Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

There's no such thing as love.. like darkness being the absence of light, love is just the absence of hate.
I believe its human nature to hate "things", look at all the wars, violence, bloodshed, racism etc. throughout the centuries.
There's no such thing as love.. like darkness being the absence of light, love is just the absence of hate.
I believe its human nature to hate "things", look at all the wars, violence, bloodshed, racism etc. throughout the centuries.
Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

damn does that make sense..

when I first did dmt it sure felt that i was in limbo for a while..but i didnt experience anything close to your friends..It was like i was in outer space seeing triangles, squares and other shapes just all spinning at once and this vibrating sound that kept on getting closer and closer..and then it just suddenly went away.
Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

damn does that make sense..

when I first did dmt it sure felt that i was in limbo for a while..but i didnt experience anything close to your friends..It was like i was in outer space seeing triangles, squares and other shapes just all spinning at once and this vibrating sound that kept on getting closer and closer..and then it just suddenly went away.
The last few pages have been thoroughly thought-provoking... I love the theories on death and the one about Apple.. Really crazy stuff.
The last few pages have been thoroughly thought-provoking... I love the theories on death and the one about Apple.. Really crazy stuff.
The theory about death and DMT was very interesting but that Apple theory is ridiculous.  I'm always open to hearing theories but I hate when I hear theories like that that always theorize any company or individual that's highly successful as having something to do with being demonic or evil.  The i before all of Apple's products have to do with when the first iMac came out, that it showed that it was geared for the Internet and was an internet product.  Since it succeeded so well, they just ran with it and named other products, iBook, iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc.  
And if you really want to know about how the Apple logo came about you can read this interview from the actual designer of the logo

[h1]Interview with Rob Janoff, designer of the Apple logo | creativebits[emoji]8482[/emoji][/h1]
The theory about death and DMT was very interesting but that Apple theory is ridiculous.  I'm always open to hearing theories but I hate when I hear theories like that that always theorize any company or individual that's highly successful as having something to do with being demonic or evil.  The i before all of Apple's products have to do with when the first iMac came out, that it showed that it was geared for the Internet and was an internet product.  Since it succeeded so well, they just ran with it and named other products, iBook, iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc.  
And if you really want to know about how the Apple logo came about you can read this interview from the actual designer of the logo

[h1]Interview with Rob Janoff, designer of the Apple logo | creativebits[emoji]8482[/emoji][/h1]
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

damn does that make sense..

when I first did dmt it sure felt that i was in limbo for a while..but i didnt experience anything close to your friends..It was like i was in outer space seeing triangles, squares and other shapes just all spinning at once and this vibrating sound that kept on getting closer and closer..and then it just suddenly went away.
Very interesting.
Did some research (via Wikipedia)


DMT crystal at 400x magnification.

Several speculative and yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT is produced in the human brain and is involved in certainpsychological and neurological states. DMT is naturally occurring in small amounts in rat brain, human cerebrospinal fluid, and other tissues of humans and other mammals. It may play a role in mediating the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences, religious visions and other mystical states.[sup][96][/sup] A biochemical mechanism for this was proposed by the medical researcher J. C. Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena: brain DMT levels would be periodically elevated to induce visual dreaming and possibly other natural states of mind.[sup][97][/sup] However, these theories are unlikely as DMT has never been found in the human brain. A new hypothesis proposed is that in addition to being involved in altered states of consciousness, endogenous DMT may be involved in the creation of normal waking states of consciousness. It is proposed that DMT and other endogenous hallucinogens mediate their neurological abilities by acting as neurotransmitters at a sub class of the trace amine receptors; a group of receptors found in the CNSwhere DMT and other hallucinogens have been shown to have activity. Wallach further proposes that in this way waking consciousness can be thought of as a controlled psychedelic experience. It is when the control of these systems becomes loosened and their behavior no longer correlates with the external world that the altered states arise.[sup][81][/sup]

Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting DMT research in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the controversial hypothesis that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases. Several subjects also reported contact with 'other beings', alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments[sup][11][/sup] where the subjects were 'carried', 'probed', 'tested', 'manipulated', 'dismembered', 'taught', 'loved' and even 'raped' by these 'beings' (one could note the strong similarities of these bodily tests/invasions in other psychedelic experiences throughout time, outlined in Graham Hancock's "Supernatural"[sup][98][/sup]). Basing his reasoning on the unreferenced and unsupported statement that all the enzymatic material needed to produce DMT is found in the pineal gland (see evidence in mammals), and moreover in substantially greater concentrations than in any other part of the body, Strassman (,[sup][11][/sup] p. 69) has speculated that DMT is made in the pineal gland. Currently there is no published reliable scientific evidence supporting this hypothesis and as such, it is merely a hypothesis.

In the 1950s, the endogenous production of psychoactive agents was considered to be a potential explanation for the hallucinatory symptoms of some psychiatric diseases as thetransmethylation hypothesis[sup][99][/sup] (see also adrenochrome), though this hypothesis does not account for the natural presence of endogenous DMT in otherwise normal humans, rats and other laboratory animals.

Writers on DMT include Terence McKennaJeremy Narby and Graham Hancock. In his writings and speeches, Terence McKenna recounts encounters with entities he sometimes describes as "Self-Transforming Machine Elves" among other phrases. McKenna believed DMT to be a tool that could be used to enhance communication and allow for communication with other-worldly entities. Other users report visitation from external intelligences attempting to impart information.
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

damn does that make sense..

when I first did dmt it sure felt that i was in limbo for a while..but i didnt experience anything close to your friends..It was like i was in outer space seeing triangles, squares and other shapes just all spinning at once and this vibrating sound that kept on getting closer and closer..and then it just suddenly went away.
Very interesting.
Did some research (via Wikipedia)


DMT crystal at 400x magnification.

Several speculative and yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT is produced in the human brain and is involved in certainpsychological and neurological states. DMT is naturally occurring in small amounts in rat brain, human cerebrospinal fluid, and other tissues of humans and other mammals. It may play a role in mediating the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences, religious visions and other mystical states.[sup][96][/sup] A biochemical mechanism for this was proposed by the medical researcher J. C. Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena: brain DMT levels would be periodically elevated to induce visual dreaming and possibly other natural states of mind.[sup][97][/sup] However, these theories are unlikely as DMT has never been found in the human brain. A new hypothesis proposed is that in addition to being involved in altered states of consciousness, endogenous DMT may be involved in the creation of normal waking states of consciousness. It is proposed that DMT and other endogenous hallucinogens mediate their neurological abilities by acting as neurotransmitters at a sub class of the trace amine receptors; a group of receptors found in the CNSwhere DMT and other hallucinogens have been shown to have activity. Wallach further proposes that in this way waking consciousness can be thought of as a controlled psychedelic experience. It is when the control of these systems becomes loosened and their behavior no longer correlates with the external world that the altered states arise.[sup][81][/sup]

Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting DMT research in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the controversial hypothesis that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases. Several subjects also reported contact with 'other beings', alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments[sup][11][/sup] where the subjects were 'carried', 'probed', 'tested', 'manipulated', 'dismembered', 'taught', 'loved' and even 'raped' by these 'beings' (one could note the strong similarities of these bodily tests/invasions in other psychedelic experiences throughout time, outlined in Graham Hancock's "Supernatural"[sup][98][/sup]). Basing his reasoning on the unreferenced and unsupported statement that all the enzymatic material needed to produce DMT is found in the pineal gland (see evidence in mammals), and moreover in substantially greater concentrations than in any other part of the body, Strassman (,[sup][11][/sup] p. 69) has speculated that DMT is made in the pineal gland. Currently there is no published reliable scientific evidence supporting this hypothesis and as such, it is merely a hypothesis.

In the 1950s, the endogenous production of psychoactive agents was considered to be a potential explanation for the hallucinatory symptoms of some psychiatric diseases as thetransmethylation hypothesis[sup][99][/sup] (see also adrenochrome), though this hypothesis does not account for the natural presence of endogenous DMT in otherwise normal humans, rats and other laboratory animals.

Writers on DMT include Terence McKennaJeremy Narby and Graham Hancock. In his writings and speeches, Terence McKenna recounts encounters with entities he sometimes describes as "Self-Transforming Machine Elves" among other phrases. McKenna believed DMT to be a tool that could be used to enhance communication and allow for communication with other-worldly entities. Other users report visitation from external intelligences attempting to impart information.
Originally Posted by Jay02

^ Not that I have read. I usually just read randomly out of curiosity because its so god damn interesting but i'll check it out. Maybe there is something but like I said the reason im afraid of doing it because I feel that if im afraid of having a bad trip i'll end up having one. I feel you really gotta be mentally prepared or have tripped out on something else that isnt as powerful first. Not just go from smoking weed right to DMT lol.

i went from not smoking anything to hitting a bowl of some dmt with some herbal stuff, it hits harder using that stuff than with bud..excatly after i took the 2nd hit, i was gone into space..jus go ahead and get you some..if its a bad trip then %#$* it, but if its a good trip then i guarantee you gonna be wanting to try it again.
Originally Posted by Jay02

^ Not that I have read. I usually just read randomly out of curiosity because its so god damn interesting but i'll check it out. Maybe there is something but like I said the reason im afraid of doing it because I feel that if im afraid of having a bad trip i'll end up having one. I feel you really gotta be mentally prepared or have tripped out on something else that isnt as powerful first. Not just go from smoking weed right to DMT lol.

i went from not smoking anything to hitting a bowl of some dmt with some herbal stuff, it hits harder using that stuff than with bud..excatly after i took the 2nd hit, i was gone into space..jus go ahead and get you some..if its a bad trip then %#$* it, but if its a good trip then i guarantee you gonna be wanting to try it again.
Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

You ever watched the movie "Enter The Void"? Its kind of related, really trippy movie.
Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

You ever watched the movie "Enter The Void"? Its kind of related, really trippy movie.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

US didn't land on the moon..

Where the stars?
Wind is blowing the flag?
They were playing golf?
Do you realize how many people in our government would have to be involved in the cover up and keep their mouths shuts for over forty years if we didn't go to the moon? And if we faked it why would fake it five more times? And why would the Soviets let us get away with that and never say anything?

New world order bro do some research
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

US didn't land on the moon..

Where the stars?
Wind is blowing the flag?
They were playing golf?
Do you realize how many people in our government would have to be involved in the cover up and keep their mouths shuts for over forty years if we didn't go to the moon? And if we faked it why would fake it five more times? And why would the Soviets let us get away with that and never say anything?

New world order bro do some research
You DMT heads should remember this and only this...


So try as you might to want to make these connections, no matter how interesting they sound, you can't start leap-frogging these assumptions until you are ready to actually establish some basis of FACT at some point or another. If we don't do this then you all just start going down the wormhole of speculation and you start to believe every and anything merely because you simply think it.

Validation is everything.
You DMT heads should remember this and only this...


So try as you might to want to make these connections, no matter how interesting they sound, you can't start leap-frogging these assumptions until you are ready to actually establish some basis of FACT at some point or another. If we don't do this then you all just start going down the wormhole of speculation and you start to believe every and anything merely because you simply think it.

Validation is everything.
You're saying his theory is completely speculation? There are facts in there. You sound like a religion basher type of guy
You're saying his theory is completely speculation? There are facts in there. You sound like a religion basher type of guy
Originally Posted by StonedFace

You're saying his theory is completely speculation? There are facts in there. You sound like a religion basher type of guy

The fact that DMT exists doesn't link it to the THEORIES of death and the afterlife.
Connecting it to some sort of "realm" of other "existence" is taking things a little too far.

Affecting HOW YOU FEEL doesn't change the reality of where you actually are or what you're doing.

If I can give you a chemical to change your psychoactive state, its merely a result of chemistry on your brain...your existence to an observer doesn't change however. Its like watching someone get high. They feel super different but to you they're just tripping out but they're still all there. 

and yeah, I don't take kindly to religion or any thing that isn't steeped in evidence. Because without it, anything can be asserted and NEVER be wrong. That is to say, I can say spiderman exists because of my "theory" and it never be wrong simply because I "believe" it to be true. 
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