Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by FOG

I have a theory that the people that you see who are seem really happy are truly hurt deep within.

Isn't there some psychological research behind this?

People who are always positive about anything, are people who've had rough childhoods. To get a good example of this theory in a visual form, one of the episodes of Community perfectly depicts said theory. The guy from the ceramics class who was a doctor and he was always happy, yet he was the black sheep of the family and lived under his brothers shadow. Bleh.
Originally Posted by FOG

I have a theory that the people that you see who are seem really happy are truly hurt deep within.

Isn't there some psychological research behind this?

People who are always positive about anything, are people who've had rough childhoods. To get a good example of this theory in a visual form, one of the episodes of Community perfectly depicts said theory. The guy from the ceramics class who was a doctor and he was always happy, yet he was the black sheep of the family and lived under his brothers shadow. Bleh.
Another theory, dreams are not real because there is no such thing as a dream state. Once you're sleep, you're sleep.
Another theory, dreams are not real because there is no such thing as a dream state. Once you're sleep, you're sleep.
just my 2 cents (got more I can't think of right now)

- The HIV virus (and AIDS that follows) was created by men to control the population density on earth.

- Religion was only created to give some morals at a time the society was really f***** up by alcohol, sex, drugs and violence. I'm sorry for all of you believers in religion but you find everything and its opposite in every religion book (Bible, Coran and Torah). These books were just made to have people think and act like sheeps so that they can be controlled.

- 2012 won't happen, but you can be sure that something really bad will happen soon. When will we open our eyes about the situation in this world? Spending more time at work than with your family, to get money that will be directly taken from you by taxes and indirectly to buy food and gas. Is it really how we're supposed to live? It won't be because of a natural disaster, it will be man-made!  

(Edit to add this) - Those of you who think that the human body is getting better and we will become superhumans or stuff like that... sorry but I think that human beings are getting weaker. Not in terms of life expectancy but in terms of body strength and performances. I believe that the human body was stronger and faster before.
just my 2 cents (got more I can't think of right now)

- The HIV virus (and AIDS that follows) was created by men to control the population density on earth.

- Religion was only created to give some morals at a time the society was really f***** up by alcohol, sex, drugs and violence. I'm sorry for all of you believers in religion but you find everything and its opposite in every religion book (Bible, Coran and Torah). These books were just made to have people think and act like sheeps so that they can be controlled.

- 2012 won't happen, but you can be sure that something really bad will happen soon. When will we open our eyes about the situation in this world? Spending more time at work than with your family, to get money that will be directly taken from you by taxes and indirectly to buy food and gas. Is it really how we're supposed to live? It won't be because of a natural disaster, it will be man-made!  

(Edit to add this) - Those of you who think that the human body is getting better and we will become superhumans or stuff like that... sorry but I think that human beings are getting weaker. Not in terms of life expectancy but in terms of body strength and performances. I believe that the human body was stronger and faster before.
-Pollution and not being able to see stars in the night sky in dense population areas has changed human psychology. For as long as we've been living, the night sky was visible until the recently. From when I was little I would see countless stars in the night sky. Know at the most it's probably around 30-40.
-Pollution and not being able to see stars in the night sky in dense population areas has changed human psychology. For as long as we've been living, the night sky was visible until the recently. From when I was little I would see countless stars in the night sky. Know at the most it's probably around 30-40.
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

I'm going to have so much fun with this post.

Time travel (Montak Project), teleportation (Philadelphia Experiement), cloaking technology (Philadelphia Experiment) climate manipulation (HAARP High Frequency Aurora Research Project discovered by Nikola Tesla), anti-gravity air craft (Reverse Engineered by Nazis called Haunebu, the U.S. has also came upon this technology and developed Black Triangles or TR-3B) and aircraft that can travel within the atmosphere and out into space have already been created or reverse engineered. (Vimanas mentioned in Vedic texts by the Hindus)

There is architecture i.e. pyramids and structures on mars and the moon (the face on mars)

Contact has already been made with a select few

Our history on this planet is a lot older than we think possibly millions of years

Atlantis was a worldwide advanced culture not just some city that was in a single location

There was a nuclear war many thousands of years ago between Atlantians and Lemurians

All the dinosaurs did not become extinct i.e. alligators, turtles and reptiles. 65 million years is a lot of time for evolution for a species so it is very possible for them to become sentient beings

Mars used to be inhabited by our ancestors or another race of sentient beings

The pyramids on earth were used as Stargates much like the movie suggests and you're able to travel either physically or non-physically to other star systems, galaxies/dimensions

All the advanced Ancient civilizations are seeds of Atlantis after some kind of war had occurred survivors dispersed and began civilization again in Egypt, Central America/South America, Aztecs/Mayans/Incans and Sumer

Our species has become advanced numerous times but war always seemed to break out coupled with worldwide catastrophes such as great floods, so we've had cycles.

2012 is a new era of evolutionary consciousness we are approaching our Golden Age. We think we have been enlightened but we are really living in the dark ages because there is so much to be discovered which has been forgotten.

Egypt (the land of Kem/Moor) is much older than it is taught to be, it's Golden age was 40,000 years ago

There are 600 vital points in the human body (acupunture)

There were 600 pyramids on the Earth

There are approximately 100 billion cells in our brain

There are approximately 100 billion stars in our galaxy

Each human actually has a sphere of 360 senses i.e. attitude, emotions, feelings that can all be sensed. Add the 5 we know of that makes 365

the Earth has 365 days

The earth's frequency is 7.83 Hertz known as the Schumann Resonance

the Human body has 7 energy channels known as chakras

The audio the sun emits when recorded makes a sound similar to that of an "ohm"

which also is used for meditation in self healing in Hinduism and Buddhism

The Universe is Holographic and every hologram has a Source from where the hologram is being projected, this would be the Singularity from which everything comes

Hypothesis: when we die we change from life forms to "Light forms" refer to DNA Phantom Effect. Remember there is a whole lot of spectrum of light the human eye can't see

you can google anything I've mentioned and I actually encourage it

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

I'm going to have so much fun with this post.

Time travel (Montak Project), teleportation (Philadelphia Experiement), cloaking technology (Philadelphia Experiment) climate manipulation (HAARP High Frequency Aurora Research Project discovered by Nikola Tesla), anti-gravity air craft (Reverse Engineered by Nazis called Haunebu, the U.S. has also came upon this technology and developed Black Triangles or TR-3B) and aircraft that can travel within the atmosphere and out into space have already been created or reverse engineered. (Vimanas mentioned in Vedic texts by the Hindus)

There is architecture i.e. pyramids and structures on mars and the moon (the face on mars)

Contact has already been made with a select few

Our history on this planet is a lot older than we think possibly millions of years

Atlantis was a worldwide advanced culture not just some city that was in a single location

There was a nuclear war many thousands of years ago between Atlantians and Lemurians

All the dinosaurs did not become extinct i.e. alligators, turtles and reptiles. 65 million years is a lot of time for evolution for a species so it is very possible for them to become sentient beings

Mars used to be inhabited by our ancestors or another race of sentient beings

The pyramids on earth were used as Stargates much like the movie suggests and you're able to travel either physically or non-physically to other star systems, galaxies/dimensions

All the advanced Ancient civilizations are seeds of Atlantis after some kind of war had occurred survivors dispersed and began civilization again in Egypt, Central America/South America, Aztecs/Mayans/Incans and Sumer

Our species has become advanced numerous times but war always seemed to break out coupled with worldwide catastrophes such as great floods, so we've had cycles.

2012 is a new era of evolutionary consciousness we are approaching our Golden Age. We think we have been enlightened but we are really living in the dark ages because there is so much to be discovered which has been forgotten.

Egypt (the land of Kem/Moor) is much older than it is taught to be, it's Golden age was 40,000 years ago

There are 600 vital points in the human body (acupunture)

There were 600 pyramids on the Earth

There are approximately 100 billion cells in our brain

There are approximately 100 billion stars in our galaxy

Each human actually has a sphere of 360 senses i.e. attitude, emotions, feelings that can all be sensed. Add the 5 we know of that makes 365

the Earth has 365 days

The earth's frequency is 7.83 Hertz known as the Schumann Resonance

the Human body has 7 energy channels known as chakras

The audio the sun emits when recorded makes a sound similar to that of an "ohm"

which also is used for meditation in self healing in Hinduism and Buddhism

The Universe is Holographic and every hologram has a Source from where the hologram is being projected, this would be the Singularity from which everything comes

Hypothesis: when we die we change from life forms to "Light forms" refer to DNA Phantom Effect. Remember there is a whole lot of spectrum of light the human eye can't see

you can google anything I've mentioned and I actually encourage it

Originally Posted by supahoopa

I wonder if people can be original anymore ?
microwave ovens are cancerous 

people back in the day were smarter than we think
This isn't a theory
Originally Posted by supahoopa

I wonder if people can be original anymore ?
microwave ovens are cancerous 

people back in the day were smarter than we think
This isn't a theory
Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by BTK

-aliens once ruled the earth and used monkeys as slaves to build the pyramids. Humans are the result of an alien specie mating with monkey (we're just hybrids of a monkey and alien). We humans and the monkeys were sick of being enslaved and overran the aliens at which point they bounced. They said they'll be back in 2012 to take back what's theirs. Hence hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide ya husband too cuz they rapin' everyone out here.

lol word.  that actually's believable.  That'd be a good *#* movie too  

Not really believable at all, I just put that .gif because he so nonchalantly tied in "hide yo kid, hide yo wife"

Probably would make a good movie, though
Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by BTK

-aliens once ruled the earth and used monkeys as slaves to build the pyramids. Humans are the result of an alien specie mating with monkey (we're just hybrids of a monkey and alien). We humans and the monkeys were sick of being enslaved and overran the aliens at which point they bounced. They said they'll be back in 2012 to take back what's theirs. Hence hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide ya husband too cuz they rapin' everyone out here.

lol word.  that actually's believable.  That'd be a good *#* movie too  

Not really believable at all, I just put that .gif because he so nonchalantly tied in "hide yo kid, hide yo wife"

Probably would make a good movie, though
There's been some, um, interesting stuff posted.

There may or may not be a cure for these diseases that you all claim about. If we aren't meant to find out, we won't. But, preventing these diseases don't get enough emphasis placed on them. The government allows agents that promote certain diseases(cancer, alzheimers, chd, etc.) to be consumed regularly because there is more profit in treatment than in prevention. Pesticides, insecticides, artificial hormones in the food, a lack of nutrients, etc. all contribute to and/or cause these diseases of civilization. For example, the USA is a huge exporter of grains. Why do you think the food pyramid has so many servings of grains? Because they’re good for you? Nope. Grains and their derivative products are the worst things you can put in your mouth. The government subsidizes grain farmers so that it is extremely unattractive and almost economically impossible for anyone to produce other food. Grass-fed/pastured/wild animal products and organic produce are the best foods for you. The USA spends the least percentage of income on food in the whole world. Food is so cheap and few people wonder why. There’s no way in hell that you can support the whole system by paying $1 per pound for chicken.

If I were to ask you what a tiger should eat, most people would say one thing: meat. Why? Because that’s what they do in the wild. Why doesn’t the same principle apply to humans? Humans should eat what they would eat in the wild. What is that? Meat, veggies, fruits, nuts.

Most professional sports use cheating somehow. Biased refs, steroids, gambling to sway games, etc. More than most people think.

The USA is a joke. Everything about this country needs to change. Education, government, food production, etc. Kids need to learn a skill that involves something they’re passionate about and be able to sell that skill. Mechanics, health care workers, tailors, carpenters, personal trainers, etc. The government likes to take as much money from the people as possible but give back as little as possible. My father was saying that Medicare saved $6 Billion last year. How? By not paying the doctors for their work.

Modern medicine needs a new approach. They try to patch symptoms instead of treating the actual problem. Granted, you have people like Pete Egoscue, Dr. Mike Leahy, Dr. Mauro di Pasquale, etc. that are attacking the real issues, but there aren’t enough people like them.

The world revolves around the idea of “God
There's been some, um, interesting stuff posted.

There may or may not be a cure for these diseases that you all claim about. If we aren't meant to find out, we won't. But, preventing these diseases don't get enough emphasis placed on them. The government allows agents that promote certain diseases(cancer, alzheimers, chd, etc.) to be consumed regularly because there is more profit in treatment than in prevention. Pesticides, insecticides, artificial hormones in the food, a lack of nutrients, etc. all contribute to and/or cause these diseases of civilization. For example, the USA is a huge exporter of grains. Why do you think the food pyramid has so many servings of grains? Because they’re good for you? Nope. Grains and their derivative products are the worst things you can put in your mouth. The government subsidizes grain farmers so that it is extremely unattractive and almost economically impossible for anyone to produce other food. Grass-fed/pastured/wild animal products and organic produce are the best foods for you. The USA spends the least percentage of income on food in the whole world. Food is so cheap and few people wonder why. There’s no way in hell that you can support the whole system by paying $1 per pound for chicken.

If I were to ask you what a tiger should eat, most people would say one thing: meat. Why? Because that’s what they do in the wild. Why doesn’t the same principle apply to humans? Humans should eat what they would eat in the wild. What is that? Meat, veggies, fruits, nuts.

Most professional sports use cheating somehow. Biased refs, steroids, gambling to sway games, etc. More than most people think.

The USA is a joke. Everything about this country needs to change. Education, government, food production, etc. Kids need to learn a skill that involves something they’re passionate about and be able to sell that skill. Mechanics, health care workers, tailors, carpenters, personal trainers, etc. The government likes to take as much money from the people as possible but give back as little as possible. My father was saying that Medicare saved $6 Billion last year. How? By not paying the doctors for their work.

Modern medicine needs a new approach. They try to patch symptoms instead of treating the actual problem. Granted, you have people like Pete Egoscue, Dr. Mike Leahy, Dr. Mauro di Pasquale, etc. that are attacking the real issues, but there aren’t enough people like them.

The world revolves around the idea of “God

*Jobs: Jobs are decreasing due to not all but a lot of companies moving out of state or the country to save on expenses on paying people less and/or replacing them with computers. If your line of duty or task at work can possibly be replaced by an automated machine or a computer to save that company any dollar it can, then it will. So whatever career/job path you’re deciding to choose, take a minute and sit back and think. “Can technology take over my position (job) in the near future to keep this world spinning?

*Jobs: Jobs are decreasing due to not all but a lot of companies moving out of state or the country to save on expenses on paying people less and/or replacing them with computers. If your line of duty or task at work can possibly be replaced by an automated machine or a computer to save that company any dollar it can, then it will. So whatever career/job path you’re deciding to choose, take a minute and sit back and think. “Can technology take over my position (job) in the near future to keep this world spinning?
Originally Posted by imthekang

 I can go on a random persons profile and tell you their whole life story and information without even meeting them. That same person turns around and cries because they can’t figure out why some scammer emptied out their whole savings account. 

Has this really happened? Source.
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