Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by Ground King

I have a theory that if I die, the world dies with me

nope it happens when i die since im reading this from my life.Matter of fact how do I know you aren't just a fragment of my sub conscious. Micheal Jordan was just what I considered to be the closet thing to athletic perfection that my mind made up and mma is just me fantasying what would street fighter look like in real life.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Ground King

I have a theory that if I die, the world dies with me

nope it happens when i die since im reading this from my life.Matter of fact how do I know you aren't just a fragment of my sub conscious. Micheal Jordan was just what I considered to be the closet thing to athletic perfection that my mind made up and mma is just me fantasying what would street fighter look like in real life.
and from my mind you are nothing but a small piece of data on my computer screen

life is so insignificant
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Ground King

I have a theory that if I die, the world dies with me

nope it happens when i die since im reading this from my life.Matter of fact how do I know you aren't just a fragment of my sub conscious. Micheal Jordan was just what I considered to be the closet thing to athletic perfection that my mind made up and mma is just me fantasying what would street fighter look like in real life.
and from my mind you are nothing but a small piece of data on my computer screen

life is so insignificant
Originally Posted by JD214

We actually have a cure for AIDS and Cancer but if they show everyone the hospitals/pharmacies won't get as much money with the cure so they want us to spend.

I believe this.

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Marijuana is the modern "cigarettes" and there will be long term health problems

No. People have been chiefing forever. Nothing modern about it. As stated a million times, smoking anything is bad for you. Vaporizing solves that problem. It's the smoke, not the weed.

My drug related theories. Big Pharma controls the government because of their huge contributions to politicians (as does Big Tobacco. I'm a smoker myself but how the hell is the leading killer of Americans still legal? 1 out of every 5 deaths is smoking-related. But I digress). From Wiki:

The top twenty pharmaceutical companies and their two trade groups, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and Biotechnology Industry Organization, lobbied on at least 1,600 pieces of legislation between 1998 and 2004. According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, pharmaceutical companies spent $900 million on lobbying between 1998 and 2005, more than any other industry. During the same period, they donated $89.9 million to federal candidates and political parties, giving approximately three times as much to Republicans as to Democrats.[sup][/sup]According to the Center for Public Integrity, from January 2005 through June 2006 alone, the pharmaceutical industry spent approximately $182 million on Federal lobbying.[sup][/sup]The industry has 1,274 registered lobbyists in Washington D.C.

These parasites pay doctors to prescribe their drugs, many of which are harmful and addictive.

OxyContin is the brand name of a time-release formula of oxycodone produced by the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma.[sup][/sup] It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1995 and first introduced to the U.S. market in 1996.[sup][[/sup]By 2001, OxyContin was the best-selling non-generic narcotic pain reliever in the U.S.; 2008 sales in the U.S. totaled $2.5 billion.

This $#$@ is the strongest painkiller out there and it's the best-selling as well? Hmmm. It's just disgusting how easy it is to get prescribed these drugs. Watch the Vanguard episode called "OxyContin Express" on Hulu. Florida has the biggest problem because they have these "Pain Clinics" where you just need to have a resident doctor and they hand out pain killers, Xanax and basically any RX you want as long as you pay.

Originally Posted by JD214

We actually have a cure for AIDS and Cancer but if they show everyone the hospitals/pharmacies won't get as much money with the cure so they want us to spend.

I believe this.

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Marijuana is the modern "cigarettes" and there will be long term health problems

No. People have been chiefing forever. Nothing modern about it. As stated a million times, smoking anything is bad for you. Vaporizing solves that problem. It's the smoke, not the weed.

My drug related theories. Big Pharma controls the government because of their huge contributions to politicians (as does Big Tobacco. I'm a smoker myself but how the hell is the leading killer of Americans still legal? 1 out of every 5 deaths is smoking-related. But I digress). From Wiki:

The top twenty pharmaceutical companies and their two trade groups, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and Biotechnology Industry Organization, lobbied on at least 1,600 pieces of legislation between 1998 and 2004. According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, pharmaceutical companies spent $900 million on lobbying between 1998 and 2005, more than any other industry. During the same period, they donated $89.9 million to federal candidates and political parties, giving approximately three times as much to Republicans as to Democrats.[sup][/sup]According to the Center for Public Integrity, from January 2005 through June 2006 alone, the pharmaceutical industry spent approximately $182 million on Federal lobbying.[sup][/sup]The industry has 1,274 registered lobbyists in Washington D.C.

These parasites pay doctors to prescribe their drugs, many of which are harmful and addictive.

OxyContin is the brand name of a time-release formula of oxycodone produced by the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma.[sup][/sup] It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1995 and first introduced to the U.S. market in 1996.[sup][[/sup]By 2001, OxyContin was the best-selling non-generic narcotic pain reliever in the U.S.; 2008 sales in the U.S. totaled $2.5 billion.

This $#$@ is the strongest painkiller out there and it's the best-selling as well? Hmmm. It's just disgusting how easy it is to get prescribed these drugs. Watch the Vanguard episode called "OxyContin Express" on Hulu. Florida has the biggest problem because they have these "Pain Clinics" where you just need to have a resident doctor and they hand out pain killers, Xanax and basically any RX you want as long as you pay.

I definitely agree with all the Tim Osman stuff, I've watched a few YouTube videos that have a ton of good information and the truth is they have opened my eyes.
I definitely agree with all the Tim Osman stuff, I've watched a few YouTube videos that have a ton of good information and the truth is they have opened my eyes.
Good thread.

I believe that people arent the same as they once were. People used to help out others and now it seems like as generations go on they care less about others and more about themselves.

Kids of the future will not know manners anymore. I can slowly see it now and it makes me think poorly of the future generation(s).
Good thread.

I believe that people arent the same as they once were. People used to help out others and now it seems like as generations go on they care less about others and more about themselves.

Kids of the future will not know manners anymore. I can slowly see it now and it makes me think poorly of the future generation(s).
I have a theory that the people that you see who are seem really happy are truly hurt deep within.

I also think that thoughts may have an affect on your physical appearance. For example, if you keep thinking about dirty/negative thoughts throughout the years, then your appearance will become uglier.
I have a theory that the people that you see who are seem really happy are truly hurt deep within.

I also think that thoughts may have an affect on your physical appearance. For example, if you keep thinking about dirty/negative thoughts throughout the years, then your appearance will become uglier.
I don't believe in freedom. I've come to realize that everything that comes to me is because someone else allowed it.

I don't believe in depression. I understand sadness and grief, but I always thought depression was just an excuse to feel sorry for yourself. As human beings our only biological necessity is food, clothing and shelter. We've become so de attached from nature that our mind and body aren't being exercised nearly enough as it used to be for survival... the result is this emptiness that we try to fill with material things that don't matter.
I don't believe in freedom. I've come to realize that everything that comes to me is because someone else allowed it.

I don't believe in depression. I understand sadness and grief, but I always thought depression was just an excuse to feel sorry for yourself. As human beings our only biological necessity is food, clothing and shelter. We've become so de attached from nature that our mind and body aren't being exercised nearly enough as it used to be for survival... the result is this emptiness that we try to fill with material things that don't matter.
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

A lot of good stuff here.

I believe that we live in a made up world. Everything is controlled in hopes of influencing our minds and actions which ultimately work. The NWO has already began and all countries work together for the most part, those that refuse get beaten down. The government has no interest in it's people, and don't argue this point because if they did then the education system wouldn't be as ineffective, food prices wouldn't be so high, unemployment wouldn't be a problem, gas, wars, and the whole nine, you know the deal. And on that note there is no government. Lots of people have been assasinated because they were threats to the ultimate cause. Money=Debt. There is no need for an established monetary system when we can live in resource-based economy. We are all slaves, at least those that work because the only way to survive is by acquiring currency, and the only way to succeed in that is by laboring for it like slaves. Money creates greed and competition therefore most people see past this system. Sports are the ultimate black market. They are all fixed and controlled. It's a huge money making business not only for athletes but for gamblers and those that control the organizations. All religions are made up, but I do believe in a greater force out there, because we are only a speck in the endless universe. 2012 will be used as an excuse for annihilating a large portion of this world's population. Commencing the depopulation process means less people=easier to control.


%%@* is scary
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

A lot of good stuff here.

I believe that we live in a made up world. Everything is controlled in hopes of influencing our minds and actions which ultimately work. The NWO has already began and all countries work together for the most part, those that refuse get beaten down. The government has no interest in it's people, and don't argue this point because if they did then the education system wouldn't be as ineffective, food prices wouldn't be so high, unemployment wouldn't be a problem, gas, wars, and the whole nine, you know the deal. And on that note there is no government. Lots of people have been assasinated because they were threats to the ultimate cause. Money=Debt. There is no need for an established monetary system when we can live in resource-based economy. We are all slaves, at least those that work because the only way to survive is by acquiring currency, and the only way to succeed in that is by laboring for it like slaves. Money creates greed and competition therefore most people see past this system. Sports are the ultimate black market. They are all fixed and controlled. It's a huge money making business not only for athletes but for gamblers and those that control the organizations. All religions are made up, but I do believe in a greater force out there, because we are only a speck in the endless universe. 2012 will be used as an excuse for annihilating a large portion of this world's population. Commencing the depopulation process means less people=easier to control.


%%@* is scary
-I believe the government had JFK killed, simply because he was planning on doing things that the government wasn't happy with.
-Obama was the same way, only he decided to conform.

-Everything in sports, from the NBA to Tennis, is controlled and heavily influenced by ref's, and directed by the organization to make the most money for owners and advertisers.

-9/11 was b.s., but that's nothing new.

-The government is without a doubt planning for something to happen in 2012, or shortly before then or thereafter, that will cause a huge shift in the worlds political spectrum. It would not surprise me if they were working together with NASA, other secret organizations, and MANY OTHER GOVERNMENTS


-Aliens are very, very real and rediculously more adcvanced than we are.

-Last but not least, the Illuminati and other secret organizations are fake, all of the real power is held between a network of military, political, and social powers somewhere secretly hidden in the U.S., we do not know the name of this organization or their workings, but we will, very soon.
-I believe the government had JFK killed, simply because he was planning on doing things that the government wasn't happy with.
-Obama was the same way, only he decided to conform.

-Everything in sports, from the NBA to Tennis, is controlled and heavily influenced by ref's, and directed by the organization to make the most money for owners and advertisers.

-9/11 was b.s., but that's nothing new.

-The government is without a doubt planning for something to happen in 2012, or shortly before then or thereafter, that will cause a huge shift in the worlds political spectrum. It would not surprise me if they were working together with NASA, other secret organizations, and MANY OTHER GOVERNMENTS


-Aliens are very, very real and rediculously more adcvanced than we are.

-Last but not least, the Illuminati and other secret organizations are fake, all of the real power is held between a network of military, political, and social powers somewhere secretly hidden in the U.S., we do not know the name of this organization or their workings, but we will, very soon.
Originally Posted by stickyfingaz20

-Last but not least, the Illuminati and other secret organizations are fake, all of the real power is held between a network of military, political, and social powers somewhere secretly hidden in the U.S., we do not know the name of this organization or their workings, but we will, very soon.
Originally Posted by stickyfingaz20

-Last but not least, the Illuminati and other secret organizations are fake, all of the real power is held between a network of military, political, and social powers somewhere secretly hidden in the U.S., we do not know the name of this organization or their workings, but we will, very soon.
if a girl has hairy arms, that means she got a hairy stussy.....t-shirt.
if a girl has hairy arms, that means she got a hairy stussy.....t-shirt.
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