Sorry for sounding stupid here but is that the number outside the box? 384535-162
Idk what the code was it was just like $25 off of $100 or more
finally got some wht ASG 3s...


just need a Lebron 6 ASG now to complete the set (well, and a scrapped L.A....any help?!?!?!)
WOW Brandon...custom pe's or just got the patch stiched on there?

none the less very nice

Anyone know where I can get the patent black/red/white VII's size 10 for below retail? A pm would be greatly appreciated.
Have posted in a while.... But I'm looking to move some of my LeBron PE's / Samples....

Hit me up if any of the following interests you! (PM me)
thanks fred...
after getting into the rose bowl, from a 14 year absence
i felt the need to take some decent shots of some of the oregon shoes i have, with some roses of course.

ny giants, there's quite a few pictured that i have been looking for, for a while.
T21D - Thanks! I've been MIA for the summer... But I've got some Red Carpet 7s coming in the mail.

119 - hit me up!
^same here

I have a quick question for you lebron heads...do the VIs run true to size?? thanks for the help
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