Gosh I can't, for the life of me, figure out what that is. I would guess some Nike Shox model from his High School days because of that hard plastic heelcounter (or at least that's what it looks like to me) but it isn't VC 2's..i don't think..dang ANGLES!

I can't wait to see pics of the whole thing. I love SVSM stuff.
Originally Posted by mhsrunner09

Gosh I can't, for the life of me, figure out what that is. I would guess some Nike Shox model from his High School days because of that hard plastic heel counter (or at least that's what it looks like to me) but it isn't VC 2's..i don't think..dang ANGLES!

I can't wait to see pics of the whole thing. I love SVSM stuff.

You're right... it's a shox... more specifically - Nike Shox Limitless Home PE. But, let's wait for B to confirm this with more pics


The shoe in action:

oh man B you done it again those are hot and i cant wait to see full pictures of the shoes.
Correct my friend.
Congratulations Bkals, i know it must have been a hassle to acquire those.

Originally Posted by PO2345

Correct my friend.
Congratulations Bkals, i know it must have been a hassle to acquire those.


yea Brian those are HELLA tight

and jw but do you happen to have any of Lebrons SVSM T-Mac 2's?

yea both of them are very nice but personally i would have kept
the red/white/blues.

I would give a kidney for those SVSM Shox VC 2's in my size...

Visreal those AZGs are fire. I wouldn't know which to keep if I had to choose one..so I'd just take both and tell my friend that he would be riskingdeath by taking one...haha.
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