Post Your Controversial Beliefs

People who are hyper-sensitive about race are stupid.

Political junkies are annoying.

Government should have more power than it does now, and regulated better than it is now.

Were it not for social concerns, I would vote Republican.
*I mean I am sorry that I have a problem with same sex interactions. It isn't cool. It isn't natural. I am an organic dude for the most part (trying) and that applies to my lifestyle outside of eating as well. Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh. I am not saying gays are bad people, I just don't like their lifestyles. The same way I don't approve of people that drink a lot or do drugs constantly. Not comparing the acts, just comparing my dislike for various types of lifestyles. Not saying ANYONE is more or less of a person. Or a second class citizen. I just don't like it and I don't see how so many of them coming out is really GOOD for this world. WHOEVER made Adam for Eve. Not Steve for Steve

*Hot lesbian action is overrated. I can't stand female on female action. Gay is gay. Not a fan of it
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Master Zik

The lack of fathers parenting their sons or father figures and/or young males being raised only by their mothers is one of the main causes for gay black men in today's society?
Ugh of course it is. What is funny about believing a STRONG male figure in a young boys life influencing him will POTENTIALLY (not guarantee) decrease the chances of him being a boy liker? Not sure why you think that is so far fetched.
I don't see it as a necessity to prevent homosexuality or a father figure in a boy's life as a deterrent to homosexuality. I don't see how a strong male figure decreases the chances of a boy becoming homosexual. I see it as an assumption you've concluded to quite frankly. I know a lot of dudes raised by their mother who would disagree with you.

If a dude is gonna be gay. He gonna be gay.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Abortion is murder. People should have the right to murder unborn babies.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

-I believe life/humans serve no "higher" purpose
-I believe most things people place value on and take pride in are absurd and utterly pointless when it's all said and done
-Ibelieve we should exist on this planet as if there isn't a chance ofreincarnation of any sort. Which means making life as comfortable andpainless for 1. Yourself 2. Subsequent generations 3. your fellow man.This also means keeping an open-mind and getting as diverse anexperience on this planet as, get to know othercultures, diversify your taste in music, art, read etc. Value life andhumanity, rather than the zombies and the after-life.
Thefirst two kinda contradict imo and if ppl believed in the first two there'sno way they'd be enticed to believe in the third. If ppl have no higher purpose thenthere is no standard. We individually decide the value of our lives in this life, soputting value in pointless and absurd things is a reflection of howmuch we value our lives. Now if that's the case there's no reason wewould desire to make life comfortable for our fellow man unless theyhold the same values as us and even then that doesn't have to be thecase.
I fail to see how the first 2 contradict, they are 2 completely different albeit related ideas. The values I'm talking about are in pride, procreation, religion and group loyalties.......all of these values over the years have proven throughout history to cause more harm than good. It takes a little bit of dehumanization to think of life this way.......Those absurd things are actually more of a reflection of how much we value what happens after we're gone imo.

A higher purpose giving humans a standard common misconception, the concept of a higher purpose giving meaning to life is TAUGHT. Our ancestors (pre-modern man) did not need this to carry on his daily existence happily.
-People expect too much from government, government is, was and will always be the organized application of force (or the threat thereof) and nothing more. It is not your family, it is not your benefactor, it cannot plan a successful economy, it can create a job that does not require that other jobs be destroyed through taxation. Put simply, government has and never will create additional wealth in a society.

-While socialists are too confident in government's abilities to create wealth and prosperity, many libertarians overlook the fact that government, can increase the total level of happiness in society. Transferring a modest amount of wealth (by taxing very wealthy people, which is different from taking incomes) to the truly needy (most welfare dollars go to middle class households, wealthy households and corporation and farms), it would create more utility then would be lost through the taxation (taxation always is a cost, it is never a benefit by itself like some on the left seem to believe).

-We should be like Europe in terms of political speech. The terms fascist and socialists have become slurs but the fact is that we have many of both in this country. Most of the hard left wing folks on MSNBC, want government to dominate the means of production, that makes you a socialist. People like O'Reilly and Hannity, who want to solve every problem with coercion and are therefore fascists, should be called that.. Because both terms have become slurs, pointing out that someone is a fascist or a socialist is considered "name calling," even though both terms are, frequently and unfortunately, the most accurate.

- (this is not very controversial on NT but in much of America it is) People who idolize America's "Founding Fathers" to the point that they want our policies to be based only on their views, are out of their minds. People like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, et al. represented one of the greatest gathering of minds and of ideas and The Constitution that they wrote and pledged to defend, is worth defending and should serve as a set of constraints and guidelines today but some people take fidelity to the Constitution too far (and usually are selective in what really matters in the thing any way) and they have distorted history by elevating the Founders to a mythological status. Furthermore, reading aloud, antiquated quotes from the Founders and drawing on a black board does not make you a vessel through which the Founders' wishes flow. 

Bioshock is better than Halo and I love Halo.

Resident Evil 5 is kinda racist, not as bad as some said (usually people who did not even play the game) but between Sheva's body paint, the fact that many opponents in modern day Africa are armed with spears and the way the crowd acted before they were infected shows that the game is definitely devoid of racism.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I don't see it as a necessity to prevent homosexuality or a father figure in a boy's life as a deterrent to homosexuality. I don't see how a strong male figure decreases the chances of a boy becoming homosexual. I see it as an assumption you've concluded to quite frankly. I know a lot of dudes raised by their mother who would disagree with you.

If a dude is gonna be gay. He gonna be gay.
Let me preface:

Boys raised by single mothers CAN be gay or straight
Boys raised by BOTH parents CAN be gay or straight

Boys raised by a STRONG MALE figure that projects to his son what a REAL man does/doesn't do, can be gay or straight.

But I do believe those that have strong male figures in their lives are LESS likely to become gay than those that are simply raised by females. Social interaction matters. How a boy is raised, talked to, trained, etc matters as well. I don't see how anyone can say it doesn't.

That is what I feel.

I am not saying anything guarantees any type of outcome

And I agree, if he is GOING to be gay he is going to be gay.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Homosexuality is NOT the reason why many black men abandon their children? Again, this is dangerous because I feel like you ARE in denial. We can't expect to have a solution to these issues if you keep coming up with absurd reasons.

Also by saying this are you basically saying that homosexuality is more prevalent among African Americans than any other ethnic group?
Again, I never said any of what you are speaking of. Do you have comprehension issues dude?

I have no clue where you got that first statement from. If anything I was saying that if men DIDN'T leave their kids, the amount of gay black boys wouldn't be so prevalent. Not sure what you are reading man.

And in regards to your last statement, NO I am not basically saying that. Again, not seeing how you are concluding that.

But since you ask, I wouldn't be surprised at it. Not sure though
So you're essentially saying that homosexuality IS more prevalent in the black community?
My comprehension is crystal clear, you're the one who needs to say what he means.
-Minorities People are too sensitive sometimes
-Homosexual people should have every right (including religious) to do everything hetero people can
Agreed and had to fix the other part to fit what I feel.
That Bioshock-Halo comment caught me off guard. Such serious subject matter in the previous points and then Bioshock...
I don't see how what you bolded equals me saying that I think homosexuality IS more prevalent in the black community.

Even though I would GUESS that it is, what you bolded has NOTHING to do with that statement.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Abortion is murder. People should have the right to murder unborn babies.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

-I believe life/humans serve no "higher" purpose
-I believe most things people place value on and take pride in are absurd and utterly pointless when it's all said and done
-Ibelieve we should exist on this planet as if there isn't a chance ofreincarnation of any sort. Which means making life as comfortable andpainless for 1. Yourself 2. Subsequent generations 3. your fellow man.This also means keeping an open-mind and getting as diverse anexperience on this planet as, get to know othercultures, diversify your taste in music, art, read etc. Value life andhumanity, rather than the zombies and the after-life.
Thefirst two kinda contradict imo and if ppl believed in the first two there'sno way they'd be enticed to believe in the third. If ppl have no higher purpose thenthere is no standard. We individually decide the value of our lives in this life, soputting value in pointless and absurd things is a reflection of howmuch we value our lives. Now if that's the case there's no reason wewould desire to make life comfortable for our fellow man unless theyhold the same values as us and even then that doesn't have to be thecase.
I fail to see how the first 2 contradict, they are 2 completely different albeit related ideas. The values I'm talking about are in pride, procreation, religion and group loyalties.......all of these values over the years have proven throughout history to cause more harm than good. It takes a little bit of dehumanization to think of life this way.......Those absurd things are actually more of a reflection of how much we value what happens after we're gone imo.

A higher purpose giving humans a standard common misconception, the concept of a higher purpose giving meaning to life is TAUGHT. Our ancestors (pre-modern man) did not need this to carry on his daily existence happily.
I was just making the connection of ppl who believe in a higher purpose and the absurd things they may or may not value. I'm not disagreeing with the no higher purpose it's an interesting viewpoint and forces ppl to focus on the now. I just feel the lack of that belief(higher purpose) can lead to rampant absurd and pointless things being valued. Furthermore, ppl who say they believe in a higher purpose and put value in to absurd and pointless things do not seriously put any thought on the former.

I think if you feel all human beings have a higher purpose you should be more prone to getting to know other cultures, understanding opposing viewpoints, diversifying your taste in music, being tolerant, etc. or at least that's what I've come to understand from certain Buddhist teachings.


I get what you're saying DC. Social interaction do matter. I was just trying to say a boy isn't doomed to be gay if he's raised by his mother and that there's really no scientific proof backing up the increase or decrease of homosexuality when a STRONG father(figure) is present.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't see how what you bolded equals me saying that I think homosexuality IS more prevalent in the black community.

Even though I would GUESS that it is, what you bolded has NOTHING to do with that statement.
Simple logic my dude

Fatherless children/males are more prevalent in the black community.
You said 
and I quote "If anything I was saying that ifmen DIDN'T leave their kids, the amount of gay black boys wouldn't beso prevalent. Not sure what you are reading man."
Therefore, homosexuality should be more prevalent in the black community.

Simple logic
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Abortion is murder. People should have the right to murder unborn babies.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

-I believe life/humans serve no "higher" purpose
-I believe most things people place value on and take pride in are absurd and utterly pointless when it's all said and done
-Ibelieve we should exist on this planet as if there isn't a chance ofreincarnation of any sort. Which means making life as comfortable andpainless for 1. Yourself 2. Subsequent generations 3. your fellow man.This also means keeping an open-mind and getting as diverse anexperience on this planet as, get to know othercultures, diversify your taste in music, art, read etc. Value life andhumanity, rather than the zombies and the after-life.
Thefirst two kinda contradict imo and if ppl believed in the first two there'sno way they'd be enticed to believe in the third. If ppl have no higher purpose thenthere is no standard. We individually decide the value of our lives in this life, soputting value in pointless and absurd things is a reflection of howmuch we value our lives. Now if that's the case there's no reason wewould desire to make life comfortable for our fellow man unless theyhold the same values as us and even then that doesn't have to be thecase.
I fail to see how the first 2 contradict, they are 2 completely different albeit related ideas. The values I'm talking about are in pride, procreation, religion and group loyalties.......all of these values over the years have proven throughout history to cause more harm than good. It takes a little bit of dehumanization to think of life this way.......Those absurd things are actually more of a reflection of how much we value what happens after we're gone imo.

A higher purpose giving humans a standard common misconception, the concept of a higher purpose giving meaning to life is TAUGHT. Our ancestors (pre-modern man) did not need this to carry on his daily existence happily.
I was just making the connection of ppl who believe in a higher purpose and the absurd things they may or may not value. I'm not disagreeing with the no higher purpose it's an interesting viewpoint and forces ppl to focus on the now. I just feel the lack of that belief(higher purpose) can lead to rampant absurd and pointless things being valued. Furthermore, ppl who say they believe in a higher purpose and put value in to absurd and pointless things do not seriously put any thought on the former.

I think if you feel all human beings have a higher purpose you should be more prone to getting to know other cultures, understanding opposing viewpoints, diversifying your taste in music, being tolerant, etc. or at least that's what I've come to understand from certain Buddhist teachings.
Buddha aside....religion and pride do not breed tolerance, open-mindedness, and diversity.
I believe that pretty much every person in this thread really isn't intelligent and have viewpoints they think are clever when in reality it couldn't be further from the truth.
Buddha aside....religion and pride do not breed tolerance, open-mindedness, and diversity.

Fact but I tend to believe or I've grown to believe that's more a flaw in mankind than it is religion. On it's face it's still a tool that ppl choose to live their life by.

Erase the thought of having a higher purpose and we'd have a better chance but would still be likely to be intolerant, close minded, along with being jealous, greedy, etc.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Buddha aside....religion and pride do not breed tolerance, open-mindedness, and diversity.
Fact but I tend to believe or I've grown to believe that's more a flaw in mankind than it is religion. On it's face it's still a tool that ppl choose to live their life by.

Erase the thought of having a higher purpose and we'd have a better chance but would still be likely to be intolerant, close minded, along with being jealous, greedy, etc.

Touche touche....which is why I said this would essentially take dehumanization to achieve this. It would mean transcending all that makes us"human" or even animals at that.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I believe that pretty much every person in this thread really isn't intelligent and have viewpoints they think are clever when in reality it couldn't be further from the truth.

Dead on. We need to change 'controversial' beliefs title to 'idiotic' or 'ignorant.'
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I believe that pretty much every person in this thread really isn't intelligent and have viewpoints they think are clever when in reality it couldn't be further from the truth.
I believe you think you have a viewpoint that makes you think you're more intelligent or clever than everyone else in this thread.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Buddha aside....religion and pride do not breed tolerance, open-mindedness, and diversity.
Fact but I tend to believe or I've grown to believe that's more a flaw in mankind than it is religion. On it's face it's still a tool that ppl choose to live their life by.

Erase the thought of having a higher purpose and we'd have a better chance but would still be likely to be intolerant, close minded, along with being jealous, greedy, etc.
Touche touche....which is why I said this would essentially take dehumanization to achieve this. It would mean transcending all that makes us"human" or even animals at that.

C'mon son
. That sounds like a higher purpose. Ascending to a state where we're 100% better than we are now? You know what type of feat that would be? Some would call it a miracle

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Ibelieve that pretty much every person in this thread really isn'tintelligent and have viewpoints they think are clever when in realityit couldn't be further from the truth.
You're not makingany type of revelation or keen observation with this statement. Ifanything your post contributes to what you claim.

The mere fact that the thread is asking for controversial beliefs should let you know the measure of intelligence in this thread would be unlimited on both ends.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Buddha aside....religion and pride do not breed tolerance, open-mindedness, and diversity.
Fact but I tend to believe or I've grown to believe that's more a flaw in mankind than it is religion. On it's face it's still a tool that ppl choose to live their life by.

Erase the thought of having a higher purpose and we'd have a better chance but would still be likely to be intolerant, close minded, along with being jealous, greedy, etc.
Touche touche....which is why I said this would essentially take dehumanization to achieve this. It would mean transcending all that makes us"human" or even animals at that.
C'mon son
. That sounds like a higher purpose. Ascending to a state where we're 100% better than we are now? You know what type of feat that would be? Some would call it a miracle

this is why said beliefs are controversial/unconventional. No one is supposed to think like this
....honestly at the end of the day, I just want less conflict on this planet and i offered my solution.
I believe that someday we will have a World Government due to the fact that the power has been slowly concentrating for the whole history of mankind. I don't believe that our generation will see it though.
-NT has its own illuminati consisting of its admins and some of the "OG's"
-Cameron Nelson's saturn is actually finished
-Oh snapps is still lurking, waiting for his next chance to pop up.
-Jrose is going to come back and ban everyone who was involved in the thread that got him kicked from being an admin.
-2012 isnt going to be the end of the world, its actually going to be the year when NT becomes a Democracy.
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