POLL: Did the PM list thread for the Concord XI's work??

I thought it was a good idea in theory but all I ended up getting were outrageous offers from resellers. My lowest offer was $375
Originally Posted by The Truth82

Thumbs down fail

The only good it did was that it at least slimmed down these new members posting up "PM me" every 5 seconds.

I didn't receive a single pm. There was a "Secret Society" within the "Secret Society" which is why I will call it a failure on a large scale.I still got my 4 pairs so I'm not tripping. It's ultimately up to you ijapino if you want to continue with it
I thought it was a good idea. I posted my info and did get a PM or two. By the time I got PMed I had picked up a pair and for less than those who contacted me wanted. I did help clear up the clutter.
The Pm list was doomed from the start. Logically, it would work. But when you factor greed and other elements.(more greed) The help you wish to get turns out different. There are very few saints on NT that would offer a pair to a complete stranger for retail. 

The only positive of the list was the reduced clutter on the official thread.

Thank you ijapino for this test run.
I believe this concord pm list was not a complete failure. But just because it didn't work this time, doesn't mean it might not work out next time.
Thanks everyone for the feedback.

I think the main thing it accomplished was the reduction of clutter in the main thread. It also opened many people's eyes that a secret list was probably never going to work.

-It didn't keep "secret" information on websites/stores from lurkers.
-All the so called "helpers" who actually did PM someone usually offered crazy reseller prices.
-Served as a wishlist for those not willing to put in the work that others did.
-Many people who requested a PM didn't get one anyways.

We probably won't do another one for awhile but I think it was worth experimenting with.
I would say fail. In general people are too selfish anduld only help by charging 300$+, I didn't get any pms though. Im hoping for the next few big releases I will not be working and ill be able to help like I did back in 03
I got PM"s. Both asking $360-400. No bueno. I thought the thread was designed so people could help each other out. Not just another circle jerk of resellers. If I wanted to get taken to the cleaners for a pair of Concords, I would've logged into ebay.

I'm sure the creator of the thread had good motives.
Originally Posted by ed2trey

I didn't receive a single pm. There was a "Secret Society" within the "Secret Society" which is why I will call it a failure on a large scale.I still got my 4 pairs so I'm not tripping. It's ultimately up to you ijapino if you want to continue with it

The Concords PM list was a success for me.

I posted I needed a size 8
I got like 3 PMs.

Two of them materialized.
I posted 1 agreement on the FOR SALE section.
While the other 1 I did not have an agreement since he had a lot of references here on NikeTalk.

So bottomline, it was a success story for me.
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