Post Your Controversial Beliefs

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

well people are quick to use the animal kingdom as justification for cheating/having multiple partners.. i just assumed the same logic would apply when dealing with wooing the other sex.
you have a valid point to an EXTENT
but what about the females who care about your job? or your $$$ or what brands you wearing? or what you can get them, i dont think a Female lion would care if her hubby pulled up in a Mercedes.. 

but those are what we refer to as gold diggers; we can't label ALL women as such. 
however if we are talking about having flashy things in order to find a mate, one needn't look any further than a peacock or even a bird of paradise. i'm not gonna go all natgeo on you (although it is very %##%!#! interesting) but the same concept can be found with animals. what good are bright feathers/crazed dancing when it comes to settling down & ultimately starting a family? absolutely nothing. but the bird %@*%*%! love it.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

well people are quick to use the animal kingdom as justification for cheating/having multiple partners.. i just assumed the same logic would apply when dealing with wooing the other sex.
you have a valid point to an EXTENT
but what about the females who care about your job? or your $$$ or what brands you wearing? or what you can get them, i dont think a Female lion would care if her hubby pulled up in a Mercedes.. 

but those are what we refer to as gold diggers; we can't label ALL women as such. 
however if we are talking about having flashy things in order to find a mate, one needn't look any further than a peacock or even a bird of paradise. i'm not gonna go all natgeo on you (although it is very %##%!#! interesting) but the same concept can be found with animals. what good are bright feathers/crazed dancing when it comes to settling down & ultimately starting a family? absolutely nothing. but the bird %@*%*%! love it.

Thats why shes a bird.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

well people are quick to use the animal kingdom as justification for cheating/having multiple partners.. i just assumed the same logic would apply when dealing with wooing the other sex.
you have a valid point to an EXTENT
but what about the females who care about your job? or your $$$ or what brands you wearing? or what you can get them, i dont think a Female lion would care if her hubby pulled up in a Mercedes.. 

but those are what we refer to as gold diggers; we can't label ALL women as such. 
however if we are talking about having flashy things in order to find a mate, one needn't look any further than a peacock or even a bird of paradise. i'm not gonna go all natgeo on you (although it is very %##%!#! interesting) but the same concept can be found with animals. what good are bright feathers/crazed dancing when it comes to settling down & ultimately starting a family? absolutely nothing. but the bird %@*%*%! love it.

like i said, you make valid points, and it is interesting to say the least, but MAJORITY of women have other agendas at hand and its hard to find the ones that dont... 
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

well people are quick to use the animal kingdom as justification for cheating/having multiple partners.. i just assumed the same logic would apply when dealing with wooing the other sex.
you have a valid point to an EXTENT
but what about the females who care about your job? or your $$$ or what brands you wearing? or what you can get them, i dont think a Female lion would care if her hubby pulled up in a Mercedes.. 

but those are what we refer to as gold diggers; we can't label ALL women as such. 
however if we are talking about having flashy things in order to find a mate, one needn't look any further than a peacock or even a bird of paradise. i'm not gonna go all natgeo on you (although it is very %##%!#! interesting) but the same concept can be found with animals. what good are bright feathers/crazed dancing when it comes to settling down & ultimately starting a family? absolutely nothing. but the bird %@*%*%! love it.

Thats why shes a bird.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

well people are quick to use the animal kingdom as justification for cheating/having multiple partners.. i just assumed the same logic would apply when dealing with wooing the other sex.

The human males' testicles were built to sustain multiple partners (meaning they are too large to to simply have one partner). Has nothing to do with the animal kingdom, it's just the way we are built. Men chasing women is a behavioral thing not genetics.
Originally Posted by air max 87

like i said, you make valid points, and it is interesting to say the least, but MAJORITY of women have other agendas at hand and its hard to find the ones that dont... 

b - - - - - -

JDocs wrote:
Men chasing women is a behavioral thing not genetics.
wish most men would realize this.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

but those are what we refer to as gold diggers; we can't label ALL women as such. 
however if we are talking about having flashy things in order to find a mate, one needn't look any further than a peacock or even a bird of paradise. i'm not gonna go all natgeo on you (although it is very %##%!#! interesting) but the same concept can be found with animals. what good are bright feathers/crazed dancing when it comes to settling down & ultimately starting a family? absolutely nothing. but the bird %@*%*%! love it.

Thats why shes a bird.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Black people deserve reparations. Jews got them and they suffered for only a few years. Indians got them and they only suffered for a decade or so.

- I hate when people say they hate "organized religion". So you like disorganized religion?

- The natural state of humanity is to not only believe in a higher power but are naturally inclined to monotheism until they are socialized to associate partners or disbelieve
- Islam is truly a solution for the ills of the African American community. Islam gives us dignity and destroys the desires for the poisons that ravage our communities rather than encourage them like other belief systems do
White people are evil to the core of their souls. To enslave another human being based on complexion still boggles the mind. And than when one of them say's hey what we are doing wrong(Lincoln), they say well I wont enslave em but they cant drink from the same fountain as I do.

There will NEVER be a world Gov't for the simple fact that there are too many languages and customs to deal with at one given time.

All black entertainers are $@%!+

Scottie Pippen>Kobe (as an overall basketball player, stats aside)

Weed is illegal ONLY because of racism
I don't know if this is controversial or not, but until this thread I didn't think DCAllAmerican was mentally ******ed.
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

- I hate when people say they hate "organized religion". So you like disorganized religion?
Perhaps disorganized "holy wars" might have killed less people.

some of you guys have been clearly scorned by women which may be your own fault. Just like women you guys do dumb things so if you let the woman walk all over you and you got butt hurt as a result its your own fault. Just like us women have allowed you men to do. But for a woman to prove she is WORTHY....please. same should go for a man. i feel bad for our generation. seriously. the way people think about their roles and relationships is very disheartening.
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

I honestly believe homosexuality is mental illness just like schizophrenia. They need to be treated with respect, dignity and there is no excuse for oppressing them in anyway but at the same we shouldn't be promoting this behavior as an "alternate" lifestyle

I agree
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

- I hate when people say they hate "organized religion". So you like disorganized religion?
Perhaps disorganized "holy wars" might have killed less people.

My whole point was that if you believe in something, its coming from an organized source
. Plus, wars for land, resources, nationalism, etc has killed much more people than religious wars ever has.
Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

I honestly believe homosexuality is mental illness just like schizophrenia. They need to be treated with respect, dignity and there is no excuse for oppressing them in anyway but at the same we shouldn't be promoting this behavior as an "alternate" lifestyle

I agree
how so? its sexual preferance, the same way some people liked to get spanked and so forth... 
Originally Posted by gambit215

White people are evil to the core of their souls. To enslave another human being based on complexion still boggles the mind. And than when one of them say's hey what we are doing wrong(Lincoln), they say well I wont enslave em but they cant drink from the same fountain as I do.
Because what people did 150+ years ago somehow effects the character of people with the same skin color today?  Get out of here with that nonsense.  I'm white and NONE of my ancestors were slave owners. 
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

some of you guys have been clearly scorned by women which may be your own fault. Just like women you guys do dumb things so if you let the woman walk all over you and you got butt hurt as a result its your own fault. Just like us women have allowed you men to do. But for a woman to prove she is WORTHY....please. same should go for a man. i feel bad for our generation. seriously. the way people think about their roles and relationships is very disheartening.
you gotta take all the He-Man woman haters on this board with a grain of salt though, most of them are doing it for attention. I bet NONE of them would say these type of things to their mother or Aunts and Grandmothers. 
I believe that people over the age of 16 should know how to use an apostrophe correctly.  Also to know the difference between than and then; your and you're; and there, their and they're.

Also, when to use less and fewer would be nice too, but I know that's too much to ask for.
Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

I honestly believe homosexuality is mental illness just like schizophrenia. They need to be treated with respect, dignity and there is no excuse for oppressing them in anyway but at the same we shouldn't be promoting this behavior as an "alternate" lifestyle

I agree
how so? its sexual preferance, the same way some people liked to get spanked and so forth... 
Would you consider someone who practices necrophilia, pedophilia or bestiality just expressing their sexual preference? It's deviant sexual behavior associated with mental illness
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

- African, Asian and European history should be taught in school just as much as US History is . Too many clueless young people in the world today
You never take any world history classes?
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