Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

I understand that "alien" is not universal, and I'm not saying that the aliens congregated in a universal fair and just all together made organisms and planted them here, and yes, stereotypical descriptions of aliens have the wide eyes big head, most likely stereotypical because there are many races of aliens that visit earth, but a handful of them visit regularly (imo, the "greys" and "whites"). as racist as you are trying to make it out to be, all I am saying is that many people of this earth....are not of this earth. I don't see why this information is so hard to swallow...



Where exactly is the resemblance?

there are actually other "documented" aliens that apparently have nordic features. 

dont ask me, i cant know this but some people clam there is a myriad of alien races out there 

Yea I already brought up that point, that there are many alien races
and how they are perceived seems to be "culture specific". Many "alien
visitors" to other cultures African, South American....don't look like
that. But let's accept the fact that aliens created whites and asians to
be true, what does this say about whites and asians? Does being created
by aliens confer any special advantages to white people and
"Asians".....for the sake of the argument ignore the 100s to possibly
1000s of other races of men on this planet.

if you're trying to turn this into a race war, im not biting. I never said anything about advantages and what not.

as for your post on shaun white and the alien, many factors contribute to evolution to the best of my knowledge. I would have to assume that even if the alien race's planet was a few hundred feet farther away from their nearest sun than our planet is to our sun, it would dramatically affect how they would evolve compared to us. I just cannot ignore the fact that the traditional facial features of a white/asian man and the traditional features of an "alien" are too similar to pass up. is it really that hard to believe? We are both on a rock in the middle of nothingness typing on artificial representations of reality that transmits messages between vast distances....not everything is possible, but nothing is impossible
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

there are actually other "documented" aliens that apparently have nordic features. 

dont ask me, i cant know this but some people clam there is a myriad of alien races out there 

Yea I already brought up that point, that there are many alien races
and how they are perceived seems to be "culture specific". Many "alien
visitors" to other cultures African, South American....don't look like
that. But let's accept the fact that aliens created whites and asians to
be true, what does this say about whites and asians? Does being created
by aliens confer any special advantages to white people and
"Asians".....for the sake of the argument ignore the 100s to possibly
1000s of other races of men on this planet.

if you're trying to turn this into a race war, im not biting. I never said anything about advantages and what not.

as for your post on shaun white and the alien, many factors contribute to evolution to the best of my knowledge. I would have to assume that even if the alien race's planet was a few hundred feet farther away from their nearest sun, it would dramatically affect how they would evolve compared to us. I just cannot ignore the fact that the traditional features of a white/asian man and the traditional features of an "alien" are too similar to pass up. is it really that hard to believe? We are both on a rock in the middle of nothingness typing on artificial representations of reality that transmits messages between vast distances....not everything is possible, but nothing is impossible

I'm actually NOT tryna create a race I'm just curious as to what your stance is on it.....did the aliens make anything about whites and asians different aside from "melanin" and physical features. Stop acting like that isn't a fair question.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

there are actually other "documented" aliens that apparently have nordic features. 

dont ask me, i cant know this but some people clam there is a myriad of alien races out there 

Yea I already brought up that point, that there are many alien races
and how they are perceived seems to be "culture specific". Many "alien
visitors" to other cultures African, South American....don't look like
that. But let's accept the fact that aliens created whites and asians to
be true, what does this say about whites and asians? Does being created
by aliens confer any special advantages to white people and
"Asians".....for the sake of the argument ignore the 100s to possibly
1000s of other races of men on this planet.

if you're trying to turn this into a race war, im not biting. I never said anything about advantages and what not.

as for your post on shaun white and the alien, many factors contribute to evolution to the best of my knowledge. I would have to assume that even if the alien race's planet was a few hundred feet farther away from their nearest sun, it would dramatically affect how they would evolve compared to us. I just cannot ignore the fact that the traditional features of a white/asian man and the traditional features of an "alien" are too similar to pass up. is it really that hard to believe? We are both on a rock in the middle of nothingness typing on artificial representations of reality that transmits messages between vast distances....not everything is possible, but nothing is impossible

I'm actually NOT tryna create a race I'm just curious as to what your stance is on it.....did the aliens make anything about whites and asians different aside from "melanin" and physical features. Stop acting like that isn't a fair question.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

umm..... sort of too late.... He's the president of your country....

You're right, it is too late. I didnt vote for him, the idiots did. Nothing I can do about it now but say told you so when the time comes. What jerryjones posted makes me even more afraid.

Who did u want the "idiots" to vote for?

Anyone but Obama. Perhaps the other option John McCain. I dont like politics, both sides are lies. But Obama is by far the most shady dude who has ever been in office. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

umm..... sort of too late.... He's the president of your country....

You're right, it is too late. I didnt vote for him, the idiots did. Nothing I can do about it now but say told you so when the time comes. What jerryjones posted makes me even more afraid.

Who did u want the "idiots" to vote for?

Anyone but Obama. Perhaps the other option John McCain. I dont like politics, both sides are lies. But Obama is by far the most shady dude who has ever been in office. 
Originally Posted by Kezziny

Science can become its own religion though. Look at guys like Sigmund Freud, a lot of people call his stuff junk, but if they actually took the time to read his original texts they would realize that this guy was a lot more empirical than what Modern Psychology/Psychiatry has been lately. On the same note though, his ideas of the Unconscious and distaste for religion ultimately became his own system of beliefs. Atheism is a religion...its a system of beliefs about not believing in an all the "omni" words God.

Science also owes almost all of its entirety to Religion and especially Protestant Christianity. I won't use the example of Pascal's Wager as its over exploited. Sir Isaac Newton, however, the founder of modern day Physics and arguably Calculus was a religious fanatic. Newton wrote twice as much about Theology then he did about Physics and Calculus combined. He also predicted that Christ would not return before the year 2060.

I say this not to urk anyone's feelings but you really have to see your argument from every side. Science doesn't exist to disprove Religion and vice versa.
Without "Life" there is no "Death". Love begets hate. Disbelief begets belief. So if there is an Oprah who is the Anti-Christ then Christ must surely exist.
Originally Posted by Kezziny

Science can become its own religion though. Look at guys like Sigmund Freud, a lot of people call his stuff junk, but if they actually took the time to read his original texts they would realize that this guy was a lot more empirical than what Modern Psychology/Psychiatry has been lately. On the same note though, his ideas of the Unconscious and distaste for religion ultimately became his own system of beliefs. Atheism is a religion...its a system of beliefs about not believing in an all the "omni" words God.

Science also owes almost all of its entirety to Religion and especially Protestant Christianity. I won't use the example of Pascal's Wager as its over exploited. Sir Isaac Newton, however, the founder of modern day Physics and arguably Calculus was a religious fanatic. Newton wrote twice as much about Theology then he did about Physics and Calculus combined. He also predicted that Christ would not return before the year 2060.

I say this not to urk anyone's feelings but you really have to see your argument from every side. Science doesn't exist to disprove Religion and vice versa.
Without "Life" there is no "Death". Love begets hate. Disbelief begets belief. So if there is an Oprah who is the Anti-Christ then Christ must surely exist.
Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jay02

You're right, it is too late. I didnt vote for him, the idiots did. Nothing I can do about it now but say told you so when the time comes. What jerryjones posted makes me even more afraid.

Who did u want the "idiots" to vote for?

Anyone but Obama. Perhaps the other option John McCain. I dont like politics, both sides are lies. But Obama is by far the most shady dude who has ever been in office. 

You're entitled to your opinion but I wanted NO PARTS of McCain and Palin....NO PARTS
Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jay02

You're right, it is too late. I didnt vote for him, the idiots did. Nothing I can do about it now but say told you so when the time comes. What jerryjones posted makes me even more afraid.

Who did u want the "idiots" to vote for?

Anyone but Obama. Perhaps the other option John McCain. I dont like politics, both sides are lies. But Obama is by far the most shady dude who has ever been in office. 

You're entitled to your opinion but I wanted NO PARTS of McCain and Palin....NO PARTS
Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
           Please, continue...

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
           Please, continue...

Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
           Please, continue...



The God in the judeochristian scriptures, and Gods in general are extremely bipolar....which is expected seeing how they are essentially manifestations of human characteristics. God was created in our image, not the other way around.
Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
           Please, continue...



The God in the judeochristian scriptures, and Gods in general are extremely bipolar....which is expected seeing how they are essentially manifestations of human characteristics. God was created in our image, not the other way around.
Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
           Please, continue...


Dualism: god is has to be both

Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
           Please, continue...


Dualism: god is has to be both

Originally Posted by sixzerofour

I don't believe in freedom. I've come to realize that everything that comes to me is because someone else allowed it.

I don't believe in depression. I understand sadness and grief, but I always thought depression was just an excuse to feel sorry for yourself.
As human beings our only biological necessity is food, clothing and shelter. We've become so de attached from nature that our mind and body aren't being exercised nearly enough as it used to be for survival... the result is this emptiness that we try to fill with material things that don't matter.

I've been thinking about this lately
Originally Posted by sixzerofour

I don't believe in freedom. I've come to realize that everything that comes to me is because someone else allowed it.

I don't believe in depression. I understand sadness and grief, but I always thought depression was just an excuse to feel sorry for yourself.
As human beings our only biological necessity is food, clothing and shelter. We've become so de attached from nature that our mind and body aren't being exercised nearly enough as it used to be for survival... the result is this emptiness that we try to fill with material things that don't matter.

I've been thinking about this lately
Good stuff everybody!

-I believe there has been an ongoing low-key war between black men and women
-I don't believe anything will happen 2012, it will be a normal year...
-I believe most conspiracy theories start by people's own beliefs and assumptions, not facts
-I believe, no matter what, everything will be alright
Good stuff everybody!

-I believe there has been an ongoing low-key war between black men and women
-I don't believe anything will happen 2012, it will be a normal year...
-I believe most conspiracy theories start by people's own beliefs and assumptions, not facts
-I believe, no matter what, everything will be alright
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,

white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

Do you really walk around, living life thinking this??

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,

white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

Do you really walk around, living life thinking this??

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

Do you really walk around, living life thinking this??

I just asked my Asian friend if he had any telepathic abilities...I always thought something was wrong with dude, the way he looks at me. It's like he's reading my mind.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

Do you really walk around, living life thinking this??

I just asked my Asian friend if he had any telepathic abilities...I always thought something was wrong with dude, the way he looks at me. It's like he's reading my mind.
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