POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

They forgot
Bozo is a complete sociopath, didn’t even blink an eye when he talked about killing his old man :smh:

Showed his Queen no remorse when she told him about being molested as a child

And then left her in the middle of nowhere to walk back home.

Just realize Riq them owe the plug…

But bought that 90k+ Porsche…

Now he has the Lamborghini Truck to go with it 😂.

Dru’s lover killed his pops then let him go hit the Russians, the old grad assistant was still preaching respectability politics while at Lorenzo’s repast 😂, Riq moving just like his pops acting like Lauren wasn’t going to tell it all to the feds.

Russians shooting up the funeral while the cops were there but they didn’t pop
Out when bullets were flying, no one got hit somehow but they got dude shooting out the roof between the eyes. Dru’s lover boy got a gold pistol like a 🌈 Francisco Scaramanga

Effie was like “I got sexually abused as a child”

Riq “Dang that’s crazy, what about Lauren”


Because Power was in full effect this episode not gunna lie.
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Mary j really said she wasn’t going to cry cause man she didn’t even sniffle over Helado Esteban

Effie took Lauren to Sahwah Village. Cain definitely going to scoop Effie off the strength
of a queen sized mattress. Easy money

TA Tevin Campbell so lame.

Drew ran up on the random Russian so easily.

Grandma can’t even say her grandson’s name right.

Yeah hence why they had the photos at the funeral ready to lock D up.

Riq with the love triangle :pimp:

Effie belong to Cane now

TA dude so PIE just ran to go cry in the car.

Crash Out Dru:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Now they beefin with the Russian Mob :smh:

Rented Lambo is crazy..They def trollin us blowing the budget on BS..

big momma talking about him and Ghost could be foreshadowing his future but that would be too easy..I think he gets out at the end and links with his family.
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Nah they just put the camera there after Lauren told them about Caine being on the roof using the lockers.

This wasn’t a BECAUSE POWER situation :lol:

Fair enough. My bad.

So the feds put that visible snitch camera up there on the bricks?

Carver’s tennis ball cam was a better option
Lauren was staying in that house for months, with no internet when she could have just left when she wanted to, yooooooo. :smh:

And why did they have Riq look like that with that face while shorty said she was being molested. Yeah, that's ****** up, so what we eating for dinner, ma? :rofl:

Riq went from a Porsche to a Lambo truck as a intern :rofl:

You need to nut up. :rofl: Cane and Lorenz get co-MVP's every episode

Them talking about their classmates father :ohwell:

The TA's reaction. It's a guy.....:rofl:

Cutting Brayden out and expecting him to keep you as an intern? And Riq kicking them out, and Brayden being upset? Aren't the African's after all of them?

50 employing Puff's other kid?

Now the KeKe chick is dirty?

Nobody noticed the camera just sitting right there in the open before?

Cane is going to start wearing that cheap hunk of metal?

The Russians didn't hit anyone, anyone? All those bullets? Are they blind? And Dru turning John Wick.
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