Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Eric Alexander, former Patriots LB, paid me in gold dollars the other day. I know times is tough and you got cut, but cmon homie, you made a few mil over the last 3-4 years.

People will legitimately question a cash registers math. And do it out on paper. #@%@+ YOU AINT SMARTER THAN A COMPUTER.

A passport/ID photo, at last check which was about a year and a half ago, costs about 4.5 cents to print, the same a a regular 4x6 print, which is 29 cents retail. Retail? Just jumped from $8.99 from $9.99.
crobers 78 wrote:
92TiLLiNFINitY wrote:
shoeking2101 wrote:
-The higher i've gone, the more�stories i've gotten.�A friend of mine got turned down my some record label (forgot the name)�down south because he wasn't gay. The record label�literally wanted to have sex�with him and suck his
...This also happened to an�up and coming artist�out here that I know of (don't really know him, but word spreads quick) with a�sub division�of atlanic.�And its�crazy,�because when I first got started in this, I�had no clue�how ayo this industry was.

-Higher ups have parties where they intentionally hire gay men�

Hold up... is this in the hip hop industry?
And what do you mean by "Higher ups"?

That 1st story is disgusting.
And Honestly, I couldn't help but think of this when I read what you typed.

BTW Shoeking, do you believe the illuminati videos on youtube? Because a lot of the ++#% that you're talking about they talk about too.
Movies, songs, and videos come from real life stuff�that has been done or is�currently happening...real talk. *nothing new under the�Horus oops i meant the Sun*


Yes Sir,I'm talking about the hiphop industry.But this can definately be applied to theentertainment industry as a whole.
By higherups, I mean people who control everything, and people who we have no clue whothey are,yet they controltheentireindustry, and are the multimillionaires who never appear on any of those fancy financial least notfrom what I see. Thepeople I conversate with refer to them as "Higher Ups"

As far as those illuminati videos on youtube, I haven't seen extensive footage, but I've caught a few videos including the vid you posted and I will say they definately fit the bill.Frommy experiences and my knowledge, I canhonestly say nothing happens by coincidence. So when you see all these crazy happenings in music videos that are highlighted in those illuminati videos, at the very least the information presented is compelling andmakes you wonder. Music Videos are a controlled environment, so when artistand directors depictangels burning, etc. who knows what to think. I do knownothing happens by coincidence though.
Originally Posted by swishasweets

Hey shoeking how did you wind up in the industry?

I have the fortune of living in los angeles, and as a result I would like to think I network pretty well. Meet a few people, get invited to a few events, get a lil bit of money, go to a few listening parties where you meet some more people there, that basically in the nutshell.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

-The higher you climb, the crazier things get...I'll leave this one alone. I know how NT hate conspiracies even though its not.
-Backstage at the VMA's are so crazy. Grammy's too.
Touch more on these two, you gotta.

-The higher i've gone, the more stories i've gotten. A friend of mine got turned down my some record label (forgot the name) down south because he wasn't gay. The record label literally wanted to have sex with him and suck his
...This also happened to an up and coming artist out here that I know of (don't really know him, but word spreads quick) with a sub division of atlanic. And its crazy, because when I first got started in this, I had no clue how ayo this industry was.
-And things are...Chaotic to say the least. I'm not in the loop as far as other genre's go, so I don't know a bunch of other artist besides hiphop but these two white chicks (Don't know if they were artist or not) got into a shouting match/almost a fight over a dress/shoes. This happened while the show was taping
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by swishasweets

Hey shoeking how did you wind up in the industry?

I have the fortune of living in los angeles, and as a result I would like to think I network pretty well. Meet a few people, get invited to a few events, get a lil bit of money, go to a few listening parties where you meet some more people there, that basically in the nutshell.
can you give me a job if i were to relocate to LA? haha.
Don't know if mentioned, but the technicians at all auto body shops and car dealerships are picking up their dates in your nice car. garunsheed.
Originally Posted by Jalrulz

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by swishasweets

Hey shoeking how did you wind up in the industry?

I have the fortune of living in los angeles, and as a result I would like to think I network pretty well. Meet a few people, get invited to a few events, get a lil bit of money, go to a few listening parties where you meet some more people there, that basically in the nutshell.
can you give me a job if i were to relocate to LA? haha.

Honestly, if this were like two years down the line, we really could work something out. But i'm still a "newbie" and trying to get established as a force as far as music managers act, and i'm still trying to get a few of my artist off the ground in this music industry. Hard work man.

But this thing isn't all bad don't get me wrong.
man the entertainment industry is straight devil work...everything about it (from this thread and other places) is just disgusting....

whatever happened to just putting out music and seeing if people like it or not? i guess that explains the bad music on the radio now
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by 430AM

Ticket writer at a Sportsbook in Las Vegas:

- The sportsbooks do NOT know any inside info on games, We pretty much hoped for 50% action on both sides so we can walk away with the juice.
thats a god damn lie.....and you're a ticketwriter not a line maker so of course you wouldn't know %!@% about that 
this guy must have lost his life savings on some dumb bet... Forget mad, this guy's FUMING! 

It makes sense though, 50/50 walk away with the juice, minimizes the risk. I've heard it before, from plenty of people.
That info about the music industry is very interesting. I'm not really surprised to hear about the selling of souls
I've only been to one actual studio (where rich boy recorded) and I had a very uneasy/ creepy feeling the entire time.
I can only imagine what all goes down with the entertainment industry.
That info about the music industry is very interesting. I'm not really surprised to hear about the selling of souls
I've only been to one actual studio (where rich boy recorded) and I had a very uneasy/ creepy feeling the entire time.
I can only imagine what all goes down with the entertainment industry.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by stand4something

Former Google NYC Employee

-one of the best places to work in the world
-we get around the facility using scooters (vp's and managers have segways)
-ive personally met Eric Schmidt (ceo) and larry and sergey (founders)
-Googlers do not pay for anything, and when I say anything I mean anything, from food to cellphones
-the NYC office is the second biggest next to mountainview
-there is nothing outside or in the lobby of the building that says "Google"
-5 star chefs come to the Google Restaurants and prepare meals according to the theme (e.g chinese, jamaican, etc)
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are free of charge, buffet style
-theres a special internal google search system called "Moma", Google as a whole cannot operate without it, it contains every single drop of google info, you wont find anything on Moma if you google it
-fun fact: Google gets 14$ for each Google and youtube search, insane

I can go on for days lol

I going to go ahead and call BS on this.  If that was true Google would be pulling in close to a billion dollars daily.  No way in hell that is true.  Maybe 14 cents, but even that seems high.
Would you have a link to the Schmidt interview where he says this? I just find it hard to believe as well.
As for the Google intranet. Not really tough to find (some) info on it. 

Like this from '07 ...

No I don't have a link sorry, not every Google interview with Schmidt is televised or recorded, a lot of things I know just from working there, and if you know any other employee they'll tell you the same, a lot of the money being made from Google is unseen, Schmidt is a very very smart man to say the least, you can't even call or email him, everything is filtered by 2 admins, and then passed onto him if deemed important.And yes Ofcourse you'll find info on Moma, but no real insightful info to potentially harm the company or to "leak" too much info.Moma is the heart and soul of Google, you get into Moma, you know and can access EVERYTHING, from addresses , employees, financial info, stock info, Ironically, the main engineers and IT guys use MAC hardware and software, Windows contains too many security leaks.And is Google planning to take over the internet infrastructure? Yes. Will they succeed? Yes. Why? No one can stop them, Google is the most powerful business on this planet. Why? Because its powered by you, the users, you put the info up there, Google just saves it...forever. They are releasing Google Home. Where you control everything from your home and you don't have to be there, like open your garage or turn your stove off. Remember where you heard it first.Why did I get fired? One of the Vps sent his wife some flowers while she was away, I tryed to drop them off to her twice but she wasn't there, so I just held them in the office without just leaving them at the desk (I needed a signature). So a week goes by and she calls, and Ofcourse I answered the phone, she inquired about them, I told her they were here, she came by and they were as dead as Michael. So she snapped. Called my bossHer boss wasn't happy (Regional Manager for the whole northeast)I received an email about a meeting with them 3 (managers) I knew what was about to go downFired via Video conferencingMost stressful day of my life, I felt like the biggest failure.
You got fired over flowers--Wowwww. Can't you sue for wrongful termination? Because I find it hard to believe that delivering flowers and/or maintaining their vitality for 2 weeks is part of your job requirement 

i dont believe that google fact

i mean hell.............i must use google 50 xs a day each day i use the internet

also that  industry info is crazy..........wisepharoah said the same (&#$# before too, you gotta be gay to make it huh?

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

You got fired over flowers--Wowwww. Can't you sue for wrongful termination? Because I find it hard to believe that delivering flowers and/or maintaining their vitality for 2 weeks is part of your job requirement 


Nah it was all good, they maxxed my unemployment lol *kicks feet up*
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by 430AM

Ticket writer at a Sportsbook in Las Vegas:

- The sportsbooks do NOT know any inside info on games, We pretty much hoped for 50% action on both sides so we can walk away with the juice.
thats a god damn lie.....and you're a ticketwriter not a line maker so of course you wouldn't know %!@% about that 
this guy must have lost his life savings on some dumb bet... Forget mad, this guy's FUMING! 

It makes sense though, 50/50 walk away with the juice, minimizes the risk. I've heard it before, from plenty of people.
 nah.....i've actually won thousands betting just off the fact i know which lines vegas set to trap the public on one side so they can profit like hell on the other side....hell i just did it last night w/ the chicago/okc games.....chicago was -4 and the public was betting okc HEAVY.....guess who covered....chicago 
.....never had to work through college because of sports betting 
if you watch nba games you'll know that there's some shady @!$# that go down at the end of some games when it comes to ov/un or spreads....not every game but a lot of games 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

i dont believe that google fact

i mean hell.............i must use google 50 xs a day each day i use the internet

also that  industry info is crazy..........wisepharoah said the same (&#$# before too, you gotta be gay to make it huh?

I bet he meant more like 14 cents per search, that would make more sense.. but if true im bout to invest in couple Google shares

Originally Posted by stand4something

Former Google NYC Employee

-one of the best places to work in the world
-we get around the facility using scooters (vp's and managers have segways)
-ive personally met Eric Schmidt (ceo) and larry and sergey (founders)
-Googlers do not pay for anything, and when I say anything I mean anything, from food to cellphones
-the NYC office is the second biggest next to mountainview
-there is nothing outside or in the lobby of the building that says "Google"
-5 star chefs come to the Google Restaurants and prepare meals according to the theme (e.g chinese, jamaican, etc)
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are free of charge, buffet style
-theres a special internal google search system called "Moma", Google as a whole cannot operate without it, it contains every single drop of google info, you wont find anything on Moma if you google it
-fun fact: Google gets 14$ for each Google and youtube search, insane

I can go on for days lol

I wonder why your a FORMER employee if work was like scooters and free buffets everyday. 
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