POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Story line as in the only storyline we've had, Angela's team trying to take down Ghost and Lobos.

Power is the show, they can cover an array of topics, yet we're still on the same one as we started with.

And they should have refrained from giving Ghost kids, if they wanted to stay in 2013 for multiple seasons.
That's the only storyline we've had?

OK :lol:
What other storyline has there been?

Ghost losing his club happened, Ghost leaving his wife happened, those weren't storylines, just things surrounding the storyline.

Angela's team trying to bring down Ghost/Lobos, has been the story line.

If somebody who doesn't watch the show asks you what it's about, what are you going to say? :rofl:

Exactly, "Angela's team trying to take down Ghost/Lobos"
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Dude, you sound ridiculous right now.

Show is about a guy who has a family, owns a legit business, is the head of an illegitimate business. And that's only ONE character.

If you only got one storyline out of that, you should probably watch a different show. One that you enjoy that perhaps you'd pay more attention to.
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We obviously see this different. No biggie.

I just hope Lobos dies while being transported, and maybe Greg too, that way we can move on from that mess and on to another part of his life as the general topic
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And why are you defending it so hard?. You sound like this is your project all telling folks to watch something else if they don't watch it the same as you.
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And why are you defending it so hard?. You sound like this is your project all telling folks to watch something else if they don't watch it the same as you.

Pointing out the flaws in your train of thought does not = "defending it hard".

Your last 2 posts though :lol:
^^ different context bruh

And it's not a terrible show. Season 1 and especially 2 set the bar so high.
But we're only midway through Season 3.

Let the **** play out. You liked the first 2. Last ep of the 3rd Season some are saying is the best of the entire series.

With maybe the best scene having nothing to do with Angie, Ghost or Lobos etc.

That's all I'm saying. **** season 4 + 5. Let this **** rock.

I agree they been ODing on the sex scenes though.
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I think I remember reading somewhere that Season 3 is a weird one for some series'.

Because you write out the gate hoping you get 2 seasons. So you're prepared for those.

Then wait to see if you get picked up for another.

I think someone in here mentioned that now that they KNOW they have 2 more years locked in, they can actually lay **** out accordingly.
Why would you even think the current story line would continue for 2 more seasons? :lol:

Do y'all even television?

That's not even a negative opinion. So I'm not sure what you're getting at exactly.

I'm just enjoying the season that we're not even half way through right now. Why would I even be concerned with some **** that might happen 2 years from now? :lol:

Same tired retort Philip.

Most people who "television" start thinking about the next season. Hell, most writers have seasons and seasons under their belt when their shows been picked up.

3 seasons of chasing ghost. They don't even let their character development progress or show us why, for instance, sandovals, on the take.

I like what they're doing with Tasha's character but the same horse and pony show cannot continue for the next 2 seasons.

I don't know how you "television" but look at other shows that failed, I.e., the killing, that tried to stretch 1 murder into 2 seasons.

God forbid I bring up the goat, the wire, and how they developed characters and started and ended storylines within the same season. Or how they weren't renewed for a 6th season and the **** show that became trying to bring it all full circle.

You cats just want to have it one way.

If anyone says they don't want to see Kanan again...here come the emoticons and consigning from people who can't formulate arguments.
I television. I'm not thinking about next season. We are midway through this one.

But thank you for your incredibly refreshing insights to balance out my "tired retort".

"What about next season" really is next level.
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With this show, we definitely need a Christmas/NYE episode for **** to just pop off forreal :lol: Ghost's character can go a lot further if they allow it. Even Tommy's character can go further, as well as Tasha. It would have to be about growth. We need to see Tasha's growth of accepting that Ghost is out of the drug game and start doing her own thing and they're starting to show that w/ how she was doing the books for Tommy.

All in all, I wanna see more growth in Ghost, Tommy, and Tasha. Angela being an AUSA kinda hinders the growth of her character, not like she can become Brian O'Connor :lol:
With this show, we definitely need a Christmas/NYE episode for **** to just pop off forreal :lol: Ghost's character can go a lot further if they allow it. Even Tommy's character can go further, as well as Tasha. It would have to be about growth. We need to see Tasha's growth of accepting that Ghost is out of the drug game and start doing her own thing and they're starting to show that w/ how she was doing the books for Tommy.

All in all, I wanna see more growth in Ghost, Tommy, and Tasha. Angela being an AUSA kinda hinders the growth of her character, not like she can become Brian O'Connor :lol:

Exactly. But dudes get tight if you critique this show.
That's the only storyline we've had?

OK :lol:
What other storyline has there been?

Ghost losing his club happened, Ghost leaving his wife happened, those weren't storylines, just things surrounding the storyline.

Angela's team trying to bring down Ghost/Lobos, has been the story line.

If somebody who doesn't watch the show asks you what it's about, what are you going to say? :rofl:

Exactly, "Angela's team trying to take down Ghost/Lobos"

That's like saying

"The Sopranos is about cops tryna get a mafia boss"

"Breaking Bad is about cops tryna get meth dealers"

That's the main focus but It's way more going on than that. :lol:
I've never heard anyone talk about the next season of a show mid way thru the current ....like whole new storylines and characters can still happen THIS season that can change everything
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