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Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

nope AO it did not change, when i tried to do tiny wings it just remained white ...

some of them change, some don't is there an order i should be making the changes in?

Don't think it's possible to change the icon without having it crash every time you load up the game via Winterboard, or any popcap game for that matter.

You can probably try changing it in the actual PvZ folder, /Applications/,  haven't tried it myself though.
^ thank you
I located the PvZ folder, just not sure what pic to change, i downloaded all of icons you see there, you can see what they look like to the right of my screen

Try ths method,

Copy the same icon, but have 'em name differently. One with "Icon@2x" and one with "Icon"
no dice AO

i don't even know what to change over in the apps folder ... sounds like its no possible for the pop cap games
you and me both friend, im good!

pop cap stuff might have to get left off, gotta keep my iphone coordinating on every page .. one or two icons can't be off, they all gotta be right on.

thank you and googler for the help
what is a good wireless sync app i can find in cydia for my phone?

also i am trying to do what post #4308 says but i am lost, i found those .com files but nothing happens when i take them off ... further instruction would be cool if any of you guys know... i don't use folders, but i would like the portion of the phone when you double click the home button to be diff. its that apple textured gry, is it possible to make it transparent like post #4308 from the link?
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

what is a good wireless sync app i can find in cydia for my phone?

also i am trying to do what post #4308 says but i am lost, i found those .com files but nothing happens when i take them off ... further instruction would be cool if any of you guys know... i don't use folders, but i would like the portion of the phone when you double click the home button to be diff. its that apple textured gry, is it possible to make it transparent like post #4308 from the link?

I use Wi-Fi Sync, haven't had any problems with it.

As far as the other question, I don't think you can make it transparent. You can make it black if that's what you're looking for, or some other color/image.
Anyone know of any music player skins that work with iPod 4? 
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

I use Wi-Fi Sync, haven't had any problems with it. 

did you buy that via cydia or it should be on there and ready to go, if so what source should i add to get it?

thank you

Yeah it's on Cydia, just do a simple search and it should come up under the BigBoss repo, it's $10 though. I actually downloaded it for free
thank you googler, found it sellize .... :smile: working perfect
do you guys use activator? still trying to decide the pros on this? more info?

also whar repos do you recommend? the only ones i entered that seem to be on point are sellize, sinful iphone and ... 

thanks jailbreak fam
as many times as i've done i always forget can someone remind me how to access themes through SSH on iOS, i can never remember which directory it's in. 3Gs if it matters.
Anyone know any good themes for 4.2.1, i cant get any lockscreens to work

go into cydia look for:

 iOS 4.2.1 - Custom LS

Slanted Lock

lisse is my fav, but i don't know what repo has it on cydia since i rejailbroke i lost my sources .. if any one knows this please post. i think lisse is my fav theme.
cydia is running pretty slow for me and how do i fix my youtube app?
I can never connect to youtube from the app but i can from safari.
Any help is definitely appreciated.
is there unlock for baseband 02.10.04? I searched some say it can be unlocked
help is greatly appreciated, put me outta my misery
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

[h4]MobileNotifier: iPhone alerts improved (video)[/h4]
By Thomas Ricker posted Feb 28th 2011 10:09AM


If you haven't jailbroken your iPhone yet then MobileNotifier might just push you over the edge -- a place you're probably already teetering upon given Apple's pathetic push notification implementation. MobileNotifier beta v3 is a free open-source rewrite of iOS' notifications from Peter Hajas (lead developer) and Kyle Adams (UI and UX). Perhaps the biggest feature of MobileNotifier is the addition of unobtrusive alerts that appear at the top of your existing app. Unlike Apple's interfering popups, MobileNotifier alerts can be ignored, leaving them on the display without inhibiting use of the device. You can also take immediate action on alerts or tap them away for later. Pending alerts can be found in the AlertDashboard -- the previously unused area above the app switcher, accessible with a double-press of the iPhone's home button. Pending alert counts are also displayed as a line item on the Lockscreen. We've been running MobileNotifier for a few hours. While it's not perfect (opaque windows?) we have no plans to remove it either. At least not until we see what Apple has in store for iOS 5 which, with any luck, will be revealed on Wednesday for a summer launch. Another screenshot and demo video can be found after the break.


Has anyone installed this yet? If so, how do you like it? I'm using quickreply and have gotten accustomed to it. 
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