Post pics of your videogame/home entertainment set-up

taking a medical leave from school so I had to bring my stuff home

Pfft who needs game consoles.

Embarrassing set up, but it'll soon all get updated.(excuse the crappy cell pic)

Pfft who needs game consoles.

Embarrassing set up, but it'll soon all get updated.(excuse the crappy cell pic)

OP like the other poster said, why did you buy a 7.1 if you don't even know how to use it? To get the full effect you gotta use the correct speaker placements and calibrate it man, you're not enjoying your system the way your supposed to!
OP like the other poster said, why did you buy a 7.1 if you don't even know how to use it? To get the full effect you gotta use the correct speaker placements and calibrate it man, you're not enjoying your system the way your supposed to!
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