would be eligible? And is $20k enough or should we raise that amount since that was 27 years ago...

You won't be paying it out of your pocket, so don't sweat it.
I would settle for institutional reparations.

African Americans get, as a start:

-Free healthcare
-Free college
-Low interest business loans
-A federal rent control scheme
-A national holiday on election day, extended voting periods, and a high concentration of polling places in black neighborhoods, and outlaw gerrymandering. (this is help most everyone too)
-Extension of EIC credit the working poor and middle class
-All non violent drug crimes expunged from their records.
-A ton of resources funneled into predominately black schools.

And those programs being strictly for Blacks/African Americans. Let black folk cook with that for a couple generations and see where that gets us.

Think of it like global warming, this generations are taking the free ride now, and future generations will have to pay for it. Well past generations got tons of free labor, and terrorized blacks for decades, so now the bill is due.
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I would settle for institutional reparations.

African Americans get, as a start:

-Free healthcare
-Free college
-Low interest business loans
-A federal rent control scheme
-A national holiday on election day, extended voting periods, and a high concentration of polling places in black neighborhoods, and outlaw gerrymandering. (this is help most everyone too)
-Extension of EIC credit the working poor and middle class
-All non violent drug crimes expunged from their records.
-A ton of resources funneled into predominately black schools.

And those programs being strictly for Blacks/African Americans. Let black folk cook with that for a couple generations and see where that gets us.

Think of it like global warming, this generations are taking the free ride now, and future generations will have to pay for it. Well past generations got tons of free labor, and terrorized blacks for decades, so now the bill is due.
this is actually a smart idea in my opinion and makes a lot of sense although the reality of something happening like this would be very slim due to individuals such as blc92 and tampadude
where do you work bloc? 

I need a government so I can to some background investigation.

I'm almost certain you got confederate flag underoos and a lot of white hoodies.
I would settle for institutional reparations.

African Americans get, as a start:

-Free healthcare
-Free college
-Low interest business loans
-A federal rent control scheme
-A national holiday on election day, extended voting periods, and a high concentration of polling places in black neighborhoods, and outlaw gerrymandering. (this is help most everyone too)
-Extension of EIC credit the working poor and middle class
-All non violent drug crimes expunged from their records.
-A ton of resources funneled into predominately black schools.

And those programs being strictly for Blacks/African Americans. Let black folk cook with that for a couple generations and see where that gets us.

Think of it like global warming, this generations are taking the free ride now, and future generations will have to pay for it. Well past generations got tons of free labor, and terrorized blacks for decades, so now the bill is due.
How would you define "black"?  What about people of mixed parentage?  Do they get half the amount of each benefit or what?  Just wondering.

Unfortunately, any federal government programs like the ones you listed (solely for black people) would likely run afoul of the 14th Amendment and be struck down as unconstitutional.

So, you see, the game is rigged.  You can't win.  White people wrote the US Constitution, so the fix was in from jump street.

I leave you with this: http://physanth.org/about/position-statements/biological-aspects-race/  (Cliffs Notes: We're all the same species and no group is innately superior or inferior to any other).

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...
We're all the same when it comes payday. True reason we are all divided by race in America is "benefits tracking". This pseudoscience is a joke and changes depending on the debate at hand.
I would settle for institutional reparations.

African Americans get, as a start:

-Free healthcare

-Free college

-Low interest business loans

-A federal rent control scheme

-A national holiday on election day, extended voting periods, and a high concentration of polling places in black neighborhoods, and outlaw gerrymandering. (this is help most everyone too)

-Extension of EIC credit the working poor and middle class

-All non violent drug crimes expunged from their records.

-A ton of resources funneled into predominately black schools.

And those programs being strictly for Blacks/African Americans. Let black folk cook with that for a couple generations and see where that gets us.

Think of it like global warming, this generations are taking the free ride now, and future generations will have to pay for it. Well past generations got tons of free labor, and terrorized blacks for decades, so now the bill is due.

How would you define "black"?  What about people of mixed parentage?  Do they get half the amount of each benefit or what?  Just wondering.

Unfortunately, any federal government programs like the ones you listed (solely for black people) would likely run afoul of the 14th Amendment and be struck down as unconstitutional.

So, you see, the game is rigged.  You can't win.  White people wrote the US Constitution, so the fix was in from jump street.

I leave you with this: http://physanth.org/about/position-statements/biological-aspects-race/  (Cliffs Notes: We're all the same species and no group is innately superior or inferior to any other).

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

I deflection Gawd strikes again.

-Mixed race people get full benefits too.
-The constitutions can be changed, that is what an "amendment" is
-And other groups have gotten special benefits just for them, see Native Americans

For hundreds of years white people said blacks were the inferior races to rationalize their taking advantage of them, and murdering them, but when it comes time to make things right "we all equal" :lol:

Go try that **** on someone else. Past generations got the free ride, the bill is due B
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I deflection Gawd strikes again.

-Mixed race people get full benefits too.
-The constitutions can be changed, that is what an "amendment" is
-And other groups have gotten special benefits just for them, see Native Americans

For hundreds of years white people said blacks were the inferior races to rationalize their taking advantage of them, and murdering them, but when it comes time to make things right "we all equal" :lol:

Go try that **** on someone else. Past generations got the free ride, the bill is due B

That thurr ether
still can't believe that a teenager had this grown man shook like that...look how big he is..

View media item 1452393

Darren Wilson Surfaces At Ferguson Area Fundraiser

Former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson emerged (or crawled from under a rock) this weekend at a Trivia-night fundraiser for Hunt For Justice, a local pro-police group that tellingly raises money through “gun raffles.” There are some reports that the event was a fundraiser for Wilson himself.
News of the Wilson appearance broke on Monday after a Hunt for Justice Facebook post made social media rounds. “Thank you Darren Wilson for being our guest and speaking to the HFJ Trivia crowd. You inspired the crowd and we are truly grateful! It was an honor to stand with you and we look forward to the future!” read the caption.
The entire Facebook page has been since been made private.
When the page was public, Hunt For Justice Facebook description says the org defends and protects law endormcement officers against “very real, evil people who desire to falsely claim and charge law enforcement officers while in the process of perfoming their jobs.”
Hunt For Justice is a non-profit entity comprised of volunteers who are motivated to defend and protect law enforcement officers across this great country that selflessly serve all of us day in and day out for undervalued wages. Despite their devotion and work to protect us, unfortunately, there are very real, evil people who desire to falsely claim and charge law enforcement officers while in the process of performing their jobs.
We are a group that spends countless hours doing research and are involved in the trenches providing help with public relations, marketing, and fundraising to provide an appropriate intrinsic value to the wrongfully accused.
It's sad that someone can kill another person and then become an inspiration to others.  Prior to his run-in with Mike Brown, he was just another douchebag, Ferguson cop.  And now he's inspirational.  And he'll continue to profit off the death of Mike Brown for many years to come.

That's just all sorts of ****** up.  But then again, so is white supremacy.  
Yeah I can't get down with people paying him and glorifying him for what he did.

Hypothetically speaking, even if the shooting were to to have been warranted, you have people waiting in the woodworks to say, "see I told you so" as if being right all along about someone getting killed makes them happy.

The whole notion of him getting paid and being a hero in the eyes of some is sickening though.
I'm not sure how many people have been killed by the proven racist ferguson police department but I find it pretty hard to believe that the one officer to make national news for killing an unarmed black man (justified or not) is the only cop that was not being racist or participating in racist behavior. So all this praise is def from a white supremacist group.

One thing that always bothered about the whole accepted version events is the fact that MB charged after Wilson AFTER being shot? A wounded bleeding man charging after the man that had already shot him? But still dying 140+ feet away from the first initial shot? That never added up to me.
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