Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

My brain just came....
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

All the dinosaurs did not become extinct i.e. alligators, turtles and reptiles. 65 million years is a lot of time for evolution for a species so it is very possible for them to become sentient beings

All the advanced Ancient civilizations are seeds of Atlantis after some kind of war had occurred survivors dispersed and began civilization again in Egypt, Central America/South America, Aztecs/Mayans/Incans and Sumer

Our species has become advanced numerous times but war always seemed to break out coupled with worldwide catastrophes such as great floods, so we've had cycles.

2012 is a new era of evolutionary consciousness we are approaching our Golden Age. We think we have been enlightened but we are really living in the dark ages because there is so much to be discovered which has been forgotten.

Hypothesis: when we die we change from life forms to "Light forms" refer to DNA Phantom Effect. Remember there is a whole lot of spectrum of light the human eye can't see

you can google anything I've mentioned and I actually encourage it

Good point, never thought about dinosaurs correlation with alligators, turtles, etc. 
Interesting points with the civilizations and cycles 

I've heard a number of different theories about 2012.  Still not sure what to believe, but I'm 50/50 on it.  Scared and Excited at the same time

Definitely gonna Google DNA Phantom effect 
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

All the dinosaurs did not become extinct i.e. alligators, turtles and reptiles. 65 million years is a lot of time for evolution for a species so it is very possible for them to become sentient beings

All the advanced Ancient civilizations are seeds of Atlantis after some kind of war had occurred survivors dispersed and began civilization again in Egypt, Central America/South America, Aztecs/Mayans/Incans and Sumer

Our species has become advanced numerous times but war always seemed to break out coupled with worldwide catastrophes such as great floods, so we've had cycles.

2012 is a new era of evolutionary consciousness we are approaching our Golden Age. We think we have been enlightened but we are really living in the dark ages because there is so much to be discovered which has been forgotten.

Hypothesis: when we die we change from life forms to "Light forms" refer to DNA Phantom Effect. Remember there is a whole lot of spectrum of light the human eye can't see

you can google anything I've mentioned and I actually encourage it

Good point, never thought about dinosaurs correlation with alligators, turtles, etc. 
Interesting points with the civilizations and cycles 

I've heard a number of different theories about 2012.  Still not sure what to believe, but I'm 50/50 on it.  Scared and Excited at the same time

Definitely gonna Google DNA Phantom effect 
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."
This reminds me of another theory i have. I believe alot of the technological advances mankind has had over the last 60 years has come from reverse engineering technology found on UFO's. I believe within the next 5-12 years telekinetic technology will hit the market. Maybe not allowing us to communicate telepathically, put the tech will allow us to do things such as turn tv channels, call some one on the phone or surf the web with our thoughts
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."
This reminds me of another theory i have. I believe alot of the technological advances mankind has had over the last 60 years has come from reverse engineering technology found on UFO's. I believe within the next 5-12 years telekinetic technology will hit the market. Maybe not allowing us to communicate telepathically, put the tech will allow us to do things such as turn tv channels, call some one on the phone or surf the web with our thoughts
seen this and other applications for this
Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we mightaccidentallyor maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies . I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will speed up mutant evolution."
This reminds me of another theory i have. I believe alot of the technological advances mankind has had over the last 60 years has come from reverse engineering technology found on UFO's. I believe within the next 5-12 years telekinetic technology will hit the market. Maybe not allowing us to communicate telepathically, put the tech will allow us to do things such as turn tv channels, call some one on the phone or surf the web with our thoughts
seen this and other applications for this
Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we mightaccidentallyor maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies . I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will speed up mutant evolution."
This reminds me of another theory i have. I believe alot of the technological advances mankind has had over the last 60 years has come from reverse engineering technology found on UFO's. I believe within the next 5-12 years telekinetic technology will hit the market. Maybe not allowing us to communicate telepathically, put the tech will allow us to do things such as turn tv channels, call some one on the phone or surf the web with our thoughts
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."

I have a complete wild theories on human mutation into superhumans, I'll probably post them later but I have to address this cause it's interesting:

I feel like humans are actually growing to be telekinetic also, but not because of radiation. I see it as with all the social networking, humans are able to know more about each other without actually meeting them. So when they actually do meet someone, they know so much about them through social networking that they can in a way figure out their personality, likes/dislikes, thought process without being around them for a long time. Then as they start spending more time together the brain figures out what assumptions based on the online data was correct/incorrect and uses a revised telekinetic calculation process next time such a thing happens. Of course for a huge percentage of the population this won't even come close to happening since they're so dumb/disconnected from all the online interaction, but for some this is possible.

I also feel like some humans can evolve in minor ways through their lifetime. Nothing major like additional limbs or organs but small resistances/strengths. I've found that I'm a very fast learner and I also know people who recover extremely fast. So whenever something damages their body they recover, then they never seem to have a problem with that again. It's kind of like pushing your tolerance level. If you subject yourself to occasional but periodic stress then you can eventually build a resistance. If there was a way to safely test it it could be possible that humans could develop a bulletproof layer. Constant subjection of the skin to a sharp penetrating object over time would cause immunity. I remember learning about this in biology but I forgot the name, basically it means that whenever you're adapting to a new stress and it keeps happening, your body will eventually become immune to it. Could pave ways for making a superhuman.

Sounds crazy but those are just some thoughts
Not sounding crazy at all to me. I see what you are saying. sorta like we get so good at assessing people and doing it so often it heightens that sense in us. like speed learning/reaction as a way of life. I feel the way i feel about the radio frequencies because I have had some weird experiences. Like hearing songs on certain stations before i switch to them. Being able to read what a txt message says before I even get it sometimes. Picking up the phone and answering it knowing who it is and what they are going to talk about even when its not a predictable situation.  I feel like a lot of these secrets are coded in our "junk" or unknown dna and certain circumstances unlock peoples dna sequences at early times which is why i think some of the rarities in genetics exist. I believe the way we think we are now is just a temporary state in evolution but evolution occurs over such long periods of times, we look at things as long standing norms when they could just be "current norms".

I've always thought something very very similar to this, just didn't know how to put it in words.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Wr

I know this is far fetched sounding, but I think humans will develop to be more telekinetic since we are loosing out on personal contact with each other because of machines, and because we are surrounded by and use so much more radiation in our everyday devices, we might accidentally or maybe we already do transmit/pickup thought frequencies .  I know it sounds like x-men but a line in the xmen first class movie kind of stuck with me. Magneto said something to the effect that "the nuclear age will be detrimental to the humans, but will  speed up mutant evolution."

I have a complete wild theories on human mutation into superhumans, I'll probably post them later but I have to address this cause it's interesting:

I feel like humans are actually growing to be telekinetic also, but not because of radiation. I see it as with all the social networking, humans are able to know more about each other without actually meeting them. So when they actually do meet someone, they know so much about them through social networking that they can in a way figure out their personality, likes/dislikes, thought process without being around them for a long time. Then as they start spending more time together the brain figures out what assumptions based on the online data was correct/incorrect and uses a revised telekinetic calculation process next time such a thing happens. Of course for a huge percentage of the population this won't even come close to happening since they're so dumb/disconnected from all the online interaction, but for some this is possible.

I also feel like some humans can evolve in minor ways through their lifetime. Nothing major like additional limbs or organs but small resistances/strengths. I've found that I'm a very fast learner and I also know people who recover extremely fast. So whenever something damages their body they recover, then they never seem to have a problem with that again. It's kind of like pushing your tolerance level. If you subject yourself to occasional but periodic stress then you can eventually build a resistance. If there was a way to safely test it it could be possible that humans could develop a bulletproof layer. Constant subjection of the skin to a sharp penetrating object over time would cause immunity. I remember learning about this in biology but I forgot the name, basically it means that whenever you're adapting to a new stress and it keeps happening, your body will eventually become immune to it. Could pave ways for making a superhuman.

Sounds crazy but those are just some thoughts
Not sounding crazy at all to me. I see what you are saying. sorta like we get so good at assessing people and doing it so often it heightens that sense in us. like speed learning/reaction as a way of life. I feel the way i feel about the radio frequencies because I have had some weird experiences. Like hearing songs on certain stations before i switch to them. Being able to read what a txt message says before I even get it sometimes. Picking up the phone and answering it knowing who it is and what they are going to talk about even when its not a predictable situation.  I feel like a lot of these secrets are coded in our "junk" or unknown dna and certain circumstances unlock peoples dna sequences at early times which is why i think some of the rarities in genetics exist. I believe the way we think we are now is just a temporary state in evolution but evolution occurs over such long periods of times, we look at things as long standing norms when they could just be "current norms".

I've always thought something very very similar to this, just didn't know how to put it in words.
FlyJr22's post blew my damn mind. A lot of the things you mentioned are things I've believed for a while. Sumerians and other ancients are so wild to me. How do you guys feel about the hollow Earth theories?
FlyJr22's post blew my damn mind. A lot of the things you mentioned are things I've believed for a while. Sumerians and other ancients are so wild to me. How do you guys feel about the hollow Earth theories?
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

FlyJr22's post blew my damn mind. A lot of the things you mentioned are things I've believed for a while. Sumerians and other ancients are so wild to me. How do you guys feel about the hollow Earth theories?
My mind has also came across this theory as well. Very unlikely, but definitely possible. Two arguments against this is the Earth's gravity itself and the Soviet Kola Superdeep Borehole project, where they dug a 12 km hole through the Earth and found nothing. But if it were true, God knows what the hell they are hiding down there...
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

FlyJr22's post blew my damn mind. A lot of the things you mentioned are things I've believed for a while. Sumerians and other ancients are so wild to me. How do you guys feel about the hollow Earth theories?
My mind has also came across this theory as well. Very unlikely, but definitely possible. Two arguments against this is the Earth's gravity itself and the Soviet Kola Superdeep Borehole project, where they dug a 12 km hole through the Earth and found nothing. But if it were true, God knows what the hell they are hiding down there...
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

FlyJr22's post blew my damn mind. A lot of the things you mentioned are things I've believed for a while. Sumerians and other ancients are so wild to me. How do you guys feel about the hollow Earth theories?

They have bases at both poles of antarctica and the arctic where there are supposed to be entrances
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

FlyJr22's post blew my damn mind. A lot of the things you mentioned are things I've believed for a while. Sumerians and other ancients are so wild to me. How do you guys feel about the hollow Earth theories?

They have bases at both poles of antarctica and the arctic where there are supposed to be entrances
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

FlyJr22's post blew my damn mind. A lot of the things you mentioned are things I've believed for a while. Sumerians and other ancients are so wild to me. How do you guys feel about the hollow Earth theories?

They have bases at both poles of antarctica and the arctic where there are supposed to be entrances

Thisss yes. I've heard everything from Nazis starting these bases to other species of intelligent beings living inside Earth. Things we'll never know the answer to.
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

FlyJr22's post blew my damn mind. A lot of the things you mentioned are things I've believed for a while. Sumerians and other ancients are so wild to me. How do you guys feel about the hollow Earth theories?

They have bases at both poles of antarctica and the arctic where there are supposed to be entrances

Thisss yes. I've heard everything from Nazis starting these bases to other species of intelligent beings living inside Earth. Things we'll never know the answer to.
I think that this thread is used by the government to see how much we really know

no but really....
I think that this thread is used by the government to see how much we really know

no but really....
i think that when celebrities influence on the world gets too big the vatican,illumminati,rothschild,bilderburg group, who ever runs the world doesnt want people to know the truth which is what happened with 2pac,Biggie and Michael Jackson(even JFK) i think they preached the truth and didnt conform to the bs so they bodied them.
osama been dead.
the u.s government is responsible for mad stuff that happens in the world.....i love this country though 3rd world living is not wassup.
i think that when celebrities influence on the world gets too big the vatican,illumminati,rothschild,bilderburg group, who ever runs the world doesnt want people to know the truth which is what happened with 2pac,Biggie and Michael Jackson(even JFK) i think they preached the truth and didnt conform to the bs so they bodied them.
osama been dead.
the u.s government is responsible for mad stuff that happens in the world.....i love this country though 3rd world living is not wassup.
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