Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by imthekang

Originally Posted by taymane23

cancerous agents are intentially put into the fast food

i believed this for years......

will put more later..

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
           Please, continue...



The God in the judeochristian scriptures, and Gods in general are extremely bipolar....which is expected seeing how they are essentially manifestations of human characteristics. God was created in our image, not the other way around.
   "God is just as evil, as he is good"...       I dont believe he's just as evil, but rather, being the author of all things good and evil he's able to warn us about the consequences of sin first hand because he created/allowed it to exist. That doesn't mean that evil is part of God's physical being though... If a landlord notices that the staircase he built has a loose step in it and warns the tenants to use the alternate staircase in the back because they will surely slip on the loose one, but the tenants use the faulty staircase anyway because it's closer to their vehicles and break their necks... who is responsible? God punishes evil, so does he punish himself? Of course not. He's not bi-polar, he actually warns us! He allows the opposite to exist so that obedience would be a rewarded choice. When you incorporate Evil into God's character you subliminally provide justification for disobedience and rebellion, which will only lead to broken necks. Swag.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

I don't believe christianity's portrayal of Lucifer is accurate. I persoanlly feel if "God" is omnipotent, then Lucifer was asked to rebel as to allow religion to perptuate the struggle of good and evil, right and wrong. With this a face or scapegoat if you will, is given for people to actually emobody what "evil is and associated with.

In my honest opinion, God asking Lucifer to "betray" him and rise up was simply a devoted angel following his master's orders. In essence, God is just as evil as he is good basically embodying both sides.

In this respect Lucifer is not as guilty as he is actually portrayed.
           Please, continue...



The God in the judeochristian scriptures, and Gods in general are extremely bipolar....which is expected seeing how they are essentially manifestations of human characteristics. God was created in our image, not the other way around.
   "God is just as evil, as he is good"...       I dont believe he's just as evil, but rather, being the author of all things good and evil he's able to warn us about the consequences of sin first hand because he created/allowed it to exist. That doesn't mean that evil is part of God's physical being though... If a landlord notices that the staircase he built has a loose step in it and warns the tenants to use the alternate staircase in the back because they will surely slip on the loose one, but the tenants use the faulty staircase anyway because it's closer to their vehicles and break their necks... who is responsible? God punishes evil, so does he punish himself? Of course not. He's not bi-polar, he actually warns us! He allows the opposite to exist so that obedience would be a rewarded choice. When you incorporate Evil into God's character you subliminally provide justification for disobedience and rebellion, which will only lead to broken necks. Swag.
Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Ikaman

           Please, continue...



The God in the judeochristian scriptures, and Gods in general are extremely bipolar....which is expected seeing how they are essentially manifestations of human characteristics. God was created in our image, not the other way around.
   "God is just as evil, as he is good"...       I dont believe he's just as evil, but rather, being the author of all things good and evil he's able to warn us about the consequences of sin first hand because he created/allowed it to exist. That doesn't mean that evil is part of God's physical being though... If a landlord notices that the staircase he built has a loose step in it and warns the tenants to use the alternate staircase in the back because they will surely slip on the loose one, but the tenants use the faulty staircase anyway because it's closer to their vehicles and break their necks... who is responsible? God punishes evil, so does he punish himself? Of course not. He's not bi-polar, he actually warns us! He allows the opposite to exist so that obedience would be a rewarded choice. When you incorporate Evil into God's character you subliminally provide justification for disobedience and rebellion, which will only lead to broken necks. Swag.

Yea I'm sure innocent children, and animals who died at the hands of his/her wrath deserved it. God is literally a 4 year old child with a magnifying glass and we are ants. And I love how God never seems to punish people who actually deserve it...dude's AIM is way off. Of course God doesn't punish himself for "evil", he is above that.

God and the devil are one in the same. God is playing childish games at humanity's expense.
Originally Posted by Ikaman

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Ikaman

           Please, continue...



The God in the judeochristian scriptures, and Gods in general are extremely bipolar....which is expected seeing how they are essentially manifestations of human characteristics. God was created in our image, not the other way around.
   "God is just as evil, as he is good"...       I dont believe he's just as evil, but rather, being the author of all things good and evil he's able to warn us about the consequences of sin first hand because he created/allowed it to exist. That doesn't mean that evil is part of God's physical being though... If a landlord notices that the staircase he built has a loose step in it and warns the tenants to use the alternate staircase in the back because they will surely slip on the loose one, but the tenants use the faulty staircase anyway because it's closer to their vehicles and break their necks... who is responsible? God punishes evil, so does he punish himself? Of course not. He's not bi-polar, he actually warns us! He allows the opposite to exist so that obedience would be a rewarded choice. When you incorporate Evil into God's character you subliminally provide justification for disobedience and rebellion, which will only lead to broken necks. Swag.

Yea I'm sure innocent children, and animals who died at the hands of his/her wrath deserved it. God is literally a 4 year old child with a magnifying glass and we are ants. And I love how God never seems to punish people who actually deserve it...dude's AIM is way off. Of course God doesn't punish himself for "evil", he is above that.

God and the devil are one in the same. God is playing childish games at humanity's expense.
Originally Posted by Maelstroom

Media is afraid of Ron Paul.

A cure for cancer has been created but corportations do not want to give it away.

And google "Tim Osman"
he had his whole "name" and everything.
Originally Posted by Maelstroom

Media is afraid of Ron Paul.

A cure for cancer has been created but corportations do not want to give it away.

And google "Tim Osman"
he had his whole "name" and everything.
Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

Originally Posted by scshift

-The government is working with private universities and examination administrators like college board to push kids into the endless cycle of "education". They reap millions in dollars while kids go through the same motions under the pretense that they are "learning" and will have a better life.
I agree, what better way to put someone in debt. The whole  idea of paying  45k for education at a university that has endowment funds for well over 1 billion dollars  
. Really makes me laugh
wait, sorry I didn't get this one. Can you explain a bit more about the 1 billion dollars.
Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

Originally Posted by scshift

-The government is working with private universities and examination administrators like college board to push kids into the endless cycle of "education". They reap millions in dollars while kids go through the same motions under the pretense that they are "learning" and will have a better life.
I agree, what better way to put someone in debt. The whole  idea of paying  45k for education at a university that has endowment funds for well over 1 billion dollars  
. Really makes me laugh
wait, sorry I didn't get this one. Can you explain a bit more about the 1 billion dollars.
The aliens have been here longer than us, matter of fact they created us through dna transformation. I believe when it comes to God, there is only one God who's stories have been told and rendered as the centuries passed. The secret is the truth, the world will end when enough people believe the idea. It's also Flown Over Everything.
The aliens have been here longer than us, matter of fact they created us through dna transformation. I believe when it comes to God, there is only one God who's stories have been told and rendered as the centuries passed. The secret is the truth, the world will end when enough people believe the idea. It's also Flown Over Everything.
-Carbon dating is a faulty process because not all things are considered.
-Science is a growing body of knowledge; not the final authority on anything and we hurt ourselves by using science as 3rd party system rather than placing ourselves in our relation to all things as the focal point of our study.

-The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

-Some aliens are cloned genetic human experiments hence why people argue over the resemblance to certain races. Some aliens probably have humanoid form but may be different colors from the other end of the spectrum like blue,green, purple and I think there are planes of existence that are beyond color and are clear. Like an expansive reflection of a reflection of mirrors or smooth water and things are operating at such a high frequency there that things don't appear to have the time to even materialize and become visible.

-Religion is like having a substitute teacher while your homeroom teacher is gone on pregnancy leave. With homework that's really busywork.

-Spirituality ≠ Religion

-Chivalry is dead

-I can't believe a 2012 movie was made. Nobody thought it was tasteless either. 

- I don't agree with the military on a lot of things, but it behooves me as to why veterans can't get decent care when they come home. I mean come on, these guys would and have taken bullets for the country and they come back home and haggle around just to be treated. these guys and ladies should be treated to free everything when they get back home for what they go through and do.

-The world is too busy changing while people are trying their best to stay the same.

-I think writing and recording of history is an indication of knowledge falling, not rising and far too often archaeologist claim sights they find to be pinnacles of intellectualism when they could have been made to serve to the purpose as a time marker of an age, not the actual remnant.

- Sarah Palin is making the us really seem like a joke. plus she's virtually using a reality tv show as a presidential campaign. That's just what the arena of politics has become, reality tv with the constant breaking news headlines, info/news babes, sex scandals.

-The universe is the mind of the creator. While we are in it we are wishing to be born larger body, or kingdom in the heavens and not to be virtually confined to a planet which in the grand scheme of the scale of the universe appears to be nothing more than a tiny electron orbiting the star if a single atom amongst an uncountable number of atoms. I think we are on this planet harvesting like seeds. some of us bare fruit, while others die to repeat and hopefully finish the full growth cycle. kinda like the pheonix metaphor  or the reincarnation tree in hindu faith
-Carbon dating is a faulty process because not all things are considered.
-Science is a growing body of knowledge; not the final authority on anything and we hurt ourselves by using science as 3rd party system rather than placing ourselves in our relation to all things as the focal point of our study.

-The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

-Some aliens are cloned genetic human experiments hence why people argue over the resemblance to certain races. Some aliens probably have humanoid form but may be different colors from the other end of the spectrum like blue,green, purple and I think there are planes of existence that are beyond color and are clear. Like an expansive reflection of a reflection of mirrors or smooth water and things are operating at such a high frequency there that things don't appear to have the time to even materialize and become visible.

-Religion is like having a substitute teacher while your homeroom teacher is gone on pregnancy leave. With homework that's really busywork.

-Spirituality ≠ Religion

-Chivalry is dead

-I can't believe a 2012 movie was made. Nobody thought it was tasteless either. 

- I don't agree with the military on a lot of things, but it behooves me as to why veterans can't get decent care when they come home. I mean come on, these guys would and have taken bullets for the country and they come back home and haggle around just to be treated. these guys and ladies should be treated to free everything when they get back home for what they go through and do.

-The world is too busy changing while people are trying their best to stay the same.

-I think writing and recording of history is an indication of knowledge falling, not rising and far too often archaeologist claim sights they find to be pinnacles of intellectualism when they could have been made to serve to the purpose as a time marker of an age, not the actual remnant.

- Sarah Palin is making the us really seem like a joke. plus she's virtually using a reality tv show as a presidential campaign. That's just what the arena of politics has become, reality tv with the constant breaking news headlines, info/news babes, sex scandals.

-The universe is the mind of the creator. While we are in it we are wishing to be born larger body, or kingdom in the heavens and not to be virtually confined to a planet which in the grand scheme of the scale of the universe appears to be nothing more than a tiny electron orbiting the star if a single atom amongst an uncountable number of atoms. I think we are on this planet harvesting like seeds. some of us bare fruit, while others die to repeat and hopefully finish the full growth cycle. kinda like the pheonix metaphor  or the reincarnation tree in hindu faith
Originally Posted by Jay02

Obama just sketch's me out. I dont know what but there is something about him we dont know, in a bad way.

Why is his first name one letter away from the biggest terrorist in the world who we just killed. Why is his middle name the same last name as the dictating genocidal Iraqi leader that was just executed. The two most important people we just killed were Muslim. Why is Obama Muslim. We are at war with muslim extremisists. Why was the excuse to vote for a muslim president that he is black. Obama is not black. I dont care what you say. Why did it take 3 years for him to prove he was from America. Why didnt he have to show his birth certificate when he was RUNNING for President like everyone else. Why did Obamas, oops I mean Osamas body get dropped into the Ocean where it could never, ever, ever be seen again. O cause its Muslim tradition? Lol wut.

For the record all these, thoughts of mine came up when I was watching the "Killing Osama Mission" on the Discovery channel the other night. Why did the story not add up. Why did Osama go TO the bullets and not away from them. Why was most of the show just talking about how good Obama is. Why are we being brainwashed that he has the most swag, when he's the sketchiest.

I dont trust this man.
Donald Trump is on NT

Maximus Meridius wrote:
I think the government killed JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Tupac and Biggie.

Women are the biggest motivator of all men.

This is the best thread on NT. 

but why would they kill pac and big?

My theories now:

I feel I am Legend is a documentary from the future, about me.
Originally Posted by Jay02

Obama just sketch's me out. I dont know what but there is something about him we dont know, in a bad way.

Why is his first name one letter away from the biggest terrorist in the world who we just killed. Why is his middle name the same last name as the dictating genocidal Iraqi leader that was just executed. The two most important people we just killed were Muslim. Why is Obama Muslim. We are at war with muslim extremisists. Why was the excuse to vote for a muslim president that he is black. Obama is not black. I dont care what you say. Why did it take 3 years for him to prove he was from America. Why didnt he have to show his birth certificate when he was RUNNING for President like everyone else. Why did Obamas, oops I mean Osamas body get dropped into the Ocean where it could never, ever, ever be seen again. O cause its Muslim tradition? Lol wut.

For the record all these, thoughts of mine came up when I was watching the "Killing Osama Mission" on the Discovery channel the other night. Why did the story not add up. Why did Osama go TO the bullets and not away from them. Why was most of the show just talking about how good Obama is. Why are we being brainwashed that he has the most swag, when he's the sketchiest.

I dont trust this man.
Donald Trump is on NT

Maximus Meridius wrote:
I think the government killed JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Tupac and Biggie.

Women are the biggest motivator of all men.

This is the best thread on NT. 

but why would they kill pac and big?

My theories now:

I feel I am Legend is a documentary from the future, about me.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,

white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

Do you really walk around, living life thinking this??


assuming you're religious, you mean to tell me that a man died, rose 3 days later, and ascended to a cloud in the sky....and this sounds odd to you?
assuming you're not religious, you mean to tell me that what we are today came from a cell in a droplet of water that might've fallen from an asteroid in outer space that to this day is probably still floating in space due to its infinite boundaries...and this sounds odd to you?

there is no denying that there are differences in people of lighter and people of darker skin. a theory is just a theory.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

black people are the original inhabitants of this earth,

white and asian people are direct descendents of separate alien races, planted here a couple thousand years ago

call me crazy

so would that make whites and asians "superior"?

And I'm playing devil's advocate cause "Races" of men don't exist but what about South American, Native American races etc?

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

Do you really walk around, living life thinking this??


assuming you're religious, you mean to tell me that a man died, rose 3 days later, and ascended to a cloud in the sky....and this sounds odd to you?
assuming you're not religious, you mean to tell me that what we are today came from a cell in a droplet of water that might've fallen from an asteroid in outer space that to this day is probably still floating in space due to its infinite boundaries...and this sounds odd to you?

there is no denying that there are differences in people of lighter and people of darker skin. a theory is just a theory.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by bns1201

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

Do you really walk around, living life thinking this??


assuming you're religious, you mean to tell me that a man died, rose 3 days later, and ascended to a cloud in the sky....and this sounds odd to you?
assuming you're not religious, you mean to tell me that what we are today came from a cell in a droplet of water that might've fallen from an asteroid in outer space that to this day is probably still floating in space due to its infinite boundaries...and this sounds odd to you?

there is no denying that there are differences in people of lighter and people of darker skin. a theory is just a theory.

LOL you do know there's a VERY simple scientific explanation for differences in skin color that has nothing to do with aliens.
This is almost as bad as people who say black people became the way the are because they are the accursed sons of Ham

[h1]Curse of Ham[/h1]
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Noah damning Ham, 19th century painting by Ivan Stepanovitch Ksenofontov

The Curse of Ham (also called the curse of Canaan) refers to a story in the Book of Genesis 9:20-27 in which Ham's father Noah places a curse upon Ham's son Canaan, after Ham "saw the nakedness of his father," because of Noah's drunkenness in the tent, "and told his two brethren without".

Some Biblical scholars see the story as an early Hebrew rationalization for Israel's conquest and enslavement of the Canaanites, who were presumed to descend from Canaan.[sup][1][/sup]

The "curse of Ham" had been used by some members of Abrahamic religions to justify racism and the enslavement of people of Black African ancestry, who were believed to be descendants of Ham.[sup][2][/sup][sup][3][/sup] They were often called Hamites and were believed to have descended through Canaan or his older brothers. Proponents of slavery in the United States increasingly invoked the "curse of Ham" in the US during the 19th century, as a response to the growing abolitionist movement.[sup][4][/sup]
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