Post Your Controversial Beliefs

Aug 2, 2009
everybody has beliefs, ideas and perspectives that are unpopular with most other people. post them:

a few of mine:

- free market libertarianism/minimal state involvement
- dont think Bush is as bad as everybody thinks
- i like how unreasonably cocky kanye is..

lol ok well, post yousrr
Overpopulation is the root of most of the world's problems and should be closely regulated... especially in high-density countries like India (China is doing a decent job)

9/11 wasn't that bad. Think of all the buildings and lives that we've destroyed in the Middle East the last five years.

Lil' Wayne is an idiot, a junkie, and will probably die within five years.

Women are inferior to men at lots of things. Like a lot.

That's it.
Originally Posted by Theta

everybody has beliefs, ideas and perspectives that are unpopular with most other people. post them:

a few of mine:

- free market libertarianism/minimal state involvement
- dont think Bush is as bad as everybody thinks
- i like how unreasonably cocky kanye is..

lol ok well, post yousrr

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Overpopulation is the root of most of the world's problems and should be closely regulated... especially in high-density countries like India (China is doing a decent job)

9/11 wasn't that bad. Think of all the buildings and lives that we've destroyed in the Middle East the last five years.

Lil' Wayne is a %#%#####$.

That's it.

hannukah is only a holiday so that jewish people can get gifts and not feel left out during christmas season
asians are the worst race drivers ever. i dont know if this is controversial but time and time again this is proven when im on the road
Men shouldn't chase women; women should prove to men that they are worthy of being in THAT man's company. Not vice versa the way the world works now.

Men a slaves to women for the most part. Involuntarily by men. Women know this and capitalize on it.

And before anyone says it, no I do not HATE women. Sick of you dudes saying I do simply because I challenge them
-People, for the most part, are not good at heart.

-If God exists, he's very nonchalant about our existence.
You failure to launch %%* @+@%+* want a second mom. There are poor male drivers just as there are poor female drivers. I actually feel bad that some of you are so ignorant... Not even trying to be mean. It really is sad that you lived such a sheltered life that you have such hate towards woman. Dad pounding brews and complaining to ya moms that was prolly gettin' rolled on the low by some other guy to help her get through raising some YOU along with ya pops.
-I believe life/humans serve no "higher" purpose
-I believe most things people place value on and take pride in are absurd and utterly pointless when it's all said and done
-I believe we should exist on this planet as if there isn't a chance of reincarnation of any sort. Which means making life as comfortable and painless for 1. Yourself 2. Subsequent generations 3. your fellow man. This also means keeping an open-mind and getting as diverse an experience on this planet as, get to know other cultures, diversify your taste in music, art, read etc. Value life and humanity, rather than the zombies and the after-life.
-Minorities are too sensitive sometimes
-Homosexual people should have every right (including religious) to do everything hetero people can
-2pac is an overrated rapper
-Jennifer Aniston is your average white chick.  And average white chicks are not attractive.  I'd smash but still...
-Jesus did exist but he was equivalent to a Martin Luther King or a Ghandi.  It's just over time as the story got told and his followers talked him up, he became (ahem) larger than life.
-Go ahead an add the fact that I don't value the need to have offspring or pass my "genes" into the next generation. I love children more than anything else and I plan on adopting but because this world can use less "new beings". Someone already mentioned overpopulation being the root of suffering and conflict. This need to procreate is another value I think we is overrated.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

- women should stay home, cook and raise my kids
the man said CONTROVERSIAL beliefs, not conventional

just kiddin ladies
I honestly believe homosexuality is mental illness just like schizophrenia. They need to be treated with respect, dignity and there is no excuse for oppressing them in anyway but at the same we shouldn't be promoting this behavior as an "alternate" lifestyle
Originally Posted by hellaones

Jigga = overrated
I agree with this.  I saw some article the other day that had him rated as the number one MC of all time.  
He only has a career because he filled the void created in hip hop with the deaths of Tupac and Biggie....
*The overpopulation of homosexual males in this society just makes the importance to strong males in this society even more important. It is SAD and it needs to end. It is NOT natural and is NOT the way men should be. Same with homosexual women. It isn't healthy for the world. Especially in the black community. And don't tell me to "not worry about others."

*I would rather have a son than a daughter. I hear too many stories of females getting raped and taken advantage of. Too many sluts in this world that have come from good families. I get scared that no matter how much I try to teach there is a good chance she will be easily impressionable (like most girls) by loser type dudes.

*If my son is gay I will be hurt as a father. I shouldn't have to explain why.

*Black folks need to get it together. I need to stop talking and make a damn difference though. So I will take some blame

*Weight issues and black women go hand in hand. I wish a prominent black female stresses the importance of taking care of yourself so they lazy females will get off their butts and do something with their gross bodies. Sista Obama maybe?
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