Post purchases that have improved your life.

For the foam roller would you guys recommend the xtra firm 13 inch or the original ?
that actually looks safe compared to people using a blowtorch :smh: but in general looks tedious to use... i mess with the vape so no lighting involved :D
it clears the bowl better too. get nicer hits instead of having to hit it a few extra times. could be annoying but i usually only use a bowl during the day or late at night.
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It's much cleaner, you don't taste the butane which I never really noticed until I started using the wick. I'd recommend it if you still use bowls

I was going to spend $200-300 on a gshock or a suunto watch. But I found this watch for $50. I use it for the hydration timer which alerts you (you can pick the intervals) when to hydrate yourself. I work outdoors a lot so it helps. Also helpful if you go to the gym.
how is it different from a regular foam roller. It's a fail for me every time when I use a regular one, the contours make it roll off to the side. :smh:

Make sure you go with the firmest option (TWSS)

The softer you go, the easier/faster it caves in and is rendered useless
another purchase ive enjoyed is my tempurpedic pillow. spent $50 for one at macys, highly recommended
Bought Electric razor 2 years ago.

-Don't need shaving cream

-Don't need to buy anymore razors

-"easier" than shaving (not that shaving is hard, but you know what I mean)

Get a nicer one(with a cleaner and/or recharger), it's a good investment IMO
Bought Electric razor 2 years ago.

-Don't need shaving cream
-Don't need to buy anymore razors
-"easier" than shaving (not that shaving is hard, but you know what I mean)

Get a nicer one(with a cleaner and/or recharger), it's a good investment IMO

This. Copped a electric shaver. Some of that green electric shave prep liquid from your local pharmacy. And a t-liner
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