Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by Jay02

Whats funny is that when I was watching that Osama mission with my buddies. We were 
 and just talking about Obama, and my buddy said wouldnt that be some %$!* if Obama was a spy. I was gonna say that on my originial post but I figured i would get bashed more than I already would. Funny that your article brought that up.

Interesting read. Im telling everybody, this man shouldnt be trusted. People are being blinded by politics.

umm..... sort of too late.... He's the president of your country....
Definitely agree on the college thing. In fact, I am in the process of writing a 10 page paper on the subject in one of my classes.............LOL
Definitely agree on the college thing. In fact, I am in the process of writing a 10 page paper on the subject in one of my classes.............LOL
Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

I sometimes feel real casinos in person actually rig table games if they see you win too much and those "player cards" they give you so you can collect points, and get comps is just an easier way for them to track how much you're winning. 

About 3 weeks ago I went to a casino and was playing poker (No Limit Texas Hold Em)....In roughly an hour and a 1/2 I saw AA (Best starting hand in poker by far) get absolutely crushed 3 different times badly.

Not only was it in such a short amount of time but my AA was killed by a royal flush? The odds of that are slim to none. Not to mention, there's a camera over every single table... so fixing these games couldn't be that hard.
Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

I sometimes feel real casinos in person actually rig table games if they see you win too much and those "player cards" they give you so you can collect points, and get comps is just an easier way for them to track how much you're winning. 

About 3 weeks ago I went to a casino and was playing poker (No Limit Texas Hold Em)....In roughly an hour and a 1/2 I saw AA (Best starting hand in poker by far) get absolutely crushed 3 different times badly.

Not only was it in such a short amount of time but my AA was killed by a royal flush? The odds of that are slim to none. Not to mention, there's a camera over every single table... so fixing these games couldn't be that hard.
Originally Posted by Cubinican

Originally Posted by NewEra202

Originally Posted by Cubinican

This thread is nice
I believe the government hides the truth.
Steve Jobs uses the iphone 8
College is a huge waste of time and money and Im a college graduate.
The bible is a book of theories. I believe in God but not the bible.

first college graduate i've witnessed saying this
please tell me you are referring to CC..
I graduated from UNLV majoring in kinesiology. Many of the things I learned I could have just gone to the library and picked up a book. I will make the
exception and say lab was a class that did not waste time. Going to college is supposed to be the ticket to the good life. Going to college is supposed to bring in so much
money. The problem is many students have to go back home to mom and dad after they graduate. Many are taught take out a loan go to college, when you graduate you will have
a great paying job that will take care of that loan for you, no problem. Many people struggle to find a job and some have low level desk jobs they could have gotten after HS
also these students are now in debt. We always hear go to college, but college isnt for everybody. Statistics show that students who graduate in the bottom 35% of HS do not graduate
from college. Colleges know this and still target these students for their money. We all know college is a business. College is a good thing for students that are smart enough and have the grades for professional jobs.If you want to be a lawyer or doctor yea you NEED college. For others its often smarter to go to a technical school or become an apprentice for a business. You will be well trained and more employable. Vocational school is great for many. Plumbers and electricians make around 45k a year and that's more than the average American. These students
graduate without loans from school. What people need to learn is that you don't have to have a four year degree to become successful. Do I regret going to college? No I loved it and
I was lucky to have a scholarship but still college is not for everybody.

Great post.
College definitely teaches you a ton when you fully apply yourself, but the problem is....if you could barely focus in HS, going for 6+ hrs a day maybe having a job/playing sports on the side after those said hours. There's no way in hell that same person could get away from home entering all the partying, free time, with a fat difference check in the bank account or rich mommy & daddy paying for everything(no motivation for work) and think they're going to apply themselves. It takes true discipline to successfully make it/get your money's worth. 

Getting your money's worth is not cramming and pulling an all nighter to pull off that B or C on the exam either.
Originally Posted by Cubinican

Originally Posted by NewEra202

Originally Posted by Cubinican

This thread is nice
I believe the government hides the truth.
Steve Jobs uses the iphone 8
College is a huge waste of time and money and Im a college graduate.
The bible is a book of theories. I believe in God but not the bible.

first college graduate i've witnessed saying this
please tell me you are referring to CC..
I graduated from UNLV majoring in kinesiology. Many of the things I learned I could have just gone to the library and picked up a book. I will make the
exception and say lab was a class that did not waste time. Going to college is supposed to be the ticket to the good life. Going to college is supposed to bring in so much
money. The problem is many students have to go back home to mom and dad after they graduate. Many are taught take out a loan go to college, when you graduate you will have
a great paying job that will take care of that loan for you, no problem. Many people struggle to find a job and some have low level desk jobs they could have gotten after HS
also these students are now in debt. We always hear go to college, but college isnt for everybody. Statistics show that students who graduate in the bottom 35% of HS do not graduate
from college. Colleges know this and still target these students for their money. We all know college is a business. College is a good thing for students that are smart enough and have the grades for professional jobs.If you want to be a lawyer or doctor yea you NEED college. For others its often smarter to go to a technical school or become an apprentice for a business. You will be well trained and more employable. Vocational school is great for many. Plumbers and electricians make around 45k a year and that's more than the average American. These students
graduate without loans from school. What people need to learn is that you don't have to have a four year degree to become successful. Do I regret going to college? No I loved it and
I was lucky to have a scholarship but still college is not for everybody.

Great post.
College definitely teaches you a ton when you fully apply yourself, but the problem is....if you could barely focus in HS, going for 6+ hrs a day maybe having a job/playing sports on the side after those said hours. There's no way in hell that same person could get away from home entering all the partying, free time, with a fat difference check in the bank account or rich mommy & daddy paying for everything(no motivation for work) and think they're going to apply themselves. It takes true discipline to successfully make it/get your money's worth. 

Getting your money's worth is not cramming and pulling an all nighter to pull off that B or C on the exam either.
Science can become its own religion though. Look at guys like Sigmund Freud, a lot of people call his stuff junk, but if they actually took the time to read his original texts they would realize that this guy was a lot more empirical than what Modern Psychology/Psychiatry has been lately. On the same note though, his ideas of the Unconscious and distaste for religion ultimately became his own system of beliefs. Atheism is a religion...its a system of beliefs about not believing in an all the "omni" words God.

Science also owes almost all of its entirety to Religion and especially Protestant Christianity. I won't use the example of Pascal's Wager as its over exploited. Sir Isaac Newton, however, the founder of modern day Physics and arguably Calculus was a religious fanatic. Newton wrote twice as much about Theology then he did about Physics and Calculus combined. He also predicted that Christ would not return before the year 2060.

I say this not to urk anyone's feelings but you really have to see your argument from every side. Science doesn't exist to disprove Religion and vice versa.
Without "Life" there is no "Death". Love begets hate. Disbelief begets belief. So if there is an Oprah who is the Anti-Christ then Christ must surely exist.
Science can become its own religion though. Look at guys like Sigmund Freud, a lot of people call his stuff junk, but if they actually took the time to read his original texts they would realize that this guy was a lot more empirical than what Modern Psychology/Psychiatry has been lately. On the same note though, his ideas of the Unconscious and distaste for religion ultimately became his own system of beliefs. Atheism is a religion...its a system of beliefs about not believing in an all the "omni" words God.

Science also owes almost all of its entirety to Religion and especially Protestant Christianity. I won't use the example of Pascal's Wager as its over exploited. Sir Isaac Newton, however, the founder of modern day Physics and arguably Calculus was a religious fanatic. Newton wrote twice as much about Theology then he did about Physics and Calculus combined. He also predicted that Christ would not return before the year 2060.

I say this not to urk anyone's feelings but you really have to see your argument from every side. Science doesn't exist to disprove Religion and vice versa.
Without "Life" there is no "Death". Love begets hate. Disbelief begets belief. So if there is an Oprah who is the Anti-Christ then Christ must surely exist.
Originally Posted by Kezziny

The only people who think Atheism is a religion, are religious people. Projecting their own views onto others.

And I treat science like most religious people treat science, the only exception is I'm "consistent" about it. I ask for evidence when it isn't sufficient. Religious people do the same but draw the line at their own religion.
Originally Posted by Kezziny

The only people who think Atheism is a religion, are religious people. Projecting their own views onto others.

And I treat science like most religious people treat science, the only exception is I'm "consistent" about it. I ask for evidence when it isn't sufficient. Religious people do the same but draw the line at their own religion.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by Jay02

where are your sources for all the info you gave?
regarding his gpa at occidental

and the company that is a CIA front.
From wikipedia:

Business International Corporation (BI) was a publishing and advisory firm dedicated to assisting American companies in operating abroad.  BI has been known to be used as a CIA front company.

The company has been identified as cover organization for the Central Intelligence Agency, e.g. see Lobster Magazine, issue 14 in 1987. According to a lengthy article in the New York Times in 1977, the co-founder of the company told the newspaper that "Eldridge Haynes [the other founder] had provided cover for four CIA employees in various countries between 1955 and 1960".[sup][6][/sup]
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by Jay02

where are your sources for all the info you gave?
regarding his gpa at occidental

and the company that is a CIA front.
From wikipedia:

Business International Corporation (BI) was a publishing and advisory firm dedicated to assisting American companies in operating abroad.  BI has been known to be used as a CIA front company.

The company has been identified as cover organization for the Central Intelligence Agency, e.g. see Lobster Magazine, issue 14 in 1987. According to a lengthy article in the New York Times in 1977, the co-founder of the company told the newspaper that "Eldridge Haynes [the other founder] had provided cover for four CIA employees in various countries between 1955 and 1960".[sup][6][/sup]
I think the government killed JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Tupac and Biggie.

Women are the biggest motivator of all men.

This is the best thread on NT.
I think the government killed JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Tupac and Biggie.

Women are the biggest motivator of all men.

This is the best thread on NT.
Originally Posted by Cubinican

This thread is nice
I believe the government hides the truth.
Steve Jobs uses the iphone 8

College is a huge waste of time and money and Im a college graduate.
The bible is a book of theories. I believe in God but not the bible.
 prolli im a firm believer in all of this pretty much lol
jobs is the pimp and all the users are the harlots as far as iphones are concerned...pretty much anything apple lol

im about to be a junior in college. and i already see that its a waste. its all for a piece of paper that tells companies you spent thousands of dollars to sit at a university for a few years and that you forgot what you learned but they're gonna teach you what you need to know for their company.

its been mentioned before but the govt does keep us in this education cycle which puts us in debt and this that and the third.
Originally Posted by Cubinican

This thread is nice
I believe the government hides the truth.
Steve Jobs uses the iphone 8

College is a huge waste of time and money and Im a college graduate.
The bible is a book of theories. I believe in God but not the bible.
 prolli im a firm believer in all of this pretty much lol
jobs is the pimp and all the users are the harlots as far as iphones are concerned...pretty much anything apple lol

im about to be a junior in college. and i already see that its a waste. its all for a piece of paper that tells companies you spent thousands of dollars to sit at a university for a few years and that you forgot what you learned but they're gonna teach you what you need to know for their company.

its been mentioned before but the govt does keep us in this education cycle which puts us in debt and this that and the third.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Kezziny

The only people who think Atheism is a religion, are religious people. Projecting their own views onto others.

And I treat science like most religious people treat science, the only exception is I'm "consistent" about it. I ask for evidence when it isn't sufficient. Religious people do the same but draw the line at their own religion.

Difficult to do when someone believes in something that is faith based.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Kezziny

The only people who think Atheism is a religion, are religious people. Projecting their own views onto others.

And I treat science like most religious people treat science, the only exception is I'm "consistent" about it. I ask for evidence when it isn't sufficient. Religious people do the same but draw the line at their own religion.

Difficult to do when someone believes in something that is faith based.
black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,
white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy
black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,
white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy
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