Post Your Controversial Beliefs

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

I pray/believe in God but also believe in the Evolution theory, and that once your heart stops beating, you're dead, there is no afterlife or heaven, just silence.........

well you will never know the answers until you die, right?

yeah i am an absurdist now.

Absurdism is a philosophy stating that the efforts of humanity to find meaning in the universe ultimately fail (and hence are absurd), because no such meaning exists, at least in relation to the individual. "The Absurd", therefore, is commonly used in philosophical discourse to refer to the clash between the human search for meaning and the human inability to find any. In this context absurd does not mean "logically impossible," but rather "humanly impossible.

Have you ever read The Genealogy of Morals? You'd probably enjoy it. Not a long read either, but a little difficult.
Originally Posted by gambit215

White people are evil to the core of their souls.

If you got hate in your heart, let it out.
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

I honestly believe homosexuality is mental illness just like schizophrenia. They need to be treated with respect, dignity and there is no excuse for oppressing them in anyway but at the same we shouldn't be promoting this behavior as an "alternate" lifestyle

I agree
how so? its sexual preferance, the same way some people liked to get spanked and so forth... 
Would you consider someone who practices necrophilia, pedophilia or bestiality just expressing their sexual preference? It's deviant sexual behavior associated with mental illness

This is how I view it as well.

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

wellpeople are quick to use the animal kingdom as justification forcheating/having multiple partners.. i just assumed the same logic wouldapply when dealing with wooing the other sex.
you have a valid point to an EXTENT
butwhat about the females who care about your job? or your $$$ or whatbrands you wearing? or what you can get them, i dont think a Femalelion would care if her hubby pulled up in a Mercedes.. 

Of course not lions do not drive in the first place but they do provideprotection for their pride. That said I dont think we can necessarily look to the animalkingdom in direct relation to ourselves. I think a disconnect formswhen you compare sentient to non-sentient(I consider most animals to be non-sentient anyway.
Lulz at the Native American statements.
The good ole American education system. Don't blame duke for saying it but I do blame him for not trying to find some truth. My man talked about casinos as if that's going to make up for losing 90% of your population and being reduced to living in reserves, IN YOUR OWN LAND.

As for me: Polygamy could be a short term treatment for the African American household.
As it pertains to male sharing between African American women.
-I believe in the orthodox form of Islam, and that there is a lot of evidence to support such a belief.

-I believe that a lot of people have lost their religions because of numerous reasons:
--It's human nature for a belief in a higher power, and to regress that belief for fear of becoming a follower and not a leader, they reject religion
--The history of the Catholic Church in Europe has affected opinion on organized religion
--A theory stemming from western theologic thought and scholarship.  Mostly the concept of quantitative vs. qualitative data
--For some reason, people believe the most intelligent people in history have all been atheists, when a vast majority of which were strong believers in God.

-I believe that democracy and capitalism don't exist in this country, and I believe a vast majority of people would agree with me.  How many NTers actually believe they have a strong influence in the decision making of the presidential candidate?

-I believe that everything Chomsky says concerning the media is true, and also very depressing.

-I differ from Chomsky in that he believes that people know the truth, but don't act on it due to disorganization within the community.  I believe that people know the truth as well, but don't act towards change because we are too obsessed with things that don't matter to care; i.e Hollywood, celebrities, and whatever corporations try to sell us.  Once people smarten up and realize how much time they waste concerning celebrities and sports, then we will see change.
My controversial beliefs:

(1) "Thick" girls (as you call them on NT) are actually just fat disgusting girls. 
(2) Girls that wear "cool" sneakers are not sexy....they are essentially dudes.  A girl should dress like a girl if she wants to be treated like one.
(3) Tatoos on a girl are nasty. 
(4) Any piercing other than in a woman's two earlobes is weak.  In many cases it looks absolutely horrible.
(5) The whole "green" movement is a joke.  F recycling, electric cars, wind energy, carbon footprints and all the rest of it.
(6) If you are required to work more than 12 hours a day to earn your money, the govt should give you a tax BREAK, as opposed to INCREASE, just because you do well for yourself.
(7) At the end of each year, each person that paid taxes should get an itemized invoice reflecting EXACTLY where their money went and in what increments.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

- African, Asian and European history should be taught in school just as much as US History is . Too many clueless young people in the world today
You never take any world history classes?
Yeah I did but far too late in my academic career. One semester isn't enough, it should be taught for multiple years to combat the ignorance that the older generations pass down to their children.

Another thought
- Plaxico Burress and Gilbert Arenas should not be using our tax dollars for housing in a prison for making bonehead mistakes. They should be fined and suspended by their particular leagues but not put in jail. In Plaxico's case the public humiliation and scrutiny was bad enough, keep the prisons filled with real criminals not idiots who ruin their own careers. As for Gilbert, anyone who is a casual NBA fan or knows anything about Arenas knows his intent wasn't to harm anyone, it was a joke gone bad simple as that. Seeing all his money disappear will do more to punish him than a 30-60 day prison sentence will.
-I do agree that minorities are too sensitive, the world is racist, get over it.

-People act like they give 2 #%@ about Haiti, when half the people donating are trying to make themselves look good. Personally, I dont care, does that make me a bad person? No, im not obliged to care.

-I dont like homosexuality and I think its wrong. I dont believe people are born gay. However there are a few cool gay people ive met, and I dont mind hanging out with them. The thought of their lifestyle is just
Originally Posted by bijald0331

That Bioshock-Halo comment caught me off guard. Such serious subject matter in the previous points and then Bioshock...
woah woah woah, calm down buddy, bioshock IS serious matter
Originally Posted by HOVKid

My controversial beliefs:

(7) At the end of each year, each person that paid taxes should get an itemized invoice reflecting EXACTLY where their money went and in what increments.


In a truly democratic society, people are theoretically supposed to be happy on tax day, because they are supposed to be giving money communally to projects on which they agreed upon and are fully behind.
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

I honestly believe homosexuality is mental illness just like schizophrenia. They need to be treated with respect, dignity and there is no excuse for oppressing them in anyway but at the same we shouldn't be promoting this behavior as an "alternate" lifestyle

I agree
how so? its sexual preferance, the same way some people liked to get spanked and so forth... 
Would you consider someone who practices necrophilia, pedophilia or bestiality just expressing their sexual preference? It's deviant sexual behavior associated with mental illness
but those are sexual preferences as well, are they right? no? why? because some break the law.... 
what someone does behind their doors sexually is none of my conern as long as it isnt hurting someone or doing something illegal... 
-I believe homosexuality is a joke and I don't think they deserve to have any rights. As individuals, they're cool. But that whole lifestyle does not deserve to be accepted or rewarded on a national or political level.
-I believe that everything the rap community glorifies is stupid, almost to the point that I can't even listen to rap anymore because every song is about money, girls, cars, clothes, or other "stuff."
-I believe Indian women are the most beautiful women on this planet
People are born gay, they don't choose to be that way.

The fact that we only have two political parties is un-American.

Black people just as racist as white people and black people being racist is worse.

America is an empire, just like the Romans.

Kobe Bryant ain't close to Michael Jordan still.

Men and women are the same. In this very thread you gots dudes sounding like scorned broads.
Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

-I believe homosexuality is a joke and I don't think they deserve to have any rights. As individuals, they're cool. But that whole lifestyle does not deserve to be accepted or rewarded on a national or political level.
-I believe that everything the rap community glorifies is stupid, almost to the point that I can't even listen to rap anymore because every song is about money, girls, cars, clothes, or other "stuff."
-I believe Indian women are the most beautiful women on this planet
any rights?..are you ******ed?.

at these beliefs.  our world is in shambles
- America is internally flawed and will always be that way for the rest of my lifetime.

- Republicans and Democrats are a shell of what they used to stand for. i dont think ANY of them are above being bought.

- If Sarah Palin really gets the GOP nomination to run for prez, it proves how idiotic and impulsive dumb @*! Americans are.

- Uneducated people are KILLING America.
Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by doctorshoes

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

I honestly believe homosexuality is mental illness just like schizophrenia. They need to be treated with respect, dignity and there is no excuse for oppressing them in anyway but at the same we shouldn't be promoting this behavior as an "alternate" lifestyle

I agree
how so? its sexual preferance, the same way some people liked to get spanked and so forth... 
Would you consider someone who practices necrophilia, pedophilia or bestiality just expressing their sexual preference? It's deviant sexual behavior associated with mental illness
but those are sexual preferences as well, are they right? no? why? because some break the law.... 
what someone does behind their doors sexually is none of my conern as long as it isnt hurting someone or doing something illegal... 
But then how do you determine what is illegal and what shouldn't be? Necrophilia doesn't hurt anyone. Bestiality doesn't hurt anyone. How do you determine what hurts somebody at this point? Some can argue that necrophilia hurts the family of the deceased while someone can easily argue that the influence of homosexuals hurts the values they attempt to instill in their children.
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

- I hate when people say they hate "organized religion". So you like disorganized religion?

- The natural state of humanity is to not only believe in a higher power but are naturally inclined to monotheism until they are socialized to associate partners or disbelieve
- Islam is truly a solution for the ills of the African American community. Islam gives us dignity and destroys the desires for the poisons that ravage our communities rather than encourage them like other belief systems do
Religion is a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. So organized religion would be under one of the many factions (jewish, christian, catholic, etc.). Disorganized religion would be having the beliefs without engaging in the religious constructs that have been created. So to answer your question, yes disorganized religion > organized religion.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Whitepeople are evil to the core of their souls. To enslave another humanbeing based on complexion still boggles the mind. And than when one ofthem say's hey what we are doing wrong(Lincoln), they say well I wontenslave em but they cant drink from the same fountain as I do.

There will NEVER be a world Gov't for the simple fact that there aretoo many languages and customs to deal with at one given time.

All black entertainers are $@%!+

Scottie Pippen>Kobe (as an overall basketball player, stats aside)

Weed is illegal ONLY because of racism
The way that they justified this was to classify them as sub-humans.So in there eyes they weren't even human thus did not warrant the same treatment as 'normal' humans.
Originally Posted by JDocs

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

- I hate when people say they hate "organized religion". So you like disorganized religion?

- The natural state of humanity is to not only believe in a higher power but are naturally inclined to monotheism until they are socialized to associate partners or disbelieve
- Islam is truly a solution for the ills of the African American community. Islam gives us dignity and destroys the desires for the poisons that ravage our communities rather than encourage them like other belief systems do
Religion is a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. So organized religion would be under one of the many factions (jewish, christian, catholic, etc.). Disorganized religion would be having the beliefs without engaging in the religious constructs that have been created. So to answer your question, yes disorganized religion > organized religion.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Whitepeople are evil to the core of their souls. To enslave another humanbeing based on complexion still boggles the mind. And than when one ofthem say's hey what we are doing wrong(Lincoln), they say well I wontenslave em but they cant drink from the same fountain as I do.

There will NEVER be a world Gov't for the simple fact that there aretoo many languages and customs to deal with at one given time.

All black entertainers are $@%!+

Scottie Pippen>Kobe (as an overall basketball player, stats aside)

Weed is illegal ONLY because of racism
The way that they justified this was to classify them as sub-humans.So in there eyes they weren't even human thus did not warrant the same treatment as 'normal' humans.
But how do you engage in those beliefs without forming an organized religion of your own? Do you see what I mean? When you begin to formulate your thoughts, beliefs, values, what the supernatural power you believe in likes, dislikes, etc, you're organizing religion. It might not be one of the major belief systems and you might be the only one who believes in this "religion" but it is still "organized". Sorry if that doesn't make sense but saying organized religion is confusing in in itself
-I don't believe there is a God, and when I die my bones will rot in a box under the ground if my family decides it is worth the waste of money...
-Homosexuals should have all the same rights that heterosexuals doesn't effect me I don't deserve a say anyways...

-As a man I think women can do everything a man can do except certain physical tasks, but they are held down by stereotypes that most of them don't want to stop. Women like being catered to and treated as more fragile and helpless than men do. Not saying all women are like that and that men don't play a large role in the problem, but I still see it all the time...

-Weed should be legal and taxed, it is the best for the people and the government
- I think that people should be put through some type of qualifying exam to have children.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

My controversial beliefs:

(1) "Thick" girls (as you call them on NT) are actually just fat disgusting girls. 
(3) Tatoos on a girl are nasty. 
(4) Any piercing other than in a woman's two earlobes is weak.  In many cases it looks absolutely horrible.
also...there should be a flat tax. any other system is pure BS.
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