Post your TATS vol. inked for life

IMO i see no point of tipping cuz they gonna get all of the money that you pay for the piece

the guy i go to has done all 3 of my tats and i had never tipped him, he owns his own shop and its just him doing the tats so all the profit goes to him
Favorite movie so this is
even if it aint the highest quality

this is Pete Wentz's sleeve
Originally Posted by 23legacy45

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by play2much2004

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Just got my first tat done on Sat. I'll be returning on Wed. for another...

I been wanting this since 2005. Turned out pretty well.

It reads "Who Better Than TeAllen" (which is my first name)

We're comparing the font compared to other fonts, not to mention the horrible shading. Look how yours looks "unprofessional". You should find another artist
^I can appreciate this statement. Is it too late to do anything about the shading? Is it too late to do anything at all to help? I'm salty cuz I have an appointment with him in an hour LOL! I'm gonna try and go to the other dude in the shop...

Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Wellhere's the thing, I've got NOTHING to compare it to because I've neverseen a tattoo similar. If I would've had a crappy looking lion, Icould've said "My lion doesn't look as good as such and such's lion."However, no one has anything like this so I got nothing to compare itto. This is what I envisioned in my cranium and I am honestly satisfiedwith it. If it can be executed better then by all means give me sometips on what could be added to it to make it look better. We left itunfinished so I can tie it into my next tattoo and in case I wanted toadd more. Any tips?
I don't usually shout out myopinion when tattoos are bad, but your artist's concept of letterstructure is awful. Actually, I can't say that it's awful, becausethere isn't any. Hunt down a tattoo artist that's either wellexperienced or is a graffiti writer. God knows there's enough of themout there. I'd dare to say that a fair majority of them are or used tobe, actually.

Or someone with enough sense to realize that theirletters look like *%%% and that they don't want their work to berepresented that way so they choose to do it on a computer instead.

EDIT:5 years from now all your letters (primarily your Ts) are going toblend together, so at least in a couple of years it can just be a bigquestion mark?
For what it's worth, I'm no artist or anything but when he told me the price I got a pencil and paper and quickly sketched out my idea (which was much worse then this) and told him to make it close to what I had drew but make it better. So maybe he followed orders too good? Like I said, I got nothing to compare it too. Ya'll got me salty now LOL!

Is there anything I can do to prevent my letters from blending? Perhaps regular touch ups? Anything?

And I appreciate your response as well. Thanks for taking the time out to give me an honest reply instead of roasting me to oblivion
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Just got my first tat done on Sat. I'll be returning on Wed. for another...

I been wanting this since 2005. Turned out pretty well.

It reads "Who Better Than TeAllen" (which is my first name)

is the bottom of the question mark a birthmark?
Originally Posted by mrshadow

IMO i see no point of tipping cuz they gonna get all of the money that you pay for the piece

the guy i go to has done all 3 of my tats and i had never tipped him, he owns his own shop and its just him doing the tats so all the profit goes to him

I always thought it was just customary to do so, kind of like tipping your barber. I wasn't really aware about it at first but when I got into tats, everyone started talking about tipping your tat artist. Sometimes I don't get it since you are paying a pretty penny to get some ink done but I kind of just go with the flow of what everyone else does.


Nick Baxter did a good Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo. He is one of the best color tattoo artists out there.
I am thinking there will be a lot of Alice And Wonderland tattoos as well since that movie has a great look to it.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by mrshadow

IMO i see no point of tipping cuz they gonna get all of the money that you pay for the piece

the guy i go to has done all 3 of my tats and i had never tipped him, he owns his own shop and its just him doing the tats so all the profit goes to him

I always thought it was just customary to do so, kind of like tipping your barber. I wasn't really aware about it at first but when I got into tats, everyone started talking about tipping your tat artist. Sometimes I don't get it since you are paying a pretty penny to get some ink done but I kind of just go with the flow of what everyone else does.


Nick Baxter did a good Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo. He is one of the best color tattoo artists out there.
I am thinking there will be a lot of Alice And Wonderland tattoos as well since that movie has a great look to it.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

What do you guys think of this guy's tats?

He owns one of the 2 local shops I've heard about from friends.

Not the best but I have seen worse. Seems like he has a good handle on asian style tats though. I wouldn't get anything else but that there.

This is good though:

AirForce1King - That's really poor execution even if you thought about it for 5 seconds, let alone 5 years. I am all for being original, but the font used looks like it came off of some 80s toy packaging. And what's with those black blobs? Invest in a printer, scanner, or an art class or two before your next one. This is your skin. It stays with you.
If he likes it that's all that matters. Cats on here need to stop telling people that they made the wrong choice, or "horrible execution". That's like telling someone they made a horrible choice picking a wife or something. Just rude.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

If he likes it that's all that matters. Cats on here need to stop telling people that they made the wrong choice, or "horrible execution". That's like telling someone they made a horrible choice picking a wife or something. Just rude.

I feel the same way! If you like it, that's pretty much all that matters.
Now there's something called freedom of speech.. people can voice their opinions all they want..

but I think we should all play nice ..mmkay?

AF1King do your thing.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Seems like he has a good handle on asian style tats though. I wouldn't get anything else but that there.

Lol, exactly what I was thinking. Appreciate your opinion.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

If he likes it that's all that matters. Cats on here need to stop telling people that they made the wrong choice, or "horrible execution". That's like telling someone they made a horrible choice picking a wife or something. Just rude.

Do you.
But im gonna call a spade, a spade. He posted it, so he obviously wanted people to see it and comment. 

If you want people being nice just to avoid hurt feelings, this isnt the place. Head on over to the Sneaker Art forum if thats what youre looking for. (im not kidding, its crazy over there)
Dude is thanking them for their input, so what are you guys even saying? If you posting a picture of anything it's either to receive input or to show off something you think is worth showing off. 
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays
This is good though:


Wow that's like my dream tattoo. Down to the colors and all. I'm def using that as inspiration for when I get my tat, just gonna have to put the Koi somewhere else. Maybe on my other arm/shoulder.
I should be getting a first tat this weekend. I am going to be getting "Bella" (my daughters name) on my forearm. I have been wanting to get this done for some time but just never gor around to it. But my dad said he would pay for it since he is gonna go in and get one too. I will post pics after i get it.
Originally Posted by duckdafraft

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Just got my first tat done on Sat. I'll be returning on Wed. for another...

I been wanting this since 2005. Turned out pretty well.

It reads "Who Better Than TeAllen" (which is my first name)

is the bottom of the question mark a birthmark?
^Nah. Because I view it from an angle I never noticed it wasn't squared away LOL!

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

If he likes it that's all that matters. Cats on here need to stoptelling people that they made the wrong choice, or "horribleexecution". That's like telling someone they made a horrible choicepicking a wife or something. Just rude.

I feel the same way! If you like it, that's pretty much all that matters.
Now there's something called freedom of speech.. people can voice their opinions all they want..

but I think we should all play nice ..mmkay?

AF1King do your thing.
^Much appreciated

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

If he likes it that's all that matters. Cats on here need to stoptelling people that they made the wrong choice, or "horribleexecution". That's like telling someone they made a horrible choicepicking a wife or something. Just rude.

Do you.
But im gonna call a spade, a spade. He posted it, so he obviously wanted people to see it and comment. 

Ifyou want people being nice just to avoid hurt feelings, this isnt theplace. Head on over to the Sneaker Art forum if thats what yourelooking for. (im not kidding, its crazy over there)
^Nohurt feelings over here guys. I'm a NT vet. I put on my flame suitbefore I post ANY picture of myself. And I appreciate everyone's input.I'm satisfied with it so in the end that's all that matters. However,if anyone has any ideas on what can be done to improve it, by all meansdon't hesitate to say them.

And wait till ya'll see the tat I just got done. It's
. I'll post in 3 days when the swelling goes down...
For the people who have tats, dont you hate when you get a tat that is "expensive" and you show someone, they ask you the price, you tell them the price and they hit you with
. And they usually follow up with, "Man you could have went [insert hole in the wall place] and spent half that money for you tat. Real cheap."


I never understood why people look for "bargains" when it comes to tattoos. Like seriously this is something that will be stuck with  you FOR LIFE. Why the hell would you want to go cheap on something like that? I always reply with, "Yes, I could go to said place. But then that would mean I would recieve, cheap ink, cheap art work, cheap tattoo artists, and all around cheap service."

One of my boys use to complain about tattoo prices. And then he got a cheap tat on his arm and the artwork looks so nasty. He just got it done 3 weeks ago...and dude already scheduled an appointment for a touch up

here is his tat:


This pic actually makes the tat look better, in person its so horrible. Let this be a lesson to you NT'ers who are thinking about getting tattoos. DO NOT GO CHEAP! plain and simple. Cheap gets you @$+% work.

-The Juice
^^^^ did they do the tat with these
you get what you pay for im trying to get a tat soon and when i do im going to shop around and at least check some of there work
i feel what you sayin on that, a friend juss got one and it healed real bad scarred horrible thats what he get for payin 40 bucks

but what the hell is ya homies tatt supposed to be lol
Originally Posted by cjspida619

but what the hell is ya homies tatt supposed to be lol

I have no clue

Dude has been contemplating this tatt for at least 2 years now. I think the images are from 2 of his favorite albums. I dunno. All I know is dude was GASSED when he got it. Rockin a wife beater during the middle of winter.....IN CHICAGO. You couldn't tell dude nothin.

I wish NT could see it in person. It's so horrible.

-The Juice
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