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Originally Posted by ao17

Thanks AO...I'm running on 4.2.1 by the way.
No problem. 
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

basically i just wanted the lockscreen font to be different, in bytafont their are options to pick the EXACT things you want to change, when i do this is still changes everything in on the device, is fontswap the same (not that it matters because it does not even work on my device, i was just curious)

also, where can i find more sc4 themes in Retina, i looked on macthemes and there is not really a section for it, i just saw a thread overall, but did not see much in there, just people asking for help... 

nvm, i see you just kinda have to look through for the [sc4 hd] theme threads ... got it

#thankyoubasedgod (always wanted to say that on here 

i mean #thankyouAO

No problem and honestly, i don't even know. I haven't used FontSwap in a while, and i don't even think i have it, lol. But if you really want to change your Lockscreen font, look for a lockscreen font that's iPhone 4 ready and just change it via SSH, but make sure you save the default font before hand. Go to /System/Library/Fonts/Cache/ and look for "LockClock". Save that font and resplace it with the one you want.  
okay i will check into that

i know i am mad late BUT i finally decided to put the GLASKART theme on my phone, how do i change over the icons that did not convert over via ssh?

[h4]MobileNotifier: iPhone alerts improved (video)[/h4]
By Thomas Ricker posted Feb 28th 2011 10:09AM


If you haven't jailbroken your iPhone yet then MobileNotifier might just push you over the edge -- a place you're probably already teetering upon given Apple's pathetic push notification implementation. MobileNotifier beta v3 is a free open-source rewrite of iOS' notifications from Peter Hajas (lead developer) and Kyle Adams (UI and UX). Perhaps the biggest feature of MobileNotifier is the addition of unobtrusive alerts that appear at the top of your existing app. Unlike Apple's interfering popups, MobileNotifier alerts can be ignored, leaving them on the display without inhibiting use of the device. You can also take immediate action on alerts or tap them away for later. Pending alerts can be found in the AlertDashboard -- the previously unused area above the app switcher, accessible with a double-press of the iPhone's home button. Pending alert counts are also displayed as a line item on the Lockscreen. We've been running MobileNotifier for a few hours. While it's not perfect (opaque windows?) we have no plans to remove it either. At least not until we see what Apple has in store for iOS 5 which, with any luck, will be revealed on Wednesday for a summer launch. Another screenshot and demo video can be found after the break.

No, you should already have Cydia after the jailbreak.
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

okay i will check into that

i know i am mad late BUT i finally decided to put the GLASKART theme on my phone, how do i change over the icons that did not convert over via ssh?

You'll have to do the bundle method. Read the thread on macthemes,, but it's pretty long. 
Hey AO, I can't seem to get any of the pre-existing themes to display properly on my lockscreen...I always get a plain black background 
I think it's because those pre-existing themes are for only iPhone 4. Make sure you select the ones that say SD on the name. There should be one or two, if not then you'll have to SSH them to your iPod.
Aw, of course

I just SSHed an SD theme into my iPhone, and it worked just fine...thanks once again AO
One last question regard SnowCover 4; is it possible to convert HD themes to SD? (via info.plist)
No, you'll need to resize the files to 480x320. But you can use themes from SnowCoverPro to SC4. You'll just need to change the name and plist. If you want any SnowCoverPro themes to port to SC4, let me know. jailbroken iphone 4 is on version 4.0.1 (haven't updated at all).
how can i jailbreak and get to whatever the lastest firmware is without losing my settings, jailbroken apps, etc?

the green poison thing was for 4.2.1...
Originally Posted by debs 168 jailbroken iphone 4 is on version 4.0.1 (haven't updated at all).
how can i jailbreak and get to whatever the lastest firmware is without losing my settings, jailbroken apps, etc?

the green poison thing was for 4.2.1...
You wont lose any settings outside of your jailbreak stuff your normal iOS stuff will be there just by updating. Some people use aptbackup to restore there cydia apps and what not after an update and jailbreak but i just usually start fresh. Research aptbackup and see if it fits your needs.
thx. i might just chill and stay on 4.0.1 til next june...i really like my settings, lock screen, etc. and had to use disk aid to get it that way:

i don't want to lose any of that and don't remember how to get it the way i have it now, lol.
MobileNotifier looks nice and all.. But Lockinfo3's InfoShade is the best notification tweak out there.. Especially if u have it working with popupblocker..
I'm very n00b to jailbreaking....when I tried to jailbreak it told me that my version was to new and needed to downgrade.

had to do a fresh jailbreak last night, for some reason trying to change the icons in glasklart bricked my phone... i think the fact that i was on the older os with the new theme update messed me up, too much stuff was clashing and then locked up, had to restore. i went from 4.0.2 now i am on 4.2.1, got my stuff back that i actually bought bitesms and mywi so i am good, was easier to theme now to.. here are my shots per your request AO (thanks for your help love)
ya girl still has work to do, i pretty much had to start over since i did a fresh jailbreak ... was a zombie at work today because i stayed up till like 4 am trying to get it all back the way i had it, impossible, went a different direction, got it themed right, just gotta find the other tweaks i had, glad i am off today ... 

very happy with my beginning ... 

AO or anyone else on here, is there anyway to change the icon over on plants vs zombies on glasklart?

my homie slatersb tried to help, he is a wizard at theming, even he told me its a no go ... something with the way the developer of the app has is set up ... any way around it?

anyone know any other methods, or its just not happening?

thanks jb fam!
I used SSH to transfer a couple themes to my iPod 4, got it to work and they show up in WinterBoard. When I apply any of them they don't work or make any changes. Anyone know how to fix this? 
sorry if this has been asked already. I am not very tech savvy. I was able to jailbreak my iphone 3gs last night without a problem. I am still having difficulties tweaking or changing themes around. right now I have the vending machine theme but i noticed that the apps i've downloaded like games and other stuff didnt change icons. is there a way around that?
Originally Posted by cbass625

sorry if this has been asked already. I am not very tech savvy. I was able to jailbreak my iphone 3gs last night without a problem. I am still having difficulties tweaking or changing themes around. right now I have the vending machine theme but i noticed that the apps i've downloaded like games and other stuff didnt change icons. is there a way around that?

the theme creator has to create specific icons for each app. If they havent included them in the theme for the most part you are screwed.
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

AO or anyone else on here, is there anyway to change the icon over on plants vs zombies on glasklart?

my homie slatersb tried to help, he is a wizard at theming, even he told me its a no go ... something with the way the developer of the app has is set up ... any way around it?

anyone know any other methods, or its just not happening?

thanks jb fam!
So you've tried this one? 



If you have and still doesn't work, then i don't know. Try asking the thread on Macthemes. 

Originally Posted by cycoviZion

I used SSH to transfer a couple themes to my iPod 4, got it to work and they show up in WinterBoard. When I apply any of them they don't work or make any changes. Anyone know how to fix this? 
Make sure you're transferring the right files and are retina versions. 
Thanks usain.

I was able to get the android lock screen. I am having difficulties getting a lock screen theme. Any suggestions?

thanks in advance
nope AO it did not change, when i tried to do tiny wings it just remained white ...

some of them change, some don't is there an order i should be making the changes in?
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