\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

I still lust for a G8, I wanna buy a G8 and push it to 7/800 to the wheels
or just have it at 500 and daily drive it
am i crazy?
Not to talk you out of the car you want but just my 2 cents , I would go with the Chevy SS. it is very under the radar like a G8 and even comes in a 6-speed manual transmission. Very mod friendly just like all of the LS Chevy motors. If it were me and I was looking for something in this segment I would pick the Chevy SS over the G8
Gotta homie g8 that gets that work from a 6.4 another friend has.

If i was gonna get one it would be a gxp or and ss with a manual.
true manual would be nice
Love my g8!!
damn patna, this thing is fire!! any mods??
Not to talk you out of the car you want but just my 2 cents , I would go with the Chevy SS. it is very under the radar like a G8 and even comes in a 6-speed manual transmission. Very mod friendly just like all of the LS Chevy motors. If it were me and I was looking for something in this segment I would pick the Chevy SS over the G8
the ss is ugly as sin to be honest.

i considered it before i bought my scat but couldnt get past the horrible looks.
Do it they're dirt cheap around here. It wouldnt be that expensive to make it an hellcat eater

Of course a new scat would gap a g8. Compare the g8 to the piggy 08-09 srt and watch the tables turn :lol:
Gxps are still going for 20-30k suprising

yes the prices are dipping and dipping
maybe in a year or two
G8 making me think I should just finally do some mods to my TL Type S and ride till the wheels fall off instead of going with a new whip. We'll see though, the urge is strong is as hell for the first time in like 7 years since i've had this.

picked her up in february. had to get out of the house, started getting cabin fever.
That's some gorgeous mountain scenery with equally dope twisty roads bro 🔥, California? Sick Subie too, nice choice of color. Subarus & BMWs pull off that deep royal blue very well
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