Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER SHOES...(pics)

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Originally Posted by KingOfKicks954

Fake... supposed to be double sitched
thats not true.... which is already posted within the like last 2 pages... not all pradas are doubled stitched the older stuff isnt... almost allof the new stuff is tho

but to tell we def need more pics man. ur second pic looks like crap so try again... might bring more responses
Gucci slip-ons to snatch a Monarchy and Polo...

Can we get the sales straight for the 26th? Can anyone list the department stores and what their sales are. If Neiman's is 50% on sale stuff that wouldbe crucial cause I saw a pair of olive A-Cups for $239 there, and I would definitely cop for half off.
^^^ For Neiman's, I believe it's only 25% off of sale items. That's what it says on the e-mail I received this morning. It's not stated whetherit's on selected on-sale itmes only or all on-slae items.

Saks is having an additiona 50% off on-sale items but on selected merchandise.

Nordstrom is having their Half-Yearly Mens sale, which states "Save 33% or more".
Is the Nordstroms sale gonna be off all merchandise or just whatever they want 33% off. P.S. did everyone's post counts go back to zero when NT switchedto yuku?
^^^ The nordstrom sale is on selected items. It's rare for big department stores to have % off of everything. They usually do it about once a year.

As for the Yuku switch, not everyone went back to zero.
The Nordstrom Half Yearly sale is a clearance sale on certain stuff, and sometimes they bring in other things that the specific store doesn't normallystock just to clear the company's inventory out. It's normally a real decent sale, I know in shoes you can't go wrong but you just have to show upthe first day or 2 before everything flies. Also, the sale on the 26th is only for the Mens division.
Does anyone know if the department stores have special hours tomorrow like 6 am. Specifically Nordstroms and Neiman's. I'm in Northern Virginia ifthat helps.
Here are some of my Christmas gifts...Love them gift cards...Hmmm... someone has some shopping to do tomorrow
Originally Posted by LaceDemUp

Here are some of my Christmas gifts...Love them gift cards...Hmmm... someone has some shopping to do tomorrow
nice jacket lace and good luck on your shopping 2morrow
^^^Thanks too! If I know anything good on sale I'll post...

Everyone have FUN tomorrow!!!
Originally Posted by dluck8689

Originally Posted by Downsoutboi

Originally Posted by kicks409

Hey downsouth where did u get those slipons from
I got them from a boutique in Memphis (Oak Hall)

hey i live in memphis so how much did you pay for those slip-ons...
Originally Posted by Downsoutboi

Originally Posted by kicks409

Originally Posted by Downsoutboi

Originally Posted by kicks409

Hey downsouth where did u get those slipons from
I got them from a boutique in Memphis (Oak Hall)

how long ago and how much
It was about a year ago..they were 345.
Good luck with everyones shopping today. Keep us updated on any good deals. I wish i could go but the 26th came at a bad time this year. I'm currently atwork and won't be able to make, if at all, until this weekend.

Also, i hope everyone had a VERY HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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