Post Your Controversial Beliefs

This thread is bout to be a trainwreck

- i really could care less about haiti

- if you commit suicide, youre downright stupid and deserve no pity

- tupac isnt as great of a rapper that everyone makes him out to be (biggie ftw)

- i agree about gods being fake, religion as a whole is nonsense

& lol at the first 3 responses, haha
- i really could care less about haiti

- if you commit suicide, youre downright stupid and deserve no pity

- tupac isnt as great of a rapper that everyone makes him out to be (biggie ftw)

- i agree about gods being fake, religion as a whole is nonsense

& lol at the first 3 responses, haha
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

*The overpopulation of homosexual males in this society just makes the importance to strong males in this society even more important. It is SAD and it needs to end. It is NOT natural and is NOT the way men should be. Same with homosexual women. It isn't healthy for the world. Especially in the black community. And don't tell me to "not worry about others."

*I would rather have a son than a daughter. I hear too many stories of females getting raped and taken advantage of. Too many sluts in this world that have come from good families. I get scared that no matter how much I try to teach there is a good chance she will be easily impressionable (like most girls) by loser type dudes.

*If my son is gay I will be hurt as a father. I shouldn't have to explain why.

*Black folks need to get it together. I need to stop talking and make a damn difference though. So I will take some blame

*Weight issues and black women go hand in hand. I wish a prominent black female stresses the importance of taking care of yourself so they lazy females will get off their butts and do something with their gross bodies. Sista Obama maybe?
I could go on a 3 page rant about how black males are in many ways an inherently weak group of people just to prove a point. Homosexual males are NOT the problem in the black community

Ever notice how that's every group's go to solution for all their problems....blame the Gays and the Jews
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

*The overpopulation of homosexual males in this society just makes the importance to strong males in this society even more important. It is SAD and it needs to end. It is NOT natural and is NOT the way men should be. Same with homosexual women. It isn't healthy for the world. Especially in the black community. And don't tell me to "not worry about others."

*I would rather have a son than a daughter. I hear too many stories of females getting raped and taken advantage of. Too many sluts in this world that have come from good families. I get scared that no matter how much I try to teach there is a good chance she will be easily impressionable (like most girls) by loser type dudes.

*If my son is gay I will be hurt as a father. I shouldn't have to explain why.

*Black folks need to get it together. I need to stop talking and make a damn difference though. So I will take some blame

*Weight issues and black women go hand in hand. I wish a prominent black female stresses the importance of taking care of yourself so they lazy females will get off their butts and do something with their gross bodies. Sista Obama maybe?
Homosexuals cannot procreate so they don't really pose a threat to what is "natural."  If everyone wanted sons over daughters, we would be screwed like China, who has some crazy number like 41 million dudes who will never feel a vagina due to male child preference.  I would rather have a gay child than a ******ed child.  People need to get it together, not just blacks.  And yes.
*I hate when people incorrectly use the phrase, "I could care less." Too many folks use it incorrectly.

*Someone needs to start a Masculine Movement because sooner or later women will take over the world more than they already have. And they have the NERVE of complaining about the commercials last night @ the SB being too sexist. Yea ok. Men get pussified on camera numerous times per day. Sick of it

*Yes I am always angry. LOL

*Kobe is closer to Jordan more than folks want to really admit.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

*The overpopulation of homosexual males in this society just makes the importance to strong males in this society even more important. It is SAD and it needs to end. It is NOT natural and is NOT the way men should be. Same with homosexual women. It isn't healthy for the world. Especially in the black community. And don't tell me to "not worry about others."

*I would rather have a son than a daughter. I hear too many stories of females getting raped and taken advantage of. Too many sluts in this world that have come from good families. I get scared that no matter how much I try to teach there is a good chance she will be easily impressionable (like most girls) by loser type dudes.

*If my son is gay I will be hurt as a father. I shouldn't have to explain why.

*Black folks need to get it together. I need to stop talking and make a damn difference though. So I will take some blame

*Weight issues and black women go hand in hand. I wish a prominent black female stresses the importance of taking care of yourself so they lazy females will get off their butts and do something with their gross bodies. Sista Obama maybe?
I could go on a 3 page rant about how black males are in many ways an inherently weak group of people just to prove a point. Homosexual males are NOT the problem in the black community
I agree. They are not THE problem but they are A problem. Read what I said before you try to give a slick comeback.

And I agree, for the most part black men are a disgrace. Too many of us are defacing and misrepresenting the entire race. We need to get it together. I am not in denial.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

*The overpopulation of homosexual males in this society just makes the importance to strong males in this society even more important. It is SAD and it needs to end. It is NOT natural and is NOT the way men should be. Same with homosexual women. It isn't healthy for the world. Especially in the black community. And don't tell me to "not worry about others."

*I would rather have a son than a daughter. I hear too many stories of females getting raped and taken advantage of. Too many sluts in this world that have come from good families. I get scared that no matter how much I try to teach there is a good chance she will be easily impressionable (like most girls) by loser type dudes.

*If my son is gay I will be hurt as a father. I shouldn't have to explain why.

*Black folks need to get it together. I need to stop talking and make a damn difference though. So I will take some blame

*Weight issues and black women go hand in hand. I wish a prominent black female stresses the importance of taking care of yourself so they lazy females will get off their butts and do something with their gross bodies. Sista Obama maybe?
Homosexuals cannot procreate so they don't really pose a threat to what is "natural."  If everyone wanted sons over daughters, we would be screwed like China, who has some crazy number like 41 million dudes who will never feel a vagina due to male child preference.  I would rather have a gay child than a ******ed child.  People need to get it together, not just blacks.  And yes.

China taking huge Ls right's like a big *** sausage-fest over there.
Originally Posted by eaalto

 I would rather have a gay child than a ******ed child.  People need to get it together, not just blacks.  And yes.
Yea I would RATHER have a gay child than a ******ed one, but neither one of us WANT a gay child. Don't make me out to be a bad guy because I don't want a gay child. None of us do. Not even gay folks WANT gay kids. I ain't the devil man. We want the same goal my brother.

And YES it is a serious issue in the black community. These "dudes" needs fathers. Maybe that would help out. Idiots need to stop having babies by dumb females/males and maybe the other party will stick around and help raise the child. Possibly limiting the chances of the child growing up with odds against him/her from the jump.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

*The overpopulation of homosexual males in this society just makes the importance to strong males in this society even more important. It is SAD and it needs to end. It is NOT natural and is NOT the way men should be. Same with homosexual women. It isn't healthy for the world. Especially in the black community. And don't tell me to "not worry about others."

*I would rather have a son than a daughter. I hear too many stories of females getting raped and taken advantage of. Too many sluts in this world that have come from good families. I get scared that no matter how much I try to teach there is a good chance she will be easily impressionable (like most girls) by loser type dudes.

*If my son is gay I will be hurt as a father. I shouldn't have to explain why.

*Black folks need to get it together. I need to stop talking and make a damn difference though. So I will take some blame

*Weight issues and black women go hand in hand. I wish a prominent black female stresses the importance of taking care of yourself so they lazy females will get off their butts and do something with their gross bodies. Sista Obama maybe?
I could go on a 3 page rant about how black males are in many ways an inherently weak group of people just to prove a point. Homosexual males are NOT the problem in the black community
I agree. They are not THE problem but they are A problem. Read what I said before you try to give a slick comeback.

And I agree, for the most part black men are a disgrace. Too many of us are defacing and misrepresenting the entire race. We need to get it together. I am not in denial.
Honestly, if you just told me you hated homosexuals and don't need a reason and kept it moving I would've left it alone. It irks me when people make up senseless, unfounded reasons for hating another group of people. Out of all the problems in the black community, that's the "problem" you choose to single out. I think ultimately this is going to be the downfall of the American empire and a halt to our progress as a people (not just black people), people ignoring the real issues and focusing on absurdities.

I'm sure homosexuals are A reason for socioeconomic, health, environmental and educational disparities that exist in the black community.
the mind is simultaneously the most dangerous and precious thing but i feel it will ultimately lead to our destruction as a race
I don't recall saying that homosexuals are the reason for socioeconomic, health, environmental and educational disparities in the black community. But if you want to magically get that from what I typed then ok. You got it dude
Abortion is murder. People should have the right to murder unborn babies.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

-I believe life/humans serve no "higher" purpose
-I believe most things people place value on and take pride in are absurd and utterly pointless when it's all said and done
-Ibelieve we should exist on this planet as if there isn't a chance ofreincarnation of any sort. Which means making life as comfortable andpainless for 1. Yourself 2. Subsequent generations 3. your fellow man.This also means keeping an open-mind and getting as diverse anexperience on this planet as, get to know othercultures, diversify your taste in music, art, read etc. Value life andhumanity, rather than the zombies and the after-life.
Thefirst two kinda contradict imo and if ppl believed in the first two there'sno way they'd be enticed to believe in the third. If ppl have no higher purpose thenthere is no standard. We individually decide the value of our lives in this life, soputting value in pointless and absurd things is a reflection of howmuch we value our lives. Now if that's the case there's no reason wewould desire to make life comfortable for our fellow man unless theyhold the same values as us and even then that doesn't have to be thecase.
Homosexuality is NOT the reason why many black men abandon their children? Again, this is dangerous because I feel like you ARE in denial. We can't expect to have a solution to these issues if you keep coming up with absurd reasons.

Also by saying this are you basically saying that homosexuality is more prevalent among African Americans than any other ethnic group?
*Humans are too damn disrespectful to nature. Animals, land, bodies of water. Humans as a whole, not ALL humans of course.

*Health and body control needs to be stressed more in schools. Another serious issue is how unhealthy America is.
Originally Posted by dnycemodel

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Overpopulation is the root of most of the world's problems and should be closely regulated... especially in high-density countries like India (China is doing a decent job)

9/11 wasn't that bad. Think of all the buildings and lives that we've destroyed in the Middle East the last five years.

Lil' Wayne is a %#%#####$.

That's it.

Don't get me wrong, it was terrible that those people involved lost their lives. But what's so bad about 9/11? The death toll? The 2005 tsunami and more recently Haiti's earthquake had tons more fatalities, but really no one in America cared.

And if you're sensitive about the fact that America got attacked and disrespected, consider us lucky it was only this bad. How long have African countries been sustaining attacks that are much worse? Maybe we should stop being world police, and then maybe countries won't hate us. Rumsfeld was straight up endorsing Abu Ghraib until it got exposed. You think people aren't going to get mad over their friends and family being treated like that, the majority of them being innocent? And for the last five years we've been tearing apart Iraq/Afghanistan, looking for what? Imaginary WMDs? More like seeking oil dominance. I can see why we are hated.

9/11 was a tool used by conservatives and rednecks to hate middle easterners and give us a reason to go to war. Let's make country songs about it and buy "FREEDOM ISN'T FREE" t-shirts!
-Eminem is overrated and he wouldn't be half as popular as he is if he wasn't white. He's to hip-hop what Elvis was to rock & roll…a white person doing a decent job at mimicking what artists of color had invented and been doing for years. He's a decent rapper but not as good as some people make him out to be. *kanye shrug* Plus he raps about killing his girlfriend and raping his mother…where the %++* they do dat at?

-I don't think the American government orchestrated 9/11 but I believe they knew it was going to happen and purposely didn't do anything to stop it. They knew the American people would feel hopeless and vulnerable after an attack like that so they'd be more willing to go along with the government's decision to invade Iraq.

-Organized religion is the worst invention of mankind.

-Humanism > Religion

-Solipsism…As crazy as the concept is, I think there might be some truth to it.

-I don't understand societies fascination with homosexual people. I definitely don't think they choose to be that way and people should just let them be. People are gay. Big #*+$@! deal. Welcome to always.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

*The overpopulation of homosexual males in this society
I think you mean the public revelation of homosexuals andgrowing acceptance of them cuz there's always been homosexuals. They'reall just now feeling comfortable enough to be open about it.
-Jay-Z > 2pac
Jay-Z > Biggie
dont get me wrong i *!$*$ wit Biggie though

- the rules of NT are too strict/ the censorship is ridiculous
i understand they wanna make a "clean" site but its the freaking internet for pete sake and imo ANYTHING and everything should be allowed...and its gonna be that way

sig check
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Homosexuality is NOT the reason why many black men abandon their children? Again, this is dangerous because I feel like you ARE in denial. We can't expect to have a solution to these issues if you keep coming up with absurd reasons.

Also by saying this are you basically saying that homosexuality is more prevalent among African Americans than any other ethnic group?
Again, I never said any of what you are speaking of. Do you have comprehension issues dude?

I have no clue where you got that first statement from. If anything I was saying that if men DIDN'T leave their kids, the amount of gay black boys wouldn't be so prevalent. Not sure what you are reading man.

And in regards to your last statement, NO I am not basically saying that. Again, not seeing how you are concluding that.

But since you ask, I wouldn't be surprised at it. Not sure though
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by eaalto

 I would rather have a gay child than a ******ed child.  People need to get it together, not just blacks.  And yes.
Yea I would RATHER have a gay child than a ******ed one, but neither one of us WANT a gay child. Don't make me out to be a bad guy because I don't want a gay child. None of us do. Not even gay folks WANT gay kids. I ain't the devil man. We want the same goal my brother.

And YES it is a serious issue in the black community. These "dudes" needs fathers. Maybe that would help out. Idiots need to stop having babies by dumb females/males and maybe the other party will stick around and help raise the child. Possibly limiting the chances of the child growing up with odds against him/her from the jump.
Even though it's not a statistical likelihood, I keep thinking "what if" I had a ******ed child.  I don't think I'd want it.  Brining up kids is a task in itself, bringing up ******ed kids has to be a lot more difficult.

Back to preferring a male child: I want at least one.  I'm planning to have two kids, I just hope the first one that pops out is a boy.  My wife wants a girl (two of them), but I would probably go insane having that many women in the house.  I just hope, hope, hope, that my sperm know what's up.  My wife is the older sister in her family, and she used to torment her younger brother growing up.  Overpowering him and farting on his face, dressing him up, blaming him for whatever and getting away with it.  God damn.  Crap like that just isn't right.  I swear if I were her younger brother I would have beat her %!@ growing up.  
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by eaalto

 I would rather have a gay child than a ******ed child.  People need to get it together, not just blacks.  And yes.
Yea I would RATHER have a gay child than a ******ed one, but neither one of us WANT a gay child. Don't make me out to be a bad guy because I don't want a gay child. None of us do. Not even gay folks WANT gay kids. I ain't the devil man. We want the same goal my brother.

And YES it is a serious issue in the black community. These "dudes" needs fathers. Maybe that would help out. Idiots need to stop having babies by dumb females/males and maybe the other party will stick around and help raise the child. Possibly limiting the chances of the child growing up with odds against him/her from the jump.
Even though it's not a statistical likelihood, I keep thinking "what if" I had a ******ed child.  I don't think I'd want it.  Brining up kids is a task in itself, bringing up ******ed kids has to be a lot more difficult.

Back to preferring a male child: I want at least one.  I'm planning to have two kids, I just hope the first one that pops out is a boy.  My wife wants a girl (two of them), but I would probably go insane having that many women in the house.  I just hope, hope, hope, that my sperm know what's up.  My wife is the older sister in her family, and she used to torment her younger brother growing up.  Overpowering him and farting on his face, dressing him up, blaming him for whatever and getting away with it.  God damn.  Crap like that just isn't right.  I swear if I were her younger brother I would have beat her %!@ growing up.  
Agree with everything you said. Told you we were on the same page man.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Homosexuality is NOT the reason why many black men abandon their children? Again, this is dangerous because I feel like you ARE in denial. We can't expect to have a solution to these issues if you keep coming up with absurd reasons.

Also by saying this are you basically saying that homosexuality is more prevalent among African Americans than any other ethnic group?
If anything I was saying that if men DIDN'T leave their kids, the amount of gay black boys wouldn't be so prevalent. Not sure what you are reading man.
The lack of fathers parenting their sons or father figures and/or young males being raised only by their mothers is one of the main causes for gay black men in today's society?
Originally Posted by Master Zik

The lack of fathers parenting their sons or father figures and/or young males being raised only by their mothers is one of the main causes for gay black men in today's society?
Ugh of course it is. What is funny about believing a STRONG male figure in a young boys life influencing him will POTENTIALLY (not guarantee) decrease the chances of him being a boy liker? Not sure why you think that is so far fetched.
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