Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by CtotheJ78

A time machine will never be created. I say this because we are currently in the futures past and no one has yet to return to change anything or even make their presence known.
But what if it has been created already, the problem is, the people from the future do not choose to go to our "generation" or "space" or whatever you call it. remember there are so many pasts, yesterday can be a past and a different you and a different me lives in that past so MAYBE the people from the future has made their presence known to them already.
My "planet-hopping" theory: Since our sun was much hotter, brighter billions of years, we may have possibly lived on planets in our solar system that are farther away from the sun e.g. mars, jupiter, saturn etc. This is why there are remnants, evidence of ancient civilizations on mars, maybe even other planets - they were built by our ancestors.After life was no longer possible on a planet, we got "transported" (this applies to the whole ancient aliens, intervention theories that have gained more and more exposure in recent years) to the next closest planet that was capable of handling and nurturing life - this was a gradual process. Perhaps the planet was even "prepped or incubated" in advance by our intergalactic overseers to make it ready to support life. Therefore, after earth is no longer viable for its inhabitants after several hundreds, thousands, millions, billions etc. years, we may have to "hop" onto Venus and so forth by our own initiative or someone else's.  

no, im not high right now 
My "planet-hopping" theory: Since our sun was much hotter, brighter billions of years, we may have possibly lived on planets in our solar system that are farther away from the sun e.g. mars, jupiter, saturn etc. This is why there are remnants, evidence of ancient civilizations on mars, maybe even other planets - they were built by our ancestors.After life was no longer possible on a planet, we got "transported" (this applies to the whole ancient aliens, intervention theories that have gained more and more exposure in recent years) to the next closest planet that was capable of handling and nurturing life - this was a gradual process. Perhaps the planet was even "prepped or incubated" in advance by our intergalactic overseers to make it ready to support life. Therefore, after earth is no longer viable for its inhabitants after several hundreds, thousands, millions, billions etc. years, we may have to "hop" onto Venus and so forth by our own initiative or someone else's.  

no, im not high right now 
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

My "planet-hopping" theory: Since our sun was much hotter, brighter billions of years, we may have possibly lived on planets in our solar system that are farther away from the sun e.g. mars, jupiter, saturn etc. This is why there are remnants, evidence of ancient civilizations on mars, maybe even other planets - they were built by our ancestors.After life was no longer possible on a planet, we got "transported" (this applies to the whole ancient aliens, intervention theories that have gained more and more exposure in recent years) to the next closest planet that was capable of handling and nurturing life - this was a gradual process. Perhaps the planet was even "prepped or incubated" in advance by our intergalactic overseers to make it ready to support life. Therefore, after earth is no longer viable for its inhabitants after several hundreds, thousands, millions, billions etc. years, we may have to "hop" onto Venus and so forth by our own initiative or someone else's.  

no, im not high right now 
Pretty dope...
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

My "planet-hopping" theory: Since our sun was much hotter, brighter billions of years, we may have possibly lived on planets in our solar system that are farther away from the sun e.g. mars, jupiter, saturn etc. This is why there are remnants, evidence of ancient civilizations on mars, maybe even other planets - they were built by our ancestors.After life was no longer possible on a planet, we got "transported" (this applies to the whole ancient aliens, intervention theories that have gained more and more exposure in recent years) to the next closest planet that was capable of handling and nurturing life - this was a gradual process. Perhaps the planet was even "prepped or incubated" in advance by our intergalactic overseers to make it ready to support life. Therefore, after earth is no longer viable for its inhabitants after several hundreds, thousands, millions, billions etc. years, we may have to "hop" onto Venus and so forth by our own initiative or someone else's.  

no, im not high right now 
Pretty dope...
real life...

i feel like if i keep the mindset i have right now, in 5-10 years if im not dead by then, i will kill myself...

real life...

i feel like if i keep the mindset i have right now, in 5-10 years if im not dead by then, i will kill myself...

About two hours ago, I have quite possibly just witnessed the most incredible thing I have laid my eyes on.

After 19 years I've lived on this earth, I finally got the chance to see a UFO firsthand. You can call ducktales, but I KNOW what I saw, and I definitely wouldn't lie about it. It was just nuts... I'm actually still at a loss for words. For some reason, I felt the need to share this here with y'all. I will try to describe everything I saw:

-So me and three friends drive to a park to chief.
-We sit at a picnic table and hit some trees. We chilled and talked about random %$!*.
-All of a sudden, a flashing streak of white light flew right past our heads in the sky. I thought I was tripping, but my friend who was sitting beside me saw it too, so I knew it wasn't just me.
-I thought it was a shooting star, so I quickly get up and look into the distance for it.

The next few minutes was one of the most craziest things I have EVER witnessed in my life.

-So as I searched for the "shooting star", I immediately took note of some of the strangest movements I have ever seen in the sky.
-I couldn't believe my eyes at this point... The object (Which I assume was the streak of light that I saw earlier) was hovering across the sky away from us in some sort of strange pattern. It emitted strange, rainbow-like lights... There were shades of white, red, and blue.
-It swerved from right to left at AMAZING speeds, and the movements were absolutely insane. It almost appeared to be drawing imaginary rectangles... Also, PLEASE note that the object was VERY high up in the night sky RIGHT under the clouds, and it was zooming across the sky like it was nothing. How can something SO high up, while being so bright, move that fast and in that kind of movement? And now that I think about it, it was probably going at speeds I have never seen before... Definitely faster than any man-made object.
-My friends quickly got up and saw the exact same thing. All four of us saw it this time (Sorry, I edited here since Koudie pointed it out a type). So I definitely knew I wasn't tripping out.
-We followed the object with our eyes until it disappeared into the distant night sky, and we were utterly amazed at what we just saw.

But it gets weirder.

-As we talk for a bit about it, I took notice of a particularly bright "star" right above the silhouette of a tall fir tree. It happened to be emitting the exact same lights as the previous object.
-I keep staring at it, and it felt like it was staring back.
-My buddies and I were completely dazzled... We talk for a bit, and then all of a sudden, the "star" vanished.
-I quickly scanned through the sky and found it again... Except this time, it was hovering above a different tree.
-At this point I was completely freaked out... I yell to my buddies to look at it, and they do.
-All of a sudden, the "star" started to quickly hover in different directions... It was unbelievable. The object just seemed so much closer now.

-Okay, and I KNOW this next part may sound far fetched, but as I was staring at the bright object, it almost "transformed"... The round, bright object took a form like a crescent.. It's hard to explain, but basically the bottom half of the object became really dark, and only the top half (crescent-shaped) was emitting the lights.
-At this point, my friends and I were just about to book to back to the car

And yeah, that was it... I'm sorry if the story didn't make a lot sense because I'm still feeling kinda lit, and it's hard to gather the right words to describe what I just witnessed.
About two hours ago, I have quite possibly just witnessed the most incredible thing I have laid my eyes on.

After 19 years I've lived on this earth, I finally got the chance to see a UFO firsthand. You can call ducktales, but I KNOW what I saw, and I definitely wouldn't lie about it. It was just nuts... I'm actually still at a loss for words. For some reason, I felt the need to share this here with y'all. I will try to describe everything I saw:

-So me and three friends drive to a park to chief.
-We sit at a picnic table and hit some trees. We chilled and talked about random %$!*.
-All of a sudden, a flashing streak of white light flew right past our heads in the sky. I thought I was tripping, but my friend who was sitting beside me saw it too, so I knew it wasn't just me.
-I thought it was a shooting star, so I quickly get up and look into the distance for it.

The next few minutes was one of the most craziest things I have EVER witnessed in my life.

-So as I searched for the "shooting star", I immediately took note of some of the strangest movements I have ever seen in the sky.
-I couldn't believe my eyes at this point... The object (Which I assume was the streak of light that I saw earlier) was hovering across the sky away from us in some sort of strange pattern. It emitted strange, rainbow-like lights... There were shades of white, red, and blue.
-It swerved from right to left at AMAZING speeds, and the movements were absolutely insane. It almost appeared to be drawing imaginary rectangles... Also, PLEASE note that the object was VERY high up in the night sky RIGHT under the clouds, and it was zooming across the sky like it was nothing. How can something SO high up, while being so bright, move that fast and in that kind of movement? And now that I think about it, it was probably going at speeds I have never seen before... Definitely faster than any man-made object.
-My friends quickly got up and saw the exact same thing. All four of us saw it this time (Sorry, I edited here since Koudie pointed it out a type). So I definitely knew I wasn't tripping out.
-We followed the object with our eyes until it disappeared into the distant night sky, and we were utterly amazed at what we just saw.

But it gets weirder.

-As we talk for a bit about it, I took notice of a particularly bright "star" right above the silhouette of a tall fir tree. It happened to be emitting the exact same lights as the previous object.
-I keep staring at it, and it felt like it was staring back.
-My buddies and I were completely dazzled... We talk for a bit, and then all of a sudden, the "star" vanished.
-I quickly scanned through the sky and found it again... Except this time, it was hovering above a different tree.
-At this point I was completely freaked out... I yell to my buddies to look at it, and they do.
-All of a sudden, the "star" started to quickly hover in different directions... It was unbelievable. The object just seemed so much closer now.

-Okay, and I KNOW this next part may sound far fetched, but as I was staring at the bright object, it almost "transformed"... The round, bright object took a form like a crescent.. It's hard to explain, but basically the bottom half of the object became really dark, and only the top half (crescent-shaped) was emitting the lights.
-At this point, my friends and I were just about to book to back to the car

And yeah, that was it... I'm sorry if the story didn't make a lot sense because I'm still feeling kinda lit, and it's hard to gather the right words to describe what I just witnessed.
Originally Posted by Discoduck

Originally Posted by CtotheJ78

A time machine will never be created. I say this because we are currently in the futures past and no one has yet to return to change anything or even make their presence known.
But what if it has been created already, the problem is, the people from the future do not choose to go to our "generation" or "space" or whatever you call it. remember there are so many pasts, yesterday can be a past and a different you and a different me lives in that past so MAYBE the people from the future has made their presence known to them already.
Time Travel is impossible...........Universe would explode the second someone landed in the past..............Real Talk............
Originally Posted by Discoduck

Originally Posted by CtotheJ78

A time machine will never be created. I say this because we are currently in the futures past and no one has yet to return to change anything or even make their presence known.
But what if it has been created already, the problem is, the people from the future do not choose to go to our "generation" or "space" or whatever you call it. remember there are so many pasts, yesterday can be a past and a different you and a different me lives in that past so MAYBE the people from the future has made their presence known to them already.
Time Travel is impossible...........Universe would explode the second someone landed in the past..............Real Talk............
Originally Posted by FOG

About two hours ago, I have quite possibly just witnessed the most incredible thing I have laid my eyes on.

After 19 years I've lived on this earth, I finally got the chance to see a UFO firsthand. You can call ducktales, but I KNOW what I saw, and I definitely wouldn't lie about it. It was just nuts... I'm actually still at a loss for words. For some reason, I felt the need to share this here with y'all. I will try to describe everything I saw:

-So me and three friends drive to a park to chief.
-We sit at a picnic table and hit some trees. We chilled and talked about random %$!*.
-All of a sudden, a flashing streak of white light flew right past our heads in the sky. I thought I was tripping, but my friend who was sitting beside me saw it too, so I knew it wasn't just me.
-I thought it was a shooting star, so I quickly get up and look into the distance for it.

The next few minutes was one of the most craziest things I have EVER witnessed in my life.

-So as I searched for the "shooting star", I immediately took note of some of the strangest movements I have ever seen in the sky.
-I couldn't believe my eyes at this point... The object (Which I assume was the streak of light that I saw earlier) was hovering across the sky away from us in some sort of strange pattern. It emitted strange, rainbow-like lights... There were shades of white, red, and blue.
-It swerved from right to left at AMAZING speeds, and the movements were absolutely insane. It almost appeared to be drawing imaginary rectangles... Also, PLEASE note that the object was VERY high up in the night sky RIGHT under the clouds, and it was zooming across the sky like it was nothing. How can something SO high up, while being so bright, move that fast and in that kind of movement? And now that I think about it, it was probably going at speeds I have never seen before... Definitely faster than any man-made object.
-My friends quickly got up and saw the exact same thing. All four of them. So I definitely knew I wasn't tripping out.
-We followed the object with our eyes until it disappeared into the distant night sky, and we were utterly amazed at what we just saw.

But it gets weirder.

-As we talk for a bit about it, I took notice of a particularly bright "star" right above the silhouette of a tall fir tree. It happened to be emitting the exact same lights as the previous object.
-I keep staring at it, and it felt like it was staring back.
-My buddies and I were completely dazzled... We talk for a bit, and then all of a sudden, the "star" vanished.
-I quickly scanned through the sky and found it again... Except this time, it was hovering above a different tree.
-At this point I was completely freaked out... I yell to my buddies to look at it, and they do.
-All of a sudden, the "star" started to quickly hover in different directions... It was unbelievable. The object just seemed so much closer now.

-Okay, and I KNOW this next part may sound far fetched, but as I was staring at the bright object, it almost "transformed"... The round, bright object took a form like a crescent.. It's hard to explain, but basically the bottom half of the object became really dark, and only the top half (crescent-shaped) was emitting the lights.
-At this point, my friends and I were just about to book to back to the car

And yeah, that was it... I'm sorry if the story didn't make a lot sense because I'm still feeling kinda lit, and it's hard to gather the right words to describe what I just witnessed.
you trollin?
Originally Posted by FOG

About two hours ago, I have quite possibly just witnessed the most incredible thing I have laid my eyes on.

After 19 years I've lived on this earth, I finally got the chance to see a UFO firsthand. You can call ducktales, but I KNOW what I saw, and I definitely wouldn't lie about it. It was just nuts... I'm actually still at a loss for words. For some reason, I felt the need to share this here with y'all. I will try to describe everything I saw:

-So me and three friends drive to a park to chief.
-We sit at a picnic table and hit some trees. We chilled and talked about random %$!*.
-All of a sudden, a flashing streak of white light flew right past our heads in the sky. I thought I was tripping, but my friend who was sitting beside me saw it too, so I knew it wasn't just me.
-I thought it was a shooting star, so I quickly get up and look into the distance for it.

The next few minutes was one of the most craziest things I have EVER witnessed in my life.

-So as I searched for the "shooting star", I immediately took note of some of the strangest movements I have ever seen in the sky.
-I couldn't believe my eyes at this point... The object (Which I assume was the streak of light that I saw earlier) was hovering across the sky away from us in some sort of strange pattern. It emitted strange, rainbow-like lights... There were shades of white, red, and blue.
-It swerved from right to left at AMAZING speeds, and the movements were absolutely insane. It almost appeared to be drawing imaginary rectangles... Also, PLEASE note that the object was VERY high up in the night sky RIGHT under the clouds, and it was zooming across the sky like it was nothing. How can something SO high up, while being so bright, move that fast and in that kind of movement? And now that I think about it, it was probably going at speeds I have never seen before... Definitely faster than any man-made object.
-My friends quickly got up and saw the exact same thing. All four of them. So I definitely knew I wasn't tripping out.
-We followed the object with our eyes until it disappeared into the distant night sky, and we were utterly amazed at what we just saw.

But it gets weirder.

-As we talk for a bit about it, I took notice of a particularly bright "star" right above the silhouette of a tall fir tree. It happened to be emitting the exact same lights as the previous object.
-I keep staring at it, and it felt like it was staring back.
-My buddies and I were completely dazzled... We talk for a bit, and then all of a sudden, the "star" vanished.
-I quickly scanned through the sky and found it again... Except this time, it was hovering above a different tree.
-At this point I was completely freaked out... I yell to my buddies to look at it, and they do.
-All of a sudden, the "star" started to quickly hover in different directions... It was unbelievable. The object just seemed so much closer now.

-Okay, and I KNOW this next part may sound far fetched, but as I was staring at the bright object, it almost "transformed"... The round, bright object took a form like a crescent.. It's hard to explain, but basically the bottom half of the object became really dark, and only the top half (crescent-shaped) was emitting the lights.
-At this point, my friends and I were just about to book to back to the car

And yeah, that was it... I'm sorry if the story didn't make a lot sense because I'm still feeling kinda lit, and it's hard to gather the right words to describe what I just witnessed.
you trollin?
Originally Posted by FOG

About two hours ago, I have quite possibly just witnessed the most incredible thing I have laid my eyes on.

After 19 years I've lived on this earth, I finally got the chance to see a UFO firsthand. You can call ducktales, but I KNOW what I saw, and I definitely wouldn't lie about it. It was just nuts... I'm actually still at a loss for words. For some reason, I felt the need to share this here with y'all. I will try to describe everything I saw:

-So me and three friends drive to a park to chief.
-We sit at a picnic table and hit some trees. We chilled and talked about random %$!*.
-All of a sudden, a flashing streak of white light flew right past our heads in the sky. I thought I was tripping, but my friend who was sitting beside me saw it too, so I knew it wasn't just me.
-I thought it was a shooting star, so I quickly get up and look into the distance for it.

The next few minutes was one of the most craziest things I have EVER witnessed in my life.

-So as I searched for the "shooting star", I immediately took note of some of the strangest movements I have ever seen in the sky.
-I couldn't believe my eyes at this point... The object (Which I assume was the streak of light that I saw earlier) was hovering across the sky away from us in some sort of strange pattern. It emitted strange, rainbow-like lights... There were shades of white, red, and blue.
-It swerved from right to left at AMAZING speeds, and the movements were absolutely insane. It almost appeared to be drawing imaginary rectangles... Also, PLEASE note that the object was VERY high up in the night sky RIGHT under the clouds, and it was zooming across the sky like it was nothing. How can something SO high up, while being so bright, move that fast and in that kind of movement? And now that I think about it, it was probably going at speeds I have never seen before... Definitely faster than any man-made object.
-My friends quickly got up and saw the exact same thing. All four of them. So I definitely knew I wasn't tripping out.
-We followed the object with our eyes until it disappeared into the distant night sky, and we were utterly amazed at what we just saw.

But it gets weirder.

-As we talk for a bit about it, I took notice of a particularly bright "star" right above the silhouette of a tall fir tree. It happened to be emitting the exact same lights as the previous object.
-I keep staring at it, and it felt like it was staring back.
-My buddies and I were completely dazzled... We talk for a bit, and then all of a sudden, the "star" vanished.
-I quickly scanned through the sky and found it again... Except this time, it was hovering above a different tree.
-At this point I was completely freaked out... I yell to my buddies to look at it, and they do.
-All of a sudden, the "star" started to quickly hover in different directions... It was unbelievable. The object just seemed so much closer now.

-Okay, and I KNOW this next part may sound far fetched, but as I was staring at the bright object, it almost "transformed"... The round, bright object took a form like a crescent.. It's hard to explain, but basically the bottom half of the object became really dark, and only the top half (crescent-shaped) was emitting the lights.
-At this point, my friends and I were just about to book to back to the car

And yeah, that was it... I'm sorry if the story didn't make a lot sense because I'm still feeling kinda lit, and it's hard to gather the right words to describe what I just witnessed.
i wanted to believe you.. i really did, especially since your a
.. but you lied about your friends.. first it was you and THREE friends, than you said all FOUR of your friends seen it.. i'm not a hater, i just have trouble believing you story now.. simple as that, keep
.. that stuffs good for ya
Originally Posted by FOG

About two hours ago, I have quite possibly just witnessed the most incredible thing I have laid my eyes on.

After 19 years I've lived on this earth, I finally got the chance to see a UFO firsthand. You can call ducktales, but I KNOW what I saw, and I definitely wouldn't lie about it. It was just nuts... I'm actually still at a loss for words. For some reason, I felt the need to share this here with y'all. I will try to describe everything I saw:

-So me and three friends drive to a park to chief.
-We sit at a picnic table and hit some trees. We chilled and talked about random %$!*.
-All of a sudden, a flashing streak of white light flew right past our heads in the sky. I thought I was tripping, but my friend who was sitting beside me saw it too, so I knew it wasn't just me.
-I thought it was a shooting star, so I quickly get up and look into the distance for it.

The next few minutes was one of the most craziest things I have EVER witnessed in my life.

-So as I searched for the "shooting star", I immediately took note of some of the strangest movements I have ever seen in the sky.
-I couldn't believe my eyes at this point... The object (Which I assume was the streak of light that I saw earlier) was hovering across the sky away from us in some sort of strange pattern. It emitted strange, rainbow-like lights... There were shades of white, red, and blue.
-It swerved from right to left at AMAZING speeds, and the movements were absolutely insane. It almost appeared to be drawing imaginary rectangles... Also, PLEASE note that the object was VERY high up in the night sky RIGHT under the clouds, and it was zooming across the sky like it was nothing. How can something SO high up, while being so bright, move that fast and in that kind of movement? And now that I think about it, it was probably going at speeds I have never seen before... Definitely faster than any man-made object.
-My friends quickly got up and saw the exact same thing. All four of them. So I definitely knew I wasn't tripping out.
-We followed the object with our eyes until it disappeared into the distant night sky, and we were utterly amazed at what we just saw.

But it gets weirder.

-As we talk for a bit about it, I took notice of a particularly bright "star" right above the silhouette of a tall fir tree. It happened to be emitting the exact same lights as the previous object.
-I keep staring at it, and it felt like it was staring back.
-My buddies and I were completely dazzled... We talk for a bit, and then all of a sudden, the "star" vanished.
-I quickly scanned through the sky and found it again... Except this time, it was hovering above a different tree.
-At this point I was completely freaked out... I yell to my buddies to look at it, and they do.
-All of a sudden, the "star" started to quickly hover in different directions... It was unbelievable. The object just seemed so much closer now.

-Okay, and I KNOW this next part may sound far fetched, but as I was staring at the bright object, it almost "transformed"... The round, bright object took a form like a crescent.. It's hard to explain, but basically the bottom half of the object became really dark, and only the top half (crescent-shaped) was emitting the lights.
-At this point, my friends and I were just about to book to back to the car

And yeah, that was it... I'm sorry if the story didn't make a lot sense because I'm still feeling kinda lit, and it's hard to gather the right words to describe what I just witnessed.
i wanted to believe you.. i really did, especially since your a
.. but you lied about your friends.. first it was you and THREE friends, than you said all FOUR of your friends seen it.. i'm not a hater, i just have trouble believing you story now.. simple as that, keep
.. that stuffs good for ya
I had a coworker who had a theory that there is a cure for HIV/Aids and the government purposely doesn't share it to the general population. Thought it was bs at first but it's a possibility. Def reminds me of the south park episode when cartman gave kyle aids.
I had a coworker who had a theory that there is a cure for HIV/Aids and the government purposely doesn't share it to the general population. Thought it was bs at first but it's a possibility. Def reminds me of the south park episode when cartman gave kyle aids.
I believe the above is ture. Since I'm sure that would make more money ovetine with OTC medications and aspirin and Tylenol and etc...
I believe the above is ture. Since I'm sure that would make more money ovetine with OTC medications and aspirin and Tylenol and etc...
I think that "GOD" is real. Of course something had to start all of this.
But I think that all the biblical characters are aliens. They can take the image of us. I mean u have all these people splitting seas in half and making the blind see and coming back from the dead. Where are they all now dead? Every time u read about the or see them as how they where described they have auras and have flying angels and +#++ around them. Something to think about. Aliens are the cause of all this.
I think that "GOD" is real. Of course something had to start all of this.
But I think that all the biblical characters are aliens. They can take the image of us. I mean u have all these people splitting seas in half and making the blind see and coming back from the dead. Where are they all now dead? Every time u read about the or see them as how they where described they have auras and have flying angels and +#++ around them. Something to think about. Aliens are the cause of all this.
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